21 May 2022


Christianity beliefs with the Supernatural

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Most religions have been founded on the belief that there is a supernatural being. In these religions, the belief is that the universe is protected by a supernatural being with greater powers that anyone. Both mixtures of awe and fear arise as a result of this belief. Events described in folk, popular culture and various scientific bodies that their existence is said to beyond normal experience in these contexts is referred to as paranormal events (Bader, Mencken & Baker, 2017). Depending on the religion, everyone has their own way of view on the supernatural. Therefore, this study is focused on identifying how the paranormal view of the God Protestants is shaped by their worship. Therefore the study will take a look at the western protestant Christians and how they conduct their worship in order to answer this question. 

Background information

Throughout the world, there are diverse rituals, rites, traditions idols, and values held by every religion. They have their special ways of conducting things which also guide them on the supernatural occurrences. There is a strong desire in each and every religion to offer explanations to things or situations beyond the norm or occurrences that cannot find explanations through wisdom or some aspects of the daily life is attributed to a higher power. Etiological stories that provide explanations to some natural phenomenon through the physical manifestation of their deity are present in the heart of every religion. These ranges from love winds and thunderstorm, sun and fertility, hence such religions are said to focus on physical world in this life, conversely, others have based their focus on the afterlife (Bader, Mencken & Baker, 2017). There are always special codes meant for the believers to adhere to attain the afterlife hence these moral codes shape the life of the members. 

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There are three things that all religions have in common, they include; a supernatural being that is worshiped; a set of rules to guide the follower through his or her devotion; then a commitment to this being. Today, a lot of people still worship in diverse ways just like in the ancient world. Polytheism nature is the basis of a majority of these religions, additionally, they were etiological type. Particularly the Greco-Roman religion, as it gave rise to extremely creative and artistic period of time, and was the basis for the rich culture. 

Plato, Socrates, Aeschylus and Aristotle were some of the playwright and philosophers in Greece. These men provided ideas to strengthen the moral character of their culture and also told of their gods. They did their job effectively that one may conclude that they were the real prophets of the time. Due to their effectiveness, they are still revered today as they were pioneers of the time. After taking a deep glance at the heart of the human spirit, they had questions as to what it was to be human. Today, the beliefs of many people throughout the world have a meaning through their insights. 

Various studies have confirmed that various religions have a set of codes that guide their worship practice. Therefore these codes ensure that the believers are in line with the codes of conduct. The codes therefore establish the “dos” and ‘don’ts’ where by the don’ts become a taboo. The actions that are forbidden are put in the forbidden list. Furthermore, the sacred places also become a no go zone to members who are not ordained. Additional, carrying out of prescribed ritual acts is another trait to the religion apart from the belief in the supernatural. When one has indulged in acts that are not in accordance to the moral code, rituals may be carried out to appease and consult the supernatural being. A good example of how the supernatural being is consulted is through prayer. Throughout the world, there are 42,000 distinct religions. However, Christianity has about 2.1 billion believers in a population of 7.6 billion making it the largest religion in the world.

The teachings and miracles of Jesus is the basis of Christianity. It is a belief that Jesus is the Christ and Savior with “Christ” meaning the anointed one. In accordance to the New Testament, Jesus dying on the cross and rising up from the dead after three days fulfils the prophesy. Moreover, the apostles and eyewitnesses recorded the miracles performed by Jesus. Therefore in order to join Christianity, all you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and believe. Conversely, Christianity holds that after one has sinned, the only way is to understand and believe that Jesus took your punishment upon Himself, dying instead of you then you receive him hence the sins are all forgiven. Despite being various divisions within Christianity, what stand out for all is the underlining belief is that God sent his son to die on the cross for us and give us salvation. They vary in every aspect, in building of the church and the way we organize the church gatherings. 

The major ritual for Christians is the attendance of church. The values seen in others often makes other people want to associate with others, hence are drawn to the beliefs of those they try to emulate. Christians hold a belief that requesting good fortune upon for the family brings good luck to the family. Pain is also believed to be controlled by a supernatural being hence the death or illness of a loved one may lead one to seek special intervention. 

Christians believe that the church is a sanctuary where one can go sing praise then special blessings will be returned. Christians also observe prayer as a ritual as it is a communication with God. Christians believe it is their duty to keep the communication channels open as it is an expectation for one to pray regardless of the situation whether they are happy, depressed or sad. Furthermore, are expected to always give thanks even when they do not meet their expectations and have faith. 

Theoretical view

Most Christian believers have a belief that Christianity brings meaning to their lives as many things are not easy to understand. A lot of things regarding life and death remain a mystery in today’s scientific age hence having religious faith and belief helps many people make sense of the things that cannot be explained by science like the existence of ghosts and UFO‘s. Christians are strengthened and united socially through Christianity, according to Durkheim’s theory. There are at least two ways in which in which social stability is improved by religion, they include; it is important for socialization as it gives people a common belief. When Christianity is practiced communally in churches, communication is enabled and other social interactions, strengthening their social bonds since it brings people together physically.

It reinforces social order as it is an agent of social control. Furthermore, Christianity teaches people moral behavior and further help them how to be reputable members of the society. The Christians are guided by the Ten Commandments written in the bible. These commandments entail a list of things that Christians should not do if they want to go to heaven. Christians are comforted by their religion as it acts as a source of comfort in times of suffering through enriching their social interaction with other Christians in the worship places. Additionally, it is believed that it promotes physical health as various studies have concluded that most people who live longer have a connection to a certain religion as compared to those who are not. Religion further motivates people to work for positive social change. 

Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activists were motivated by their protestant religious beliefs to desegregate the South which was a big risk on their lives. During this time the civil rights movement held their meetings, raised money and recruited new members in the black churches in the South. There are a lot of benefits associated with religion, however, it can also highlight and endorse social inequality and social conflict, according to conflict theory. Karl Marx inspired this view as he said that the “opiate of the masses” (Marx, 1964). According to him, religion makes people happy with their current conditions just like a drug. He motivated the workers through his constant emphasis for workers to rise up and fight the bourgeoisie. Additionally, he said the workers needed to open their minds and realize that their poverty was caused.

Furthermore, he claimed that religion helped the poor take their situation in a more positive and religious perspective. Religious perspective of poverty is that the people think that poverty is a way God is using to punish those who have sinned against him, they have violated the rules. Religious people believe that heaven is the ultimate reward for their suffering and endurance. Despite poverty being contributed to by the capitalist class, religion helps people not to revolt against them. Due to these reasons, the poor accept their fate and are helped to sustain the existing system of social inequality as they value their religion according to Max. During Max Weber’s (1904) time in Europe, Protestants were more likely to imitate the savings conducive to capitalist ideology unlike the Catholics.

The rise of capitalism and the creation of the modern world were due to the focus on Calvinism as showed by Max. According to Weber’s thinking, a difference was made through the emphasis on individual achievement in Protestantism and on community in Catholicism. Moreover, through strengthening traditional views about their subservience to men and by organizing negative stereotypes about women is another way that Christianity endorses gender inequality (Klassen, 2009). 

As the symbolic interactionism theory looks at the micro aspects of religion and society, the functional and conflict theories look at the macro aspects. The symbolic interactionism theory assesses the ways in which we decipher religious experiences and the role that religion plays in our daily lives. A good example, unless people regard beliefs and practices as sacred, they are not sacred. They give value to our lives and take on special meaning when they are regarded as sacred. 

The symbolic interactionist approach is illuminated by the religious rituals and ceremonies. Since they are deeply intense, they can involve; jumping, crying, screaming, a feeling of unity with those around you- A branch of Christianity called Pentecostals, surreal experiences, additionally, they believe in the gifts of the spirit: seeing visions, speaking in tongues, being able to see Christ and speak to him and interpreting visions (Samuel, 2011). It is also believed that an individual must be one with the spirit so as to tap into this gift. It is further believed that overwhelming emotions that ensue tears or laughter or even screams may come as a result of being one united with the spirit. The experiences are moving as others are transformed while others feel the same way. 

Protestant Christians view on paranormal

Over the years various studies have come to the realization that those who believe in conventional Christian beliefs like believing in God, heaven, hell, and resurrection have a high probability of believing in the paranormal like astrology, psychic abilities, and extrasensory perception (ESP). In an area where most people are Christians, an individual may be deviant rejecting such beliefs. Therefore a Christian is less likely to experiment on paranormal activities. Deviant people are believed to be those who visit psychics, ghosts, UFOs. Furthermore, participation with the supernatural and the occult are discouraged by conventional Christian and the occult. 

According to Orenstein (2002) those who do not in any religion A lot of things regarding life and death remain a mystery in today’s scientific age hence having religious faith and belief helps many people make sense of the things that cannot be explained by science like the existence of ghosts and UFO‘s. tend to be inclined to embrace paranormal beliefs and practices. 

It is argued that the religion one worships shapes how they view paranormal. An explanation as to what will happen to us after we die is offered by every religion. As Protestants, Muslims and Christians believe that after one dies, they have to wait for judgement. Religion has the ability anxiety about death, however, this has is likely to increase the awkwardness regarding spirits, ghosts, UFOs and other supernatural beings and this depends on religious one is. This means that the non-believers and the believers are less likely to believe in ghosts like the regular church attendants. 

Religion shapes the kind of guest to be welcomed such as ghosts and angels as they are widely associated with supernatural beings. According to the ancient Catholics, the souls of people suffering in purgatory were considered as ghosts. However, the paranormal activity was thought to be the work of angels, demons or other decidedly nonhuman supernatural beings among the Protestants as the Protestants believe that souls went immediately to heaven or hell. 


It can be concluded that those who believe in conventional Christian beliefs like believing in God, heaven, hell, and resurrection have a high probability of believing in the paranormal like astrology, psychic abilities, and extrasensory perception (ESP). Today, a lot of people still worship in diverse ways just like in the ancient world. Numerous things regarding life and death remain a mystery in today’s scientific age hence having religious faith and belief helps many people make sense of the things that cannot be explained by science like the existence of ghosts and UFO‘s. Deviant people are believed to be those who visit psychics, ghosts, UFOs. Religion has the ability anxiety about death, however, this has is likely to increase the awkwardness regarding spirits, ghosts, UFOs and other supernatural beings and this depends on religious one is.


Bader, C., Mencken, F., & Baker, J. (2017).  Paranormal America (second edition) . New York: NYU Press.

Klassen, P. (Ed.). (2009). Women and religion. New York, NY: Routledge.

Marx, K. (1964). Karl Marx: Selected writings in sociology and social philosophy (T. B. Bottomore, Trans.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Orenstein, Alan. (2002). Religion and Paranormal Belief. Journalfor the Scientific Study ofReligion 4 I(2):301- 12.

Samuel, L. (2011).  Supernatural America . Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Christianity beliefs with the Supernatural.


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