Describe three classroom management strategies with examples in a Kindergarten classroom.
Most kindergarten pupils are often excited about joining school (Greene, 2010). Since these children are always excited about the idea of schooling, the teacher too must equally be excited to fulfill their demands. However, this excitement can be short-lived especially if the teacher does not apply the appropriate classroom management strategies to maintain the liveliness of the kids. Three common classroom management strategies in a kindergarten classroom include the use of non-verbal communication, attention grabbers, and reward and punishment strategy.
Non-Verbal Communication
One way to make young kids quiet and obtain their attention is to hold one hand in the air while maintaining eye contact with them (Greene, 2010). Although they may need more time to get used to this as a routine, this tactic works magic. The teacher can have the kids raise their hand too until he/she gets the attention of all of them. At this point, the teacher can lower his/her hand and then address the kids. Though flicking the lights on and off is an old trend, it still works wonderfully (Greene, 2010). The teacher could also do this routinely to let the kids know they need to finish whatever they are doing. Besides, the teacher can clap his/her hands twice and teach the kids to clap back once. This is not only fun but also an active way of getting all their eyes on the teacher.
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Attention Grabber
Things are often rowdy in a room full of toddlers. When handling such young students, the teacher must pursue creative ways to grab their attention. The ticket could be asking them to copy the teacher’s motion and sounds (Greene, 2010). For instance, the teacher may make some silly gestures, for instance, jump like a rabbit or cry like a puppy. Then, he/she may ask them to do the same. The teacher may start with loud, silly sounds and then gradually get quitter. By this time, all the kids’ eyes would be on the teacher.
Reward and punishment
Each kindergarten teacher must create a strict set of rules and regulations. However, these rules must be simple enough for a kindergarten pupil to understand. They must include a punishment and reward method. This will teach children how to behave properly. The system must also outline the type of rewards and punishment that will be given. The teacher should be consistent and balanced in the application of these guidelines. Therefore, students who behave well should get rewards and those who behave poorly should get punished (Hayes, 2001).
Evaluate what was effective or ineffective about the classroom management strategies for increasing engagement, using an example to support your evaluation.
Nonverbal communication
The non-verbal communication of kindergarten teachers like hand claps, nods and smiles can trigger a fluctuating range of kids’ engagement or disengagement (Hayes, 2001). Kindergarten is an early childhood environment, and non-verbal communication is especially critical because their emotional conditions model young kids' behavior and thinking. While seeking to increase engagement, the teacher must direct his/her attention to the role of non-verbal communication. When the teacher is conscious about his/her non-verbal behaviors, it increases their chances to engage children. In essence, the role played by non-verbal communication in the classroom is comparable to that of verbal communication.
Attention Grabbers
Young children are a bubbly lot. Therefore, attention grabber is the only way for the teacher to make the class sessions exciting and fun for them. Often, when young children are bored, they become unmotivated. The teacher can facilitate educational activities that provide insights into their backgrounds and interests (Greene, 2010). Things such as stimulating art, music, and hands-on-activities can be used to tune them into the class session. For example, if the teacher is delivering a music lesson, he/she can play modern music or instruments instead of just teaching the kids some musical terms.
Reward and Punishment
If the teacher rewards students, it quickly promotes positive behavior (Hayes, 2001). Eventually, the children will internalize an intense desire to learn. Such rewards may include giving praise to students who have completed their homework, recognizing those who were active in class and many more (Wong et al. 2018). Those who behave badly should also be punished in the same measure. This system will encourage students to focus on their class sessions.
Evaluate what was effective or ineffective about the classroom management strategies for increasing motivation, using an example to support your evaluation.
Nonverbal communication increases student motivation by opening opportunities for engagement. Students often notice the nuances of teachers’ tone of voice, body language, facial expressions, and eye contact. Therefore, non-verbal communication fosters children’s motivation by promoting their engagement and participation. Eventually, it heightens their chances of excelling in school (Greene, 2010).
Attention Grabber
Young children are not likely to respond to a single call for a stoppage of an activity such as play (Hayes, 2001). Asking a 3-year-old toddler to stop at the middle of a game might be close to impossible. It is not advisable for some children to continue with activity while others have already stopped. The teacher must use attention-grabbing tactics that will make the students respond both physically and verbally. For instance, the teacher might just shout “CLAAAASSSS” and then keep quiet (Greene, 2010). The students are likely to respond “YEEEESSS” and then look at the teachers. This simple tactic will motivate students and make them focused on the instruction being delivered.
Reward and Punishment
There are numerous ways to motivate students. However, the best motivation is to praise effort rather than intelligence (Wong et al. 2018). If the teacher praises students for their effort, it will teach them that achievement only comes via hard work. This will motivate the students to want to work even harder. Moreover, those who are punished for bad behavior will be motivated to change so that they can also get rewards.
B. Develop a personal classroom management plan, including strategies and procedures that integrate best practices for engagement and motivation.
1. Identify two categories of diverse learners you may teach in the future.
The two categories of diverse learners I may teach in the future are students with 504 plans and English language learners. These two groups of learners do not require individualized instruction or special education. However, they may need supports at school. 504 plans are created to help children with disabilities in normal classrooms. They achieve this by eliminating the numerous challenges that these children face. An ELL is an individual who is learning the English language (Wong et al. 2018).
Describe how you would adapt your classroom management plan for the two categories of diverse learners identified in part B1 to meet their needs and increase motivation and engagement in learning. Comply with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) by excluding personally identifiable information.
Teaching strategies have proven to be a key factor in ELL and 504 plans student achievement. Therefore, the classroom management plan must be adapted to accommodate these two categories of diverse learners. I would adapt my classroom management plan by addressing content and process during lesson planning and instruction (Hayes, 2001).
Content Differentiation
Content refers to the skills, concepts, and knowledge, which students need to learn as per the curriculum. To differentiate content, I would use numerous delivery formats like audio, video, lectures, role-plays and readings (Wong et al. 2018). I may encourage my students to share content through graphic organizers. This will give the two different groups of student’s many opportunities to choose their content focus according to their interests.
Process Differentiation
Process refers to the manner in which students make sense of the content. I would give my students enough time to reflect and digest what I have taught before we move to the next lesson. Failure to do this can make the students feel overwhelmed with information. One advantage of processing is that it enables students to evaluate areas where they have understood and where they have not. I will also be able to assess and monitor my students’ progress with ease (Greene, 2010).
Explain why the classroom management strategies you included in your classroom management plan are best practices, using outside support.
The classroom management strategies discussed in this plan is the best practices because they can accommodate students from diverse backgrounds. These strategies have taken into consideration numerous elements, which influence each student’s motivation and engagement within the classroom context. Teachers can ensure their students and engaged and motivated in a class by using non-verbal communication, attention grabbers, and reward and punishment strategies. If kindergarten teachers consider these three strategies when dealing with their students, then, it will be possible to close the achievement gap between students with 504 plans and English language learners.
Greene, J. (2010). Kindergarten in photographs: A mentor teacher shares effective organizing strategies and management tips to help you create a dynamic teaching and learning environment . New York: Scholastic.
Hayes, K. (2001). Classroom routines that really work for preK and kindergarten . New York: Scholastic Professional Books.
Wong, H. K., Martínez, W., & Wong, R. T. (2018). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher .