13 Jan 2023


Coaching Industry and the coaching career in the American football sport

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 3665

Pages: 12

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Table of Contents 

Executive Summary 3 

Intent 4 

Background History 4 

Situation SWOT Analysis 6 

Opportunity Identification 9 

Alternative Jobs /Industry 11 

Job/Industry Decision 13 

Conclusion 15 

References 16 

Executive Summary 

This paper addresses the coaching industry as a whole and also the coaching career in the American football sport. It starts by showing the intention that chooses the industry analyzed and justification. It then elaborates a brief history of the coaching industry and coaching career in American football and changes that different levels of different coaching careers result in the industry and coaching career as a whole. It then presents SWOT analysis that affects the profession of a coaching career and that of the coaching industry noting different factors and variables that play in the coaching industry and profession in the sport. It then presents global opportunities that arise from the coaching career and profession in American football sport and five alternative jobs that coaching careers can result in. It summarizes by discussing the position and industry description of current trends and analysis and finalizes by concluding and giving an overview of the topic. 

Coaching Industry 


The Industry that I want to pursue is the coaching industry and specifically American football. It is because I am passionate about the sports industry as a whole that has shown great potential that can help one build a professional career. It has positive returns regarding economic proceeds for individual coaches, players as well as other stakeholders such as owners of different teams. It is due to the extensive media coverage, demanding fans and significant turnover that when all are incorporated creates a synergy and excitement that attracts my passion and intent to pursue the coaching industry. 

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Background History 

Coaching has existed for a longer time and has been used in different contexts other than sports. It was used in the 1880s at Harvard University to refer to tutors, and it was a slung that dominated the institution's territories. Other than the education sector that pioneered the term and its use, the continuous development of sports with time that leads to the professionalism of the sports industry played an essential role that resulted in the present status and use of coaching in the sports industry that American Football is not exempted (DeLuca, 2013). Coaching whether used in the sports industry or academic/ education industry has similarities regarding the outcome that the process has and targets where the ultimate goal more often is to bring the best, and full potential of individuals that can help them realize desired goals and outcomes in the short and long-term. Coaching is defined as a true methodology which concentrates on directing, instructing and training either an individual or a group of people with the only aim to attain specific goals and objectives. Different types of coaching exist that are guided by the ultimate goal and objective of the process and the desired outcomes and. Thus, the topic related to coaching traverses all sectors in the community that includes social, economic as well as political aspects. However, this paper focuses on sports coaching and related variables that play a direct and indirect role that enhances the profession. Different coaching position exists where there is a specialization of a single element in the coaching business as well as brand and extensive coverage of various aspects in the coaching discipline and profession. It, therefore, implies that coaching continuum exists that covers different levels in the sports industry and also that addresses various aspects in the coaching profession such specialization of a particular concept or concern such as psychology relating to a specific sport and profession (Potrac, Nelson & O, 2016). The different level of sports has coaching positions that are commensurate with the competencies and skill sets that the different levels have in the sports. For example, high school and professional coaching and sports have many similarities but also the difference regarding elements that control the sports and decisions made. The professional sports industry has attracted the highest level of coaching professionals and status that has enabled the different coaches to handle different levels. It is according to the experience and level of qualifications that the coaching industry has wherein some incidences the highest level requires vast experience and qualifications in different aspects related to coaching. They include management, leadership, financial aspects, experience as well as education level and the specific sports competency (Vint, 2016). The different levels bring different responsibilities and, therefore, that compels the coaches to have skills and competencies that can enable them to handle various tasks and responsibilities in the level effectively resulting in maximum output for all the players and concerned stakeholders. Experience also plays a vital role either as a player or in the real coaching profession where the later is weightier than the former. In contemporary times, coaching in sports has reached the highest level that has contributed to the attraction of the highest recorded number in the industry regarding coaches as well as the growth and development. The sports industry has shown in the contemporary times that attract billions of dollars in management and administration of the sports industry due to the enormous benefits that it brings and an essential part that it plays in the society (Charles & Rook, 2011). 

Situation SWOT Analysis 

The coaching industry like other industries in the society presents different variables that show the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as threats that are essential for interested parties in the sector. They include coaches as well as other stakeholders in the industry such as club owners, media and financiers to enhance and increase the chance of making informed decisions that can help them realize their desired outcomes with ease and efficiency. The SWOT analysis, hence, is essential for the industry as well as individuals that have an interest in the industry such as coaching as well as the industry as a whole. Individually, SWOT analysis of coaching presents different merits and demerits. The strengths that the industries present to a person are that it provides an opportunity to build and develop a career that has proved to have high returns. It also has a strong association that is professionally run and managed where coaches’ interest and affairs are addressed that enhances professionalism (Freifeld, nd). Also, it has different levels and categories that allow each coach to suit and apply their skills at any level that changes with increased competencies from high school to professional coaches and administration of different sectors and affairs in the industry. Furthermore, the profession allows enhanced education and learning for coaches that will enable them to advance their skills and level with time and, thus, it provides an opportunity where people can build and enhance long-term careers over time. Lastly, the passion that I have as an individual to the sport and specifically the sports coaching industry in American football would give me the focus and energy to concentrate and pursue my career in coaching to the highest level and standards available in the industry as well as the profession as a whole. The individual weakness is that it requires massive finance to learn and acquire the accreditation that is deserved in the industry. The opportunities that the coaching industry brings in an individual are the provision of different levels and certification that increases the chances of qualified coaches to start their careers. It also allows for further enhancement of competencies through training and of experience and, therefore, individual coaches can build and establish long-term careers by acquiring experience as well as furthering their training. It enables them to manage and handle different levels in the sports coaching industry and, thus, have successful careers. Lastly, the industry has enough options that coaches specialize on in the industry. They include the physical training coaches and areas, the psychology of sports and coaching, the medical aspects related to coaching that notes the health concerns and requirements of players and managers among other stakeholders. Also, other different and special units in the coaching system that provides a broad array that can enhance specialization (Griffiths, Probert & Cropley, 2018). The threats presented to individual coaches include the possibility of revocation of coaching licenses when professional misconduct is reported and, consequently, can render one jobless and limit their opportunities. Also, competition is stiff and keeps on increasing because many people have shown interest in the profession and career of coaching and, therefore, the possibility of challenges in getting placement is real. Lastly, players that have turned into professional coaches also pose and increase the threats and competition because they have the advantage of experience. It is because of the many years they actively play and also learned many issues related to the discipline and career of coaching under different managers and coaches. It places them at a better chance to get lucrative deals in the professional career and coaching opportunities in the highest levels of the continuum of coaching. Finally, the pressure that fans bring in their expectations of results and performance has also contributed to the faster sacking of coaches by managers and owners of clubs. It happens when production is challenging, and in some instances, such cases arise not from the competencies of the coach but of players. And there is also a likelihood that coaches might not stay in the job for a long time when such scenarios happen mainly in the professional coaching in the highest level of the coaching continuum such the National Football League (NFL) among others (Kaylor, 2015). 

The coaching industry also presents different aspects in the SWOT analysis. The strengths that the industry has included the enormous financial opportunities that come from the coaching industry and the sports industry as a whole due to the massive financial interest that players in the financial markets have shown in the industry. It is also a growing industry where elements of professionalism continue to be implemented at all level (DeLuca, 2013). It enables the industry to grow further and expand creating more significant opportunities and careers for people and other stakeholders involved in the industry such as club owners and other investors. It is because such clubs more often are run and managed as business companies that allow people interested in buying shares and ownership stake in the clubs and businesses as a whole. The weakness in the coaching industry is that much focus has often been placed on players and the owners as well as other key stakeholders. At times coaches would love to make positive changes such as introduction and acquisitions of particular players that they are interested in to improve the performance and results of the teams that they coach but such decisions at times becomes difficult. It is because they are often determined by executive boards, and other decisions makers such as financial managers of such clubs and, thus, such demands and requests might not be guaranteed due to conflicting interests in the financial management and aspects for the clubs. The opportunities that the coaching industry brings that it is expanding rapidly and not yet saturated and that implies that it has created more opportunities that continue to increase due to the attraction that the industry has and the sports industry as well. More teams and professionals management of the coaching industry continues to be experienced in the present times that is an indicator of the level that the industry has grown (Gaul, 2015). The coaching industry has also continued to attract financial interest from the financial markets and players who have and continues to invest massive resources that can enhance the sports and coaching industry as a whole. It is noted in projects such as the building of infrastructure such as stadium and arena that different sporting events occur. It has also continued to support the financial aspects that enhance different specialization aspects in the sports industry such as coaching industry and player’s development in academies among others. The threats that the coaching industry experience is that it has been dominated by the sports industry as a whole where some people and corporate still prefer to handle the industry under the sports sector that has limited the maximization of opportunities and resources channeled to specifically the coaching industry because in many occasion only a portion of the resources channeled to the sporting industry is directed towards the coaching industry that has also contributed to limited growth and expansion of the industry as a whole. 

Opportunity Identification 

The coaching industry has continued to traverse borders in the present globalized world where the sporting industry as a whole is an example that shows how globalization concepts have continued to expand to different territories in the world. The accreditation and licenses that coaches get have allowed them to take responsibilities and opportunities from any part of the world that would be interested in the coaching services of the professional coach (Hoffman, 2015). The same concept also applies in players where different players from different nationalities that show exceptional skills and talent in various sports such as American football, basketball as well as soccer have traversed borders to offer their services to interested to sports and organizations. It implies that the opportunities for the professional coaching industry and services continue to increase in the world. American football has continued to expand and grow beyond the territories of the US to other nations and regions in an expansive program supported by the sports industry and responsible department in the government. It, hence, implies that the coaching industry and opportunities in the sector would continue to increase globally in the different levels of the coaching continuum that ranges from high school, colleges and also professional leagues such as NFL (Charles & Rook, 2011). The different levels of coaching certification include Associate Certified Coach, Professional Certified Coach, and Master Certified Coach. The coaching industry, therefore, has offered internship opportunities to interested students and coaches undertaking training where they have closely worked with recognized and accredited coaches. It enables them to implement and apply the theories and concepts that they learn in practice that gives them exposure and starts building their experiences in the coaching industry and coaching profession at large. Such internships opportunities are available in a different level of the coaching continuum that ranges from high school to the first level in the professional leagues. The present requirement for one to join the coaching industry and profession regarding education is a bachelor’s level degree. However, supervisory positions and progressions to dream professional jobs would require experience and a higher level of competencies and accreditation by the professional’s bodies that regulate the industry of coaching. It would allow those with the expertise and more top certification to take supervisory roles and professional dream coaching jobs in bigger clubs and organization (Potrac, Nelson & O, 2016). The school and education sector as a whole that includes colleges and universities have embraced professional coaching to help the students build and develop talents in different sporting fields. Therefore, in contemporary times is among the requirements that school boards have placed where applicants in the coaching positions available in school require professional and accredited coaches. It enhances the coaching profession locally and internationally. The education sector, thus, has contributed to the creation of more opportunities in the coaching industry and sporting world as a whole. The coaching opportunities, therefore, from a global perspective indicates that more and more opportunities continue to be created for coaches in the coaching industry due to the enhanced professionalism of the industry and the sporting world at large. Also, the international accreditation bodies and institution recognized that manages and address different coaching and sporting aspects in the world that implies it operates and runs all the concerns and professional development of the various aspects and interests in different sports such as American Football, basketball, and Athletics among others. It directly implies and results in more opportunities globally because of the same structure and framework that such professional organization that runs different coaching and sporting activities present to the world. The bodies have also enhanced specialization in different areas and specialties in the coaching industry and have encouraged further studies and training for coaches presenting the different levels and competencies associated with requirements and responsibilities (Charles & Rook, 2011). 

Alternative Jobs /Industry 

The coaching industry has enhanced specialization of different coaching jobs as it works as a system where the incorporation of the different requirements and needs in the sporting world has continued to strengthen specialty. It results in different jobs linked and related to coaching. It has also created the position of head coach where the various coaches that specialize in the multiple tasks and responsibilities in the coaching and sporting world as a whole report to such heads that also act and play a supervisory role. The coaching industry particularly related to American football has resulted in different jobs that are linked to the industry as a profession that is posted across many job platforms in the sector such as schools, colleges, universities, youths groups as well as the national leagues and professional football leagues in the country. The first position or job that often dominates in the coaching profession of American football is the Head Football Coach . The job specification and requirement require the person selected for the position to administer and supervise other coaches and workers in the department or sports section that the person head (Kaylor, 2015). The coach provides leadership and guidance that ensures that the objectives and goals set in the organization are met and takes responsibility for all the actions that related to coaching in such platforms. The second job regarding football coaching career is the Assistant Coach . The position requires the selected person help others, particularly the head coach, accomplish specific tasks related to the job where tasks, duties, and responsibility of the head coach can be delegated and performed by the person selected for the position. The specialty that the coaching industry and career have in the American football sports has resulted in the specialization of different areas and responsibility in the games that have occurred in coaches specialization in particular issues related to the sports such as defense and attack among others. Therefore, the third job regarding the career is the Football Defensive Coordinator Coach . From the name, it implies that the main tasks that the coach selected to fill such positions would offer training in defense approaches and tactics for the teams and organizations that they work for. And in such a situation such position is often created after a thorough review of the team performance and noting down statistics that show the areas that a team need to concentrate and place their energy and focus on improving the general performance of the team. Next, the Offensive Line Coach also shows the specialty that the coaches in the American football sport can pursue as jobs. The responsibility of such a coach as the title of the post indicates would be mostly concerned with initiating special training and guidance in a team that touch of offensive aspects and options to help the team improve and enhance its offensive capabilities (Hoffman, 2015). Finally, Sports Coordinator job can also be filled by coaches that have mastered the different discipline of sports that include American football whereby an institution of learning such as schools and colleges, they would take the coaching responsibility of the organization team as well as help in the administration and coordination of different sporting events and facilities within the institution. The jobs and responsibly of the situation is enormous that require a higher set of skills in various sports management and administration to help the organization realize its sporting goals and objectives with ease. 

Job/Industry Decision 

The coaching industry and coaching job in American football have shaped and changed in many aspects as observed in the present times. The professionalism of the industry and coaching career has explicitly resulted in numerous changes in the different sectors and interest regarding the sports and career that has resulted in the provision of professional conduct by all stakeholders in the industry that include players as well as coaches among others (DeLuca, 2013). The intense media coverage about the sport and the financial interest that the sports attracts shown in the promotion and commercial deals that come with the sports has made the professionalization aspects of the coaching career more intense as noted in contemporary times. For example, the value that the coaching industry is appropriated to have is a $2 billion global industry that is rapidly growing that continues to increase. Additionally, the number of worldwide coaches has grown from 47,500 in 2012 to 53,300 in 2016 that are indicators that the industry continues to experience and realize different changes and interest globally. The amount of money that remains to be channeled in the industry has made the coaching market and jobs experience stiff competition due to high demand for competent and qualified coaches that have proved to be worth the value and high amount that the coaches currently receive. According to Forbes lists of highest paid coaches, the NFL coaches make more than any other professional coaches that amount to millions of dollars per year. Top coaches have made up to $8 million a year such as Sean Payton of the NFL's New Orleans Saints. The intense media coverage and the ever demanding fans have made the job of NFL coaches described as a “pressure cocker” job that compels the coaches to strive to meet the needs of both the coaches and the organization (Vint, 2016). It has made experience an essential role that determines a successful coaching career, and the fact has caused many former players, as well as former coaches, pursue the coaching profession. The professionalism that has, thus, resulted from the industry has led to the formation of different association and organization that have objectively addressed different aspects related to the sports that touch on coaching as well as other concerns in the sports discipline that prove to be an essential aspect. Among the major players that have actively contributed to the enhancement and changes of the coaching career and industry in the American football include the AFCA, It is an American Football Association found to ensure that every football coach receives the most exceptional professional development support and resources available. NCAA, NFL, High School associations as well as International Coach Federation (ICF) among others have actively played a decisive role that has enhanced the profession. 


In conclusion, the coaching industry has continued to increase the tremendous change in the world that has attracted intense interest from different people in the world that have enrolled in the coaching training to fill the growing careers and related opportunities that coaches fill. The discipline and careers of coaches as well as the coaching industry as a whole, has continued to attract enormous financial interest from different stakeholders and businesses opportunities. The dynamics have resulted in a high and intensive career for professional coaches, particularly in the NFL. It has attracted intense media coverage, marketing aspects, fans that have demanded performance and positive results from all the stakeholders involved in the game. The variables, hence, have actively contributed to the change noted in the coaching industry and coaching careers as experienced in the present status. 


Charles, T., & Rook, S. (2011). 101 youth football coaching sessions . London, England: A & C Black. 

DeLuca, R. (2013). The Perfect Pro Football Coach . Cork: BookBaby. 

Freifeld, L. (nd). “10 NFL Coaching Principles.” Retrieved from https://trainingmag.com/content/10-nfl-coaching-principles/ 

Gaul, G. M. (2015). Billion-Dollar Ball . [Place of publication not identified] : Penguin Publishing Group 

Griffiths, R., Probert, J., & Cropley, B. (2018). The flipped university: exploring student progression in football coaching and development. Education + Training , 60(5), 375–388. https://doi.org/10.1108/ET-12-2017-0186 

Hoffman, J. L. (2015). Playoffs & Payoffs: The College Football-Coaching Carousel. Change , 47(5), 37–42. https://doi.org/10.1080/00091383.2015.1077675 

Kaylor, J. (2015). “NFL Coaching vs. CFB Coaching: Why NFL Jobs Are Always Better.” CheatSheet.Com , 25 Nov. Retrieved from https://www.cheatsheet.com/sports/nfl-coaching-jobs-will-always-trump-college-football-coaching-jobs.html/ 

Potrac, P., Nelson, L., & O, G. J. (2016). Exploring the everyday realities of grass-roots football coaching: towards a relational perspective. Soccer & Society , 17(6), 910–925. https://doi.org/10.1080/14660970.2015.1100900 

Vint, J. (2016). “10 Keys to Great Coaching.” American Football International.Com , 24 Oct. Retrieved from http://www.americanfootballinternational.com/10-keys-great-coaching/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Coaching Industry and the coaching career in the American football sport.


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