14 Sep 2022


Community Policing and Homeland Security

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 320

Pages: 1

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Terrorism is currently shifting away from the international focus as the cases of homegrown jihadist terror attacks increases. Homegrown terrorism is a local issue that requires the combined efforts of both the local, state and federal governments. As efforts are made to protect Americans from homegrown terror, the community policing model is emerging as the best approach for homeland security. Therefore, community policing should be applied in homeland security to help curb the rising cases of homegrown terror attacks. There is a need for intelligence gathering and sharing of the information, a move that requires the homeland security to form external partnerships and the citizens ( ODIHR, 2014 ). The community policing helps to engage members of the public in the sharing of information needed by the security agencies to prevent homegrown terror. Information sharing remains one key area for success in the war against terror. Without prior information by law enforcement agencies, most responses to the terror attacks will only take a reactive approach. However, working with the community to get accurate and timely information can help enhance early prevention and keep the public safe. 

In a community partnership with homeland security, the community and law enforcement join together to identify soft targets for terrorists. Like other crimes such as theft, the community can help the law enforcement officers by sharing information that can help deter terror. This partnership can include data collection and analysis as ways to gather intelligence for the assessment of the vulnerability of terror. It helps provide a framework that can be used to engage the public to identify possible areas of threats ( Schanzer et al., 2016 ). Domestic terror occurs within the community level, and the responsibility of preventing such crime must engage the citizens. Therefore, community policing plays a crucial role in helping homeland security minimize the incidences of homegrown terror. 

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ODIHR, O. (2014). Preventing terrorism and countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism: a community-policing approach. 

Schanzer, D. H., Kurzman, C., Toliver, J., & Miller, E. (2016).  The challenge and promise of using community policing strategies to prevent violent extremism: A call for community partnerships with law enforcement to enhance public safety . Durham: Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Community Policing and Homeland Security.


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