28 Oct 2022


Conflict Resolution and Anger Management in the Workplace

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 283

Pages: 1

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Nolan-Haley, J. (2008). Alternative dispute resolution in a nutshell. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West. 

Anger is a blinding feeling that can saturate a contention and drastically shade the character of the mediation. Amid intercessions, we see different sentiments of wrath, torment, bewilderment, trouble, misfortune, regret, and lament spilling out of extraordinary outrage. These circumstances may act as obstacles towards a resolution process as conflicts cannot be solved amidst anger emotions. For these reasons, learning how to control the emotions is essential since it helps one develop a calm and composed personality that faces conflicts effectively. 

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Sandole, D. and Van der Merwe, H. (1993). Conflict resolution theory and practice. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. 

The agonizing procedure of managing anger issues frequently requires a pre-intercession meeting, as managing these issues can't and ought not to be hurried. A settled upon intention meeting can enable the attorney go-between to gage and connect with the anger and to do some successful training in connection with this feeling. Tolerance, nearness, understanding, sympathy, smoothness, and compassion must be connected in anger management cases as they play a significant role in facilitating peaceful resolution processes. 

Rice, S. (2000). Non-violent conflict management . Long Beach: Dept. of Social Work, California State University. 

In many occasions, intercessions are a surge. The "general" members in intercession (lawyers, agents, hazard directors) are ready and prepared for a balanced hazard evaluation with the contribution of an unbiased who is commonly trusted. The narrating, quiet mindfulness, the undivided attention requires some investment. Such procedures encourage more case terminations and require fewer intervention sessions. 

Gelfand, M. (2008).  Psychology of Conflict and Conflict Management in Organization . New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

In situations where anger increases, it is in some cases essential to encourage its appearance despite the fact that it makes others awkward. It helps if some of that anger can be communicated to the middle person as it further enhances the resolution process. A few things may happen with the state of anger. The gathering communicating his anger may at long last feel that he has given full articulation to his sentiments which is also a good step towards resolution processes. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Conflict Resolution and Anger Management in the Workplace.


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