20 Apr 2022


Contemporary Approaches to Psychology

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Academic level: University

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Psychology is a very paramount field. It helps in explaining many scenarios based on human behavior and their relationship in their ecosystem. The field of psychology has evolved, and scholars still argue that there is the potential of more revelation in then filed of psychology. This area is based on some approached or perspective which was developed by some of the best psychologists in the world. The perspectives are subjective views which are based on some assumption to try and explain why people behave in a particular way. This paper explores the field of psychology with the regards to psychological approaches or contemporary psychology approaches and their evolutions. The paper will also explore one of the most prominent psychologies and explore some his or her contribution to the field and society as a whole. The paper, therefore, holds a notion that the psychological psychologist are had some similarities and difference, from their view, evolution and the individual's psychologist perspectives. 

Compare and contrast the seven contemporary approaches to psychology

The field of psychology comprises of seven approaches sometimes called perceive of the psychology which has an assumption and explains to a certain aspect of psychology. The perspectives are different and unique in their ways. The first perspective is the behaviorist approach. The behaviorist approach is unique since it is anchored on how the environmental factors, what is called the stimuli affect observable behaviors (response) (Glăveanu, 2010). The behaviorist approach holds a notion that human being, as well as the animals, are controlled by their environmental factors. More specifically, this perceptive hold and idea that we are a product of what the environment teaches us. It claims that human being learns either classically or conditionally. Classical in this case involves learning through association, and on the other hand, condition learning is through behavior consequences. On the contrary, the second psychological perspective called the psychodynamic is based on the unconscious mind. This theory holds a different notion with the behaviorist; it holds an idea that human being is born with some sex and aggression instinct. These instincts according to this psychologist are unconscious. Though the people are not aware of the instincts, it is the composition of the original human self, and it enhances the understanding of human actions and behaviors. This approach also differs from others since they hold that it is this unconscious instinct which brings about the conflict between the well-known social norms in the society and the human being biological demands since the instinct are usually not aligned with the social norms. One notable similarity between the behaviorists’ perspective and the psychodynamic is that both hold a belief that factors influence human being behaviors. They are not independent.

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Contrary to the behaviorism perspective which put emphasis on learned behavior in the environment, the next view which is called the humanism studies human behavior too, but based not only on the eyes of the observer of the action but also on the eyes of the individual involved in the conduct (Schuler et al., 2013). As opposed to others precisely, the behaviors, the humanism perspective hold an opinion that human actions are connected to the inner image and feeling. Every person in the view of this theory is unique, and their behaviors are not controlled by any factors rather than themselves. It shares an opinion with the psychodynamic theory that scientific methods are inappropriate in studying human behaviors. Based on this view, the two are different from behaviorists. The cognitive perspective of psychology is very different and hold differ option with others. This psychologist relates the human behavior with what happens in their mind. This school of thought suggest that if one wants to understand why people behave in a particular manner, then they should figure what happen in their mind. According to this perspective, knowledge is mentally acquired. One similarity with the behaviorism and psychodynamics is that this approach to uses scientific methods to prove the claims. According to this approach, memory has three stages which are encoding, storage and retrieval of information. Next is the biological psychology which associate behavior to the genomes. They argue that behaviors’ are genetically acquired. It holds the same opinion with behaviorists and psychodynamics that there exist factors which control behavior. The next perspective is the evolutionary psychology. This approach holds a shared opinion with the cognitive approach that behaviors’ are controlled by human being's mind. However, it differs from cognitive by the fact that it suggests that people mind evolve to solve any challenges we encounter during the stages of development. The central idea hold by this theory is that we learn to adapt to the situations we find ourselves in. The last approach in psychology is the socio-cultural approach. This approach holds the same opinion with the behaviorist approach that human behaviors are learned. Contrary to the behaviorist, this theory holds an opinion that the behavior, as well as the mental learning, must only be learned in line with the cultural and, social norms in the context where they take place.

Explain how the various approaches to psychology have evolved from its inception and how each approach is relevant today

Behaviorist theory started with what was called the classical conditioning brought to light by a scientist named Ivan Pavlov. His main idea was behind examination of the natural reflexes and neutral stimuli. He used a dog to demonstrate this approach and realized some behavior response with regards to environmental conditions. This evolved through different stages to where it is currently used. It is now used in behavior applicable in scientific experiments by the use of animals which are currently dominant. Psychodynamics approach was founded by Sigmund Freud who put the theory of psychoanalysis which was based on the repression, personalities, and denial and sub-conscious. It is from this idea that Jung and Erikson develop the psychodynamic theory (Darwin, 2015). The approach also stems from Freud's theory of the psychosexual development. Based on the idea of this method, parents in current error try to modify their kids' moral codes at a young age. The humanistic approach stems from Abraham Maslow theory of need and choices. He argues that people are free to make choices which affect their lives. This notion was later picked by Carl Rodgers and Abraham Maslow to come up with this theory. The free will of people to make choices is echoed today with the human rights organization putting more emphasis on this freedom in the current error. Cognitive evolved as science in the year 1879 by Wilhelm. After discovering psychological laboratory, it was then echoed by the universities in Europe and more experiment on cognitive psychology spread. Currently, it is applicable in eyewitness testimony and cognitive therapy. The next approach is the biological psychology (Bjorklund, 2013). This theory stemmed from the genetic and evolution idea from Charles Darwin. Many experiments were later developed to back the theory. This theory is currently applied by many psychiatrists in hospitals to help relieve the mental illness symptoms. The evolution approach evolved from the Charles Darwin evolution theory and adaptation. This method is currently used to explain dysfunctional behaviors by doctors. Lastly, the socio-cultural approach stemmed from both behavioral and cognitive approaches. This approach is currently used to study the variation of behaviors among culture.

Select a notable psychologist and explore that psychologist’s contribution to the field, the psychological approach that the psychologist focuses on and the impact on society

Charles Darwin's contribution in the area of psychology is unquestionable. He claimed and wrote about human being descending from the common ancestral root with animals. This later developed in research that in the year the 1900s and 2000s found out that animals and human being share some genes. This then resulted in fields of psychology known the comparative psychology. It is due to his inference which leads to further discoveries on human behaviors such as memories, emotions and many others. The individual difference on human research also stemmed from Darwin theory. The investigation on issues such as intelligence and genes ion human body were all anchored in his revelation (Sheehan & Perry, 2015). Charles Darwin holds a notion that human being adapts to its natural environment. They are naturally selected, and it is due to the selection which brings about different traits in human being and animals. His contribution to the society is based on the fact that through his theory, he is regarded as one of the best psychologists and act as role model to many people. He brought the school of thought and revelation on the nature of human being and their environment.


The psychological perspective or approaches have some, similarities and difference based on their views, the evolution and the view of the individual psychologist. Based on their view, these approaches are linked with some basic ways of explanation; however, they hold different notions. Based on the evolution, this approaches stemmed from various issues such as the field of science and others. The paper has also examined the contribution of Charles Darwin in the area of psychology. 


I. Introduction  

A. This paper has three aims

To identify, compare and contrast psychological approaches

To explain the evolution of the psychological approaches and how they currently contribute to the society

To determine and demonstrate contribution of one of the prominent psychologists in the field of psychology society

II. Compare and contrast the seven contemporary approaches to psychology

The different psychological approaches have distinctive notion and perceptions.

The behaviorists argue that behaviors are learned based on environmental factors.

The psychodynamics an, on the other hand, claims that human being has an unconscious instinct which influences our behaviors and bring about the conflict between the biological and moral behaviors in the society.

This contrary to behaviorists does not argue that external factors influence behaviors.

The humanism study human being on the perspective of the person is acting.

It holds the opinion that behavior stems from inside, but not affected by the external factors as behaviorists suggest.

Cognitive approach introduces the mind as factors which control behavior.

This makes it similar to evolution however difference in explanation.

Biological approach is anchored on genes to explain behaviors while socio-cultural is rooted on the variation of cultures and human modification to explain responses.

III. Evolution

The psychological can be traced to different roots

Behaviorist theory started classical conditioning before evolving.

A behaviorist is applicable in scientific experiments by the use of animals.

Psychodynamics approach was founded by Sigmund Freud who put the theory of psychoanalysis, while the humanistic approach stems from Abraham Maslow theory of need and choices.

Cognitive evolved as science in the year 1879 by Wilhelm, while biological psychology arose from the genetic and evolution.

Socio-Cultural approach stemmed from both behavioral and cognitive approaches

IV. Charles Darwin

Made a lot of contribution in psychology field

hold a notion that human being shares some genes with animals

Contributed to Behavior psychology, comparative and genetic psychology.

V. Conclusion

A. The paper has discussed the following

Compared and contrasted psychological approaches

Explained the evolution of the psychological methods and how they currently contribute to the society

Identified and demonstrate contribution of one of the prominent psychologists in the field of psychology society 


Bjorklund, D. F. (Ed.). (2013). Children's strategies: Contemporary views of cognitive development . Psychology Press.

Darwin, C. (2015). The Voyage of the Beagle: The Illustrated Edition of Charles Darwin's Travel Memoir and Field Journal . Zenith Press.

Glăveanu, V. P. (2010). Paradigms in the study of creativity: Introducing the perspective of cultural psychology. New ideas in psychology , 28 (1), 79-93.

Schuler, H., Farr, J. L., & Smith, M. (Eds.). (2013). Personnel selection and assessment: Individual and organizational perspectives . Psychology Press.

Sheehan, P. W., & Perry, C. W. (2015). Methodologies of hypnosis (psychology revivals): A critical appraisal of contemporary paradigms of hypnosis . Routledge.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Contemporary Approaches to Psychology.


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