20 Oct 2022


Copes Question Assignment

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2528

Pages: 8

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Statement of problem area 

Untreated clinical depression is a serious condition which increases chances of an individual diagnosed with it engaging in risky social behaviors. Different kinds of researches have revealed that individuals diagnosed with untreated clinical depression have high chances of alcohol and drug addiction according to Van Wyk (2017). This condition, therefore, renders such people jobless and a burden to society and their families. This brings about diagnosed individual’s ability to manage their condition under scrutiny. Some researchers have revealed that this condition has brought many social and physical issues to the diagnosed persons, and its treatment, as well as management, has come to question since many patients end up losing hope in life. Many treatment methods such as pharmaceutical method for instance antidepressant drugs, psychological counseling and many others as confirmed by Pistorellob et al., (2012) have been tried in order to control the severity of this disease, However, they have not met the expectations as the rate of death caused by this condition is still high. It is still reported that the diagnosed persons still find it difficult to sleep, they are still affected physically, and they are still unable to concentrate well when other methods are used. Therefore, Pistorellob et al., (2012), suggest that Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is very important since it bridges this gap and contributes in reducing the condition prevalence in the population. This paper therefore will focus on DBT and how it is important in controlling severity and dressing untreated clinical depression with addiction. 

How DBT bridges the Gap 

This paper focuses on DBT and how it can be used to help in overcoming untreated depression which leads to addiction. However, what caught my attention in this area of interest are some unique techniques of the DBT which makes it distinguishable from other methods of handling depression with addiction. The term which makes the backbone of this approach is the "Dialectical" which stems from an idea of combining or bringing two antagonizing sides together in therapy (Safer & Jo, 2010). The idea is rooted in the fact that when there are acceptance and change in the treatment process, a better result may be expected. This process or method is unique in the way it operates in managing untreated depression and addiction in that it gives more focus on patient acceptance and their experience, which is a way to help the therapist to have the patient reassured and also balance the work to have the negative attitude or behavior of the patient changed. For instance, a patient diagnosed with untreated depression and addiction according to Safer & Jo (2010) is allowed by this method to express their feeling, which will be gladly accepted by the therapist and he/she will work to induce positive behavior on the patients to cloud the negative ones. The DBT has four unique and comprehensive parts which also make it unique and makes it handle depressed and addicted patients more than other methods or therapies (Safer, D. L., & Jo, B. 2010). The first part is the individual therapy where the therapist is more interested in the welfare of a particular individual who suffers from untreated depression with addiction to help him or her overcome his or her situation. In this case, every patient is handled differently. The second part of the comprehensive program under DBT is group skills training. This is a unique method where the patients of untreated depression are put in a group of casualties of the same disease and are trained together on particular behavioral skills. This is based on the principle that human beings are a social being and they thrive more in groups. Third method is the phone coaching, which is a program put in place as a follow-up method used to help the patients operate on their own. The last one is the consultative group for healthcare professionals. The DBT give patients a chance to consult the medical personals comprehensively on their condition. It is due to the four general facts and its principles which make DBT advisable for the management of untreated depression with addiction. 

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Literature review: Brief introduction to the problem area 

The case that attracted my attention and was a reason why I studied DBT was where two prominent methods of treating and controlling untreated depression failed flat to make any major impact on my friends symptoms. Her depression went untreated and eventually led to addiction. The method used for her substance abuse disorder was 12 Step therapies that she learned in rehab. The condition grew even worse until she was put under DBT intervention which improved his condition. This is where I got the curiosity to know more how DBT intervention is unique from others. 

According to Wolk et al. (2013), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a psychological method of treatment which applies CBT and two unique techniques which make it very different from others, the two techniques are Dialect which is based on dialogue or discussion with the client to explore the case and find a solution. The next technique is the mindfulness which increases awareness level of the individual of his/her environment at the moment so that he/she is put in a situation where the past or future thoughts do not interfere with his/her ability to enjoy life. McDonell et al. (2010) highlights some of the conditions which can be adequately handled by DBT. According to him, this is one method which is used for managing the high-risk patients with mental issues and multiple diagnoses. It also helps in handling mental issues or conditions which threatens an individual’s safety, work relationship, and social relations according to Cameron. One such condition is untreated depression with addiction. Untreated clinical depression is a condition which mostly put diagnosed individual at risk of engaging in addiction behaviors according to Stanton (2010). This multi diagnosis condition and this is one reason that Stanton points out in his report as to why DBT is very important in handling this condition than others. 

Interventions by DBT 

According to Stanton (2010), the untreated clinical condition has some of the following signs and symptoms which make it easy for the DBT to handle it better than other methods such as pharmaceutical method. These are inclusive of concentration difficulties which also include remembering and thinking issues. The second one is the persistence of irritation and sadness which according to Stanton, is more persistent in untreated depression with addiction. Alternatively, DBT also treats a condition which makes an individual or patients lack interest in once pleasurable activities such as the relationship with the family or friends. Patients who suffer from conditions which put them in danger of committing suicide also handle well by the DBT techniques. For this reason, it is still the most preferable or untreated depression with action since this condition usually put an individual at the risk of committing suicide. 

Neacsiu etal., (2010) acknowledges that DBT is the best intervention method for untreated clinical depression with addiction. He claims in his article that DBT help the patient regulates emotions such anger, stress and many more. He further states that DBT provides a patient with skills and ability which also help them to regulate behaviors such as drug addictions, unhealthy sexual behaviors and many more thus is the best intervention method for controlling untreated clinical depression with addiction. Further, Steil et al., (2011) also support and claim that a patient suffering from depression faces a risk of engaging in other form of unhealthy behaviors such as drug addiction and many others. They further recommend DBT and claim that it is the best method for such patients. They reveal some unique interventions which set apart Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and other methods such pharmaceutical interventions with regards to depression with addiction control. First, they extremely emphasis that with DBT intervention in place, the patient will learn unique skills which will make him or her have the ability to learn ways in which they can solve interpersonal conflicts, and improve their ability to reason well when approaching the behavior conflicts such as drug addiction. The second DBT intervention that is cited by Steil et al., (2011) is that with the Dialectical Behavioral Therapy intervention in place, the patient will have an opportunity to learn more and have ways through which they can be able to manage painful emotion when they are exposed to one. As asserted by Kliem et al (2010), painful emotion is one factor which makes the patients diagnosed with untreated clinical depression engage in unhealthy behaviors such as drug and substance abuse. For this reasons, Kliem et al (2010) admits that with intervention which can help solve the issue in place, depression can be reduce in such patients. They mention DBT to be one of such intervention which can help have this condition under control. They further suggest that any psychological intervention which can reduce the instances or help the patient manage well the painful emotion is the best for managing depression with addiction. This, therefore, according to them makes DBT the suited interventions for such patient. 

According to Fleischhaker et al., (2011), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy ranks top among the interventions which are used to manage depression with addictions. According to them, DBT ranks top due to the fact that it has unique intervention method for solving matters related to depression with other unhealthy behaviors such as drug addiction. According to them, DBT helps a depressed and addicted patient with unique skills which help them recover faster from their condition. They cite the following unique ways which DBT can help a depressed and addicted patient to recover faster. First, DBT intervention help depressed patient regulate emotions. According to them, emotion is factor which increases the chances for such patients to engage in drug addiction and other unhealthy behaviors. DBT therefore help in controlling such emotions and help the patient recover faster. Furthermore, DBT intervention method improves depressed and addicted patient’s mindfulness skills. It is very critical for a depressed patient to be able to think through actions before taking them. This includes thinking through a behavior to know whether it is right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy for them before making a decision to be part of such behaviors. This According to them are important for such a patient since it help him or her focus on a particular situations and deal with particular emotions. This help them engage in positive behaviors only, hence improving their health condition. 

According to Van Wyk (2015), there are some significant merits which the patient who suffers from untreated clinical depression with addiction will get which make them recover faster or manage well their condition when they use DBT than when they use other methods such pharmaceutical treatment. The following are mentioned in his list; the first is that such patient would be more motivated to change his or her attitude from negative to positive through reinforcement and inhabitation modification. Next, DBT has a mechanism or comprehensive program which enhances or improves self-destructive behaviors of the patients. The next benefits according to Van Wyk (2017) are that DBT through its extensive consultative and individual therapy increase the patient relationship by enhancing motivation for both parties. The therapist and victim always operate in a friendly environment which enhances positive and consultative kind of relationship which increases positive relationship and enhances better condition management. According to Pistorellob et al. (2012), these features described in this section are the sole reason why DBT is the best and largest method which is used for the patients who suffer from this condition. It is therefore in the best interest that this process is embraced and utilized for the patients who suffer from the untreated disease with depression since it helps patient to manage well this condition. 

The Database Used and Their Description 

Getting information on DBT and how well it edges other method such as pharmaceutical interventions in managing untreated clinical depression with addiction is not difficult since it has been an issue which has challenges many people and many are trying to find a better solution for this disease. Therefore, many people have shown interest in this condition and availing data and research as well as scholar works on many databases. The first database is the psychinfo. This database is based on the DBT as a method which is used to treat people or patients with multiple as well as severe psychological conditions which are inclusive of those which put an individual at risk of committing suicide. According to this database, the patients of the disease which are treated by DBT always have substance use disorder (SUDs), and this is the reason why DBT is recommended since it has anti-substances abuse programs and mechanisms which have concepts and modalities which are tuned towards ensuring that patients abstain from the substance use. They also reduce the length of ill-treatment and the adverse impact of relapses. This database also revealed that based on randomized clinical trials, DBT is the method which handles disease such as untreated clinical depression with addiction well. According to this database, DBT is very relevant and helpful in the management of condition which server SUDs and many others. This database was authored by Linda Dimeff and Marsha Linehan. The two authors are both working at Behavioral Technology Research Inc. in Washington. The two authors are also PhD holders in the field of behavioral science. This means that their work is credible. Their Work has been quoted and used as a reference by other authors, and this shows the level of accuracy and credibility their work has. Lastly, they have cited different research methods and results and have also done a literature review on this topic to come up with the comprehensive result, and this means that they have a credible and accurate work. The second database is MedPlus. This database also stated some critical and unique features of the DBT. It highlights reasons why condition such as untreated clinical depression is better to handle by DBT. It also reveals that in case of mental condition which put the patient at the risk of suicide; the DBT is the best. Stanton is the creator of the database. His experience and in behavioral science and the field of psychology makes his work credible. 

Description of the question 

The main issue discussed in this paper is untreated depression with addiction and how well DBT manages it. A client with this type of mental condition shows the following signs and symptoms: daytime fatigue, irritability and concentration difficulties, trouble getting sleep. They also wake up many times during night hours, and struggle to get back to their regular sleep. Many scholars and literature review in this paper have confirmed that this condition is best handled by DBT. It has an individual therapy which helps the patient have skills to manage this condition. It has group treatment which is geared towards helping the patient overcome or solve the crisis in their life. It offers crisis intervention as a treatment for depression and this assist in making it easy for the management of the crisis. 


Untreated depression with addiction is a condition which has affected many people and has given many victims headache in management since many methods are not successful in managing this condition. However, based on literature review and the database searched and used in this paper, this paper has showed that DBT is the best method to use for the patient who suffers from untreated clinical depression with addiction because DBT is considered an evidence based therapy which focuses on the root of the problem and teaches the client different skills to overcome emotional dysregulation. 


Fleischhaker, C., Böhme, R., Sixt, B., Brück, C., Schneider, C., & Schulz, E. (2011). Dialectical behavioral therapy for adolescents (DBT-A): a clinical trial for patients with suicidal and self-injurious behavior and borderline symptoms with a one-year follow-up. Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health , 5 (1), 3. 

Kliem, S., Kröger, C., & Kosfelder, J. (2010). Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder: A meta-analysis using mixed-effects modeling . Routledge. 

McDonell, M. G., Tarantino, J., Dubose, A. P., Matestic, P., Steinmetz, K., Galbreath, H., & McClellan, J. M. (2010). A pilot evaluation of dialectical behavioral therapy in adolescent long ‐ term inpatient care. Child and Adolescent Mental Health , 15 (4), 193-196. 

Neacsiu, A. D., Rizvi, S. L., & Linehan, M. M. (2010). Dialectical behavior therapy skills use as a mediator and outcome of treatment for borderline personality disorder. Behaviour research and therapy , 48 (9), 832-839. 

Pistorello, J., Fruzzetti, A. E., MacLane, C., Gallop, R., & Iverson, K. M. (2012). Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) applied to college students: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology , 80 (6), 982. 

Safer, D. L., & Jo, B. (2010). Outcome from a randomized controlled trial of group therapy for binge eating disorder: comparing dialectical behavior therapy adapted for binge eating to an active comparison group therapy. Behavior Therapy , 41 (1), 106-120. 

Stanton, M. (2010). Dialectical behavior therapy (Dbt). Standard Language for Psychotherapy Procedures. The First 80 , 57. 

Steil, R., Dyer, A., Priebe, K., Kleindienst, N., & Bohus, M. (2011). Dialectical behavior therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood sexual abuse: a pilot study of an intensive residential treatment program. Journal of traumatic stress , 24 (1), 102-106. 

Van Wyk, C. (2015). Dialectical behavioral therapy. Mental Health Matters , 2 (4), 42-44. 

Wolk, S. L., Loeb, K. L., & Walsh, B. T. (2013). Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Eating Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO , 133-134. 

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