17 Sep 2022


Critical and Non-Critical Thinking

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 261

Pages: 1

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Critical thinking is defined as an objective, analytical, and intellectually methodical process of dynamically analyzing and collecting data. The data can be collected from observational sources, experience, deliberation, interpretation, or consultation, depending on the discussion topic (Jackson, 2016). Based on the definition of critical thinking, applicants of the process must demonstrate specific traits for significant results. They are rationality, self-awareness, morality, discipline, and perceptive judgment (Jackson, 2016). The goal of personal characteristics is to support the critical thinking process. For example, critical thinkers are required to be skeptical by nature. The approach allows for information to be researched before being accepted. The notion is supported by Jackson (2016), who states that critical thinking skills have become a necessity for employees. The author further says that critical and non-critical thinking differ significantly; therefore, it is not valid to state that all thinking forms qualify as critical thinking (Jackson, 2016). Finally, critical thinkers are active and not passive, as the questions asked are also analyzed.

Non-critical thinking, on the other hand, is considered individuals who accept the information or data presented without independent research or assessment (Fábián, 2015). Such thinkers do not comment, challenge, or draw varying conclusions on the notion being discussed. Additionally, their arguments are based on written information. They describe and explain the contents of the material. Students in lower classes such as middle school are non-critical thinkers, as they mostly rely on the information presented by the teaching faculty (Fábián, 2015). Critical thinking assumes a scientific approach as it involves collecting data that can either disprove or confirm the legitimacy of the information or data presented. However, non-critical thinkers, as previously mentioned, do not assume similar strategies, thereby making their assumptions and conclusions passive (Fábián, 2015). The main drawback of non-critical thinking traits is that the information may be inaccurate.

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Fábián, G. (2015). Non-critical thinking: What if not thinking?.  Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences 186 (1), 699-703. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.088

Jackson, S. (2016).  Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach  (5th ed.). Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Critical and Non-Critical Thinking.


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