17 Jun 2022


Data Collection and Sampling Essay

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This section focusses on identifying the teaching criteria for successful professors mainly with the aim of determining the impact of engaging their teaching methods in the curriculum. It is recommended to use a stratified proportionate data collection technique, which is considered to be relatively accurate especially in the case where ten professors were picked at random. 

Data collection instruments which would be applied and recommended to be most appropriate for study include the use of questionnaires where a set of questions targeting the topic under research were issued to the picked participants, interviewing the participants to evaluate the criteria they apply in teaching, analysis of documents and experimental approach. 

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These data collection instruments would be advisable and appropriate in various ways, for instance, the questionnaires method would focus on how to manage high expectations ( Huang, Strawderman, & Usher, 2013 ) . This can be achieved by considering goal setting among the highly rated professors, handling expectations more so by focusing on creating clarity both orally and in written forms, setting of consequences especially when targeting the less serious students in their classes, discussions especially on how to handle communicating the value of academic worth. 

Interviewing instrument would help focus on the impacts of the need to encourage cooperation amongst students. For instance, it would help understand how the professors manage the circumstance of asking the students to attempt or contribute to technical concepts, understanding student interests especially by engaging their backgrounds, impacts, and shortcomings of study groups and the technique of allowing students to criticize each other among others. 

Experimental approach as a data collection instrument would enable access to understanding various aspects, emphasizing timeliness ( Huang et al., 2013 ) . This can be achieved especially by targeting the assignment completion duration, estimation of time spent on class tasks, encouraging of favorable and general time management. Document analysis instrument would help in giving prompt feedback and improving student-professor relations. 


Generally, researchers do not prefer convenience sampling to other methods. This is basically due to the fact that convenience sampling is relatively more complex compared to other sampling methods ( Etikan, Musa, & Alkassim, 2015) . In this section, we focus on how convenience sampling would help understand how parents cooperating with their children in handling homework influences student’s grades. In the event where a number of friends are engaged in the research, data collection would be relatively easier due to little or minimal permission constraints. However, this sampling approach brings on board a number of limitations or shortcomings especially in determining the accuracy of the obtained data and research result, report and analysis. 

Some of the limitations of this sampling method are majorly bias-related. This, therefore, reduces the authenticity of the final research finding as the obtained data samples in most cases do not actually represent the entire population. Hence, it does not represent the actual expected results. For instance, in the above situation, convenience sampling would basically take into account opinions from say only two or three participants and ignore the rest, therefore, compromising the outcome of the study. Systemic bias may be encountered while using convenience sampling as the results from the samples may largely deviate from the expected theoretical results despite the expected discrepancies which may be minimal. In this situation, convenience sampling would, in turn, cause a significant error and unnecessary approximations in guessing the real or true expected results. 

Potential ethical implications of convenience sampling method are majorly validity-based. Convenience sampling would make it hard to understand the impact of the parents’ contribution to the ability of the students as it may include generalization which in many cases brings about inaccuracy especially in the situation where inferences are necessary ( Etikan et al. , 2015) . The obtained results, therefore, would not represent the whole results due to validity issues. 


Generally, grounded theory approach would assist the researcher to apply or adopt the use of multiple levels of data collection, data filter or analysis system especially targeting those that may help in data categorization in the affected or target area ( Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2012) . Grounded theory approach basically enables the researcher to attain relatively accurate results especially in the occasion where the data under study is qualitative rather than quantitative in nature. 

In this circumstance where the effects of an event are researched after five years, the grounded theory would help the researcher arrive at the best understanding of the problem by enhancing gaining of appropriate knowledge. Issues relating to data management would, therefore, be noted and marked, hence taken care of as the intermediate concerns (Saunders et al., 2012) . It would enhance the final credibility, especially that relating to the final research copy or findings. 

Data analysis in grounded theory approach as a research method should give attention to the use of interviews as a method of data collection. Interviews broaden the concepts under study and improve on the quality of the data obtained. In a qualitative study, data analysis should always begin almost immediately after completion of various levels of interview programs. This lowers the incidences of potential disclaimers or cases of biases which may occur due to an unplanned analysis. 

Theoretical criteria may arise mostly in the event where the grounded theory approach ignores basic principles in data analysis. Purpose and role of the study or research should be directly tacked to enable understanding by the target reader. The main limitation of the grounded theory approach is that it may directly depend on the researcher’s overview and perspectives in world understanding (Saunders et al., 2012) . This may create bias in the readers’ mind and attitude. 


In conducting research that requires the collection of data from children with severe autism, I would recommend the adoption of a qualitative methodology approach in handling the study and data collection especially by giving weight to a case study. Generally, case studies engage a broader version of the study as many sources may be used in building the accuracy of the study ( Jackson, 2012) . Case studies, therefore, portray a real-life situation whereby a contemporary and actualized analysis is achieved through a wide exploration of research and data sources. 

This method of analysis would be convenient as it would allow for use of. Questionnaires give access to a variety of questions which would help reach the targeted study topic and results in specific. In this circumstance, biases arising from the researcher’s perspectives and personal view and interpretation of data would be minimized to some extent. Generalization and reality approach would be established especially on the grounds of contextuality and appropriation understanding and consideration. In the event whereby minimal sampling is applied, reliability determination would be relatively easy as data sources under use would be relatively fewer. 

In many instances, the case study technique of research is criticized as it does not evaluate the required concepts directly as opposed to other methods. Therefore, in this research, a case study would help to understand the impact of special education assistance in public schools on children with severe autism. According to Jackson (2012), this research method design remains the best as it allows for easy identification of discrepancies especially in the event where case study data sources are not aligned or are non-compatible due systemic minor or major errors which normally arise. 


I would have chosen narrative inquiry as it basically breaks down the complexity which normally occurs when gathering information from particular sources, therefore making it highly effective. Narrative inquiry involves story-telling sessions which on many occasions capture the interactivity of the audience or target group ( Urquhart, 2013) . Episodes can, therefore, be narrated more easily in live events as this approach is majorly descriptive in nature. Multiple participants may be engaged and entitled to a variety of stories enabling factual variety to be achieved. 

Through narrative inquiry, different researchers are given a chance to come up with diverse lines of stories mainly with the aim of creating a wider understanding basis or level. This technique entitles the narrator's full authority and control over their line of stories without any form of compromise, unlike other approaches . Timeline development authenticates the narrator the capacity to confidently account for what he or she underwent as an individual but may refer to a group who had a similar experience. Narrative inquiry brings together a collection of interesting happening which as a result broadens ones understanding especially on cultural backgrounds and perspectives ( Urquhart, 2013) . This, in turn, creates diversity in cultural correlations and a general background definition. 

Identity construction may as well be achieved through narrative inquiry as the participants get access to a wider flow of multiple cultural concepts which when applied create mutual and cultural compatibility in the target societies. Knowledge achieved through narrative inquiry can enhance the acceptance of opinions from multiple voices, perspective considerations, and truth diversity. This method may focus on storyline contents or meaning of stories achieving both aspects of the inquiry. Through this, a narrative inquiry takes into consideration various approaches to story analysis, including the general philosophical position. Values in stories can be achieved directly through a narrative approach. 


The narrative research approach is qualitative in nature and aims at determining reasons why people’s thoughts may directly influence their general behavior. Qualitative instruments of data collection, therefore, apply in this circumstance. For instance, the researcher may create focus groups which may assist in the analysis of how feelings and emotions affect the social role of the affected persons in the society especially college campuses. 

Interviewing and note-taking may help the researcher in accessing large quantities of data. Analysis of such collected data would, in turn, facilitate the researcher’s ability to understand the concepts behind the collected data forms. In the event where the researcher prefers first-hand information, the narrative study would take into account the application of audio-recorders and videotaping so as to accommodate live events in the fields (Martin, & Gynnild, 2011) . Video recording would easily facilitate and compliment analysis of field notes especially through determining areas of inaccuracy due to possible discrepancies. 

Through field notes, the researcher enjoys the capacity to air his or her impressions on the general observations following the filed activities . In addition, environmental contexts can be accounted for by the researcher as collected data gives a direct understanding of the targeted environment (Martin, & Gynnild, 2011) . Video-recording enhances the researcher’s ability to understand and accommodate behavioral accompaniments including the non-verbal cues which on many occasions have been the main source of errors in such research studies. Field notes compliment other sources of data collection as they provide word-by-word attachments which normally facilitate analysis of data obtained from other closely related sources such as audio records essential for effective narrative research. 


Case study method or approach would be the best in solving this question since its normally addresses specific questions like in this case. For instance, case study makes it easy to understand concepts behind terms like ‘where’, ‘whom’, ‘to what extent’, ‘long-lasting sequences’ and many more ( Yin, 2010) . The researcher, therefore, gets granted the capacity to inquire about the circumstances under which the target community and its embodiments contributed to the said effects or the changes. In many occasions, a case study normally entails aspects that enable boundary creation and understanding, space determination and a relative time update. Case studies enable appropriate tackling of circumstances which are in most cases considered unique, rare or extreme as they directly engage the partnering parties or closely related concepts. This, in turn, brings about a shared significance or an additional advantage as it directly engages target groups or members of the targeted society of target activity lineage. 

Relatively, case study gives access to analysis of archived data, especially those in the forms of documented articles, participant direct observations, artifacts which in many cases normally rely on the focus or the intention of the study. Interviews involvement in case studies normally targets to determine the accuracy of the final obtained data since it's considered to be relatively engaging and it also accompanies a variety of particular facts. 

Case study inquiry creates contextual confidence in the final study report since it gives considerations to boundary accompaniments which provide genuine results unlike other approaches ( Yin, 2010) . Casual propositions may also be taken into account through a case study approach as the participants are engaged directly in the study process to attain consistency. 

Limit creation by the study enables the researcher to remain relevant and focused throughout the study period, therefore, minimizing errors due to irrelevancy and inaccuracy. 


In understanding and answering this question, analyzing attendance rates and course survey ratings for the key course handled by particular professors would be the most method convenient and likely to bring about desired results Analysis of class attendance amongst the students directly indicates the level of the rating of the targeted professors. Research has shown that most dedicated professors normally encounter almost ninety to ninety-seven percent attendance as opposed to less committed professors who register less than forty percent attendance rates (LifeCourse Associates, 2007) . In many cases, quantitative student projection and analysis normally forms a great basis under which professor evaluation is undertaken. Highly rated professors are believed to be more accurate when handling their respective disciplines as their targets are normally assumed to be based on direct student satisfaction rather than private interests. 

Analysis of course surveys, especially those carried out by experts can help deliberate on the professors’ tactics, especially those engaging matters relating to operationalization. Such surveys may bring out a considerable quantity of facts which may directly create a basis for making conclusions on the best and worst professor following a specific protocol or ranking index. 

End semester course surveys assist in understanding statistical considerations and basis as they tend to be relatively more specific and absolute. They are normally associated with fewer biases as the researchers are not interested in engaging individual points of view since that would directly compromise the target results (LifeCourse Associates, 2007) . Such surveys enhance a direct determination of specific considerations, for instance, the professors’ ability to overview assignments, score calculations and even problem-solving technique which each of the target professors normally applies when handling issues in their service delivery. Both analysis of class attendance and end course surveys may engage students directly so as to achieve accuracy in determining the best professor in the target in the doctoral levels. 


Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S. (2015). Comparison of Convenience Sampling and Purposive Sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics . Vol. 5, No. 1, 2016, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.11648/j.ajtas.20160501.11. 

Huang, Y., Strawderman, L., & Usher, J. M. (2013). A New Model for Mentoring Graduate Students: Teach Them How to Teach, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition

Jackson, S. L. (2012).  Research methods, statistics and qualitative methodology: A critical thinking approach . Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 

LifeCourse Associates. (2007).  Millennials go to college: Surveys & analysis . Great Falls, VA.: LifeCourse Associates. 

Martin, V. B., & Gynnild, A. (2011).  Qualitative data collection instruments: The philosophy, method, and work of Barney Glaser . Boca Raton: BrownWalker Press. 

Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2012) Grounded theory research method and sampling criteria (6 th  ed.). Pearson Education Limited. 

Urquhart, C. (2013).  Narrative inquiry for qualitative research: A practical guide . Los Angeles, Calif: SAGE. 

Yin, R. K. (2010).  Case study research: Design and methods . Los Angeles: Sage. 

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