18 Dec 2022


DEA Public Agency Analysis

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In 2015, the figure for opioid-related deaths stood at slightly above 30,000. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the number represented more than a half of drug overdose deaths in America during the year. The figure is expected to jump in the coming years as the federal and state governments attempt to mitigate the problem. Numerous pieces of evidence have indicated the trend of substance abuse like opioid, marijuana, and heroin among many other substances has climbed significantly. Unfortunately, teenagers account for the highest proportion of those affected with the problem of substance abuse. The issue has created a significant concern in the country as government departments step in to resolve the matter. Historically, the problem of substance abuse is not new, and there is a specific government department mandated to prevent the availability of illegal drugs in the United States of America. Generally, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) averts the smuggling and distribution of drugs in the country.

The DEA is a federal government department charged with several responsibilities regarding the management of illegal drugs and other banned substances in the US. Its core business is preventing the smuggling and distribution of drugs in the country. The DEA is a unit that is fully equipped to track down suspected drug traffickers and arrest them. Besides, it has the power to conduct drug investigations globally. However, the type of inquiry is conducted through co-operation with agencies in other nations. The objective of the department is to reduce prevalence rates of substance abuse and consequently cut the figure for drug-related deaths in the country. Its mission is to ensure people and other organizations that manufacture controlled substances comply with the laws enacted to control substance abuse by arresting the offenders and presenting them in court. In addition, the DEA proposes and defends the use of alternative strategies aimed at controlling the supply of controlled substances in both the American and Global markets (Rudd, 2016). The missions and goals of the organization have impacted the lives of Americans in various. The DEA ensures that Americans are not exposed to illicit drug substances. America has been sometimes been used as a transit for illegal substances, but the department has been proactive in ensuring the controlled drugs do not find their way into the streets. According to Sacco (2014), about the agency arrested about 30,000 drug offenders in 2012. Hence, it has managed to control some death attributed to substance abuse. Although the department is independent, it is interdependent on other government departments such as the FBI and Immigration offices.

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Agency History 

The DEA was founded in the year 1973 after president Richard Nixon approved for its formation (Sacco, 2014). Nixon gave a directive for the establishment of a separate department to control the problem of substance abuse. The Senate Committee that was tasked with the responsibility gave its recommendations for the formation of the institution (Sacco, 2014). The president and other leaders underscored the need for the newly formed organization to work independently but interdependently with other government departments such as the FBI in the counterdrug missions. Since its inception, its mission was to ensure the public and manufacturers comply with policies governing the use of controlled drug substances (DEA, 2018). Several achievements were made from the anticipated incorporation of the department. The newly formed was to eliminate the persistent conflicts between the government departments which had differed on the strategies of handling the distribution of drugs. In addition, the expected co-operation between the FBI and the DEA was to offer a new frontier of managing illicit drugs in the country. Besides, the confusion witnessed before in the enforcement of drug laws was eliminated (DEA, 2018). The DEA was assigned the responsibility of enforcing the policies which stopped the confusion and conflicts that were seen before between the different government agencies that were handling the matter. The decision also promoted accountability and reduced cases of corruption when multi-agency teams were involved in enforcing the laws. About 1500 agents, comprising analysts, laboratory technicians, and other specialists were hired.

Several pieces of legislation were enacted in the subsequent years that expanded the scope of operation of the agency. However, the most notable ones were introduced in the 1990s. The changes were influenced by the increased popularity of synthetic substances among illegal drug consumers. For instance, the cases of methamphetamine overdose became popular during the 1990s prompting Congress to introduce new laws to prevent the trafficking, manufacture, and abuse of the substance. New offices were created, and the department was given the additional responsibility of training states and other forms of government on how to control the trafficking. Currently, the DEA has expanded its scope of operations to other nations. According to Sacco (2014), the department has 86 new offices in almost 67 nations. Its current responsibility still entails organizing multi-agencies teams to work together in conducting counterdrug investigations. The co-operation of the units is also expanded to other countries where the department has offices. The DEA has also managed to develop relations with other international agencies involved in the counter-drug fight.

Leadership Structure 

Lewis et al. (2017) write that about the roles of government departments in addressing public needs. They suggest that due to the complex nature of public needs, it is critical for public administrators to innovative approaches to addressing the problems. Hence, leaders play a crucial role in promoting creative ways of solving public problems. Similarly, the type of leadership at the helm of the DEA plays a critical role in ensuring the department achieve its objectives. The leadership structure outlines the various positions the organization has and the multiple people that hold the offices. According to the structure of the department, Uttam Dhillon is the current acting administrator having appointed in July 2018. The highest ranking officer of the department is an appointee of the attorney general according to the constitution. Mr. Dhillon is an alumnus of the University of California where he was awarded masters degree in psychology in addition to a Bachelors degree in the same discipline. Over the years, he has managed to acquire extensive knowledge and skills in management that has seen him being promoted to the highest position at the DEA. His achievement includes heading the Counternarcotics Enforcement office. Also, there is an office of principal deputy administrator which is now held by Preston Grubbs. He has worked for more than three decades with the department but was promoted to his current position in 2017 (DEA, 2017). His duties include gathering intelligence, ensuring compliance of drug laws and discharging administrative responsibilities.

The department has 222 regional offices within America and 90 more offices in about 70 nations. On the other hand, the institution has two operational departments that include diversion control and aviation units. The role of the former department is to avert, monitor, establish, and investigate the distribution of controlled substances in the country. It also ensures the smooth flow and delivery of legal drugs and frequently vets the suppliers of the items. In contrast, the aviation department offers air travel services help to the various DEA teams involved in carrying surveillance to gather critical information required to either carry out investigations or seize illicit drugs. The service is vital because the problem of illegal drug smuggling involves international syndicates. Its object is to disrupt and eliminate the cartels that influence the supply and demand of the illicit drugs in the country. Hence, the department is equipped with helicopters and airplanes. Specially trained agents are hired to fly the planes.

Influential Factors 

Changes at the Drug Enforcement Agency have been inevitable. The international and local syndicates continue to improvise new supply strategies for illicit something that has influenced the introduction of changes at the government to enhance the effectiveness of the agency in the war against illicit drugs. According to the constitution mandates the Attorney General to provide policies regarding the listing and management of the processing, supply, and use of controlled drugs. Recently, the chief legal advisor to the federal government proposed new regulation regarding the production of controlled drugs by coming up with manufacturing quotas for producers and buyers to control the distribution of the substance. According to Dhillon (2018), the existing regulations were first issued in 1971 when the DEA was established. The current management believes there is a need to revise the policies to addresses the rising cases of substance abuse. The market of illicit drugs has also expanded which has made counterdrug efforts more complex. Hence, changes have been made to the regulations enacted in 1971 to enhance the functions and operations of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

The introduction of the quotas system is aimed at managing the distribution of controlled drugs by controlling discouraging the acquisition of the drug beyond the recommended limits. The new system will require the approval of quota applicants to provide extra information needed in establishing and averting the supply of controlled substances illegally. The enacted rule also ensures the DEA enforces the quota system effectively by involving other stakeholders involved in counterdrug operations. In addition to the existing policies, the proposed changes seek to introduce two additional elements to the criteria for determining the overall production quotas. It intends to create a guideline that specifies the scope of operations of the manufacturers. The policy ensures the manufacturers produce the required amounts of controlled substance and the move will control the surplus available in the market which finds its way to the streets. The new law which is also known as the final rule will require the DEA enforce the quota system based on information it receives from other government departments. Government Departments such as the Center for Disease Control also participate in carrying research on the side effects associated with the consumption of controlled substances (Gladden, 2016). Hence, the DEA will gather information from the government department frequently and apply it to enforcing the quota system approach. In addition, the administrator will collect information regarding the use of the controlled substances from state and tribal governments to make the decision. Already, legal notices have been given to the Federal Register on the intended changes. The magnitude of the proposed reforms indicates how the role of the department has broadened. The scope of its operations is also expected to be more complicated. Newbold (2010) suggests that in challenging times organizations have to come up with innovative strategies to resolve the challenges they face while Farazmand (2012) indicates globalization, institutional failure, and technology could impede the realization of the objectives.

Literary Connection 

According to Denhardt & Denhardt (2015), the management of government department s is unique compared to that applied in conventional businesses. They suggest that the institution frequently acquire new skills in formulating new policies and executing them. Besides, they are always willing to recognize and appreciate the dynamic and complex nature they operate within. The suggestion is in line with the changes that are currently happening at the DEA where the department is proposing reforms to improve service delivery. Pandey et al. (2012) reinforce the idea of having a transformational type of leadership for reforms to be successful. Organizational changes require the support of every stakeholder, and therefore it is vital to have leaders who are capable of changing the attitudes of employees. However, Adams and Balfour (2014) offer a different per spective about the role the public institutions play in the society. They suggest that public institution only serve their interest as improving the welfare of the community. Hence, the proposed changes at the DEA might not be aimed at the welfare of the people.

Nevertheless, evidence suggests there is a need for government departments to be innovative to improve operational excellence in service delivery. It shows that the future is uncertain, something that necessitates government departments to align their strategies with new developments. They suggest the use of a concept known as the social innovation which entails the development of new services that have significant impacts on the public. Equally, the DEA is taking a similar approach to control the availability of controlled drugs in America based on a document that was released by the administrator in July 2018. The report indicated the willingness of the institution to embrace new changes. However, as the DEA attempts to realign its strategies, it faces a myriad of issues.


The DEA has been in existence for more than four decades. The government department has stepped up the fight against the illegal use of controlled drugs. It works with other government agencies to combat the problem but remains independent. Although controlled drugs are critical in the health sector, the misuse of synthetic drugs like opioid has created a significant health concern in recent times. The number of deaths associated with the abuse of controlled substances has increased significantly forcing the DEA to re-evaluate its strategies to fight counterdrug. The achievement of the mission will see the number of deaths decline significantly. However, the performance may only be attained after the implementation of the proposed changes according to the chief administrator, but the department will also need to continue co-operating with other government departments. New policies that have been proposed include the introduction of the quota system that will control the amount controlled substance manufactured and supplied. In addition, the quota system will be enforced based on information received by other government agencies involved in counterdrug efforts. In the future, the functions of the DEA will be expanded based on the findings of research conducted by various scholars. The size of the international syndicate involved in the smuggling and distribution of controlled drugs will expand. Hence, the DEA will also need to expand its geographical operations to other countries where currently do not have offices. The development will require greater budgetary allocations than before since the department will be expected to co-operate with agencies from other nations for joint ventures.

The DEA plays a critical role in American society. Evidence has shown the number of deaths attributed to controlled drugs such as opioid and other chemical substances has escalated significantly over the last decade. The issue has elicited public reaction with some civilians accusing the government of ignoring the problem. However, the DEA continues to protect the public from the dangers associated with the substances. Since its inception, the department has been working with other institutions to control the supply of controlled drugs and other substances. It managed to achieve several milestones such as cutting the amount of illegal drugs although the problem currently appears to be complicated. The existence of the department has helped protect Americans and other vulnerable groups from overdoses. Hence, it has managed to preserve the health and lives of vulnerable groups such as youths through the counterdrug operations. Therefore, it should be supported in its reform agendas as the problem widens courtesy of globalization.


Adams, G. and Balfour, D. (2014). Unmasking Administrative Evil. Armonk, New York.

Denhardt, J. V., & Denhardt, R. B. (2015). The new public service: Serving, not steering. Routledge.

Dhillon, U. (2018). Department of Justice: Drug Enforcement Administration .

Retrieved from: https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1079531/download 

Farazmand, (2012). The Future of Public Administration. Administration & Society - ADMIN SOC.

Gladden, R. M. (2016). Fentanyl law enforcement submissions and increases in synthetic opioid–involved overdose deaths—27 states, 2013–2014. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 65.

Lewis, J., Ricard, L., Klijn. & Ysa, T. (2017). Innovation in city governments: structures, networks, and leadership. New York, NY: Routledge.

Newbold, S. (2010). Toward a Constitutional School for American Public Administration. Public Administration Review, 70(4), 538-546. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/40802230

Pandey, S., Wright, B., & Moynihan, D. (2012). Pulling the Levers: Transformational Leadership, Public Service Motivation, and Mission Valence. Public Administration Review, 72(2), 206-215. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/41433294

Rudd, R. A. (2016). Increases in drug and opioid-involved overdose deaths— the United States, 2010–2015. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 65.

Sacco, L. N. (2014). Drug enforcement in the United States: History, policy, and trends.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). DEA Public Agency Analysis.


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