14 May 2022


Developing Professional Practices

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Academic level: College

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Professionalism in early childhood education involves utilization of specialized information on early childhood education by teachers in enhancing early childhood learning among children. This includes a set of shared values and skills relevant to this profession. In my opinion, professionalism has not been enhanced in early childhood education. Practitioners in this sector have not embraced professionalism required to nature education in early childhood. Many early childhood teachers lack a deeper understanding of professional practices in early childhood education. Moreover, no an accountability structure exists to consider the professionalism of early childhood teachers. In my desire to enhance professionalism in early childhood education, policymakers must give clear professionalism policy directives in this area and institute clear accountability structure to be followed by all stakeholders in the education sector (Mooney, 2013). 

Professionalism in early childhood education will have a great impact on the children that I teach both inside and outside the classroom. Professionalism will enhance easier learning within classrooms. The specialized information of child educational development will help me as an early childhood to teach children in a way that encourages their wholesome development. More than helping them understand academic issues at their level; professionalism ensures that they gain real life skills and values that can help them outside their classroom. Some of the values include integrity, honesty hard work among other.

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I will use the information learned on professionalism in early childhood education to developing professional family and community Relationships. Information on professionalism, I will seek information about the diverse family and community background of the children I teach. I will enlist the support of family and community in the learning of a child through reciprocal, respectful relationships. Finally, I will involve families in the learning and development of their children. Professionalism helps me appreciate the crucial role that family and community play in the learning and development of children. 

Observation and Assessment 

Observations and assessments are aimed at giving the teacher an impression about the level of learning that the child has attained. In most early child education, emphasis is placed on observation as the process of hearing and seeing the learning developments of a child. However, Effective assessment goes beyond the limits of seeing and hearing. It includes deep analysis and creating sense out of the observation they make from the child through hearing and seeing. Therefore, observation and assessments will be more effective if they are implemented in a way that encourages a deep analysis of the observations made about a child. This will help determine the child’s exact level of educational development and help institute measures that will help that child in his or her areas of weakness (Copple, Bredekamp, Koralek, & Charner, 2013).

Observation and assessment are important to the children I teach because it helps me identify areas of their weakness and hence help them through those areas. Assessment helps evaluate if my approach to teaching is effective in the context of the students that I teach. Therefore, children can learn more and develop both inside and outside the classroom through teaching that focuses on their individual needs. 

I will use the information gathered by observation and assessments in identifying gaps in the learning of the children that I teach. I will observe the children on a daily basis and analyze the observations that I make deeply. I will record the information using formative assessment records and use this information in the teaching of the children. Through keeping records of assessments, I will be able to track the learning developments of each of my students. I will further be able to identify the specific needs of each of the students. 

Guiding Behavior

Most early childhood educators emphasize punishment at the expense of guiding behavior. However, punishment is not an adequate tool in forming the behavior of a child. Guiding behavior provides a behavioral model that children can emulate and cultivate. While punishment outlines consequences for wrong behavior, it does not demonstrate alternative behavioral Pattern. Guiding behavior gives children the correct behavioral script they should emulate. Guiding behavior can be effectively implemented in early childhood education through redirection. Redirection means telling a child how to behave and what to do instead of telling them how not to behave and what not to do. This will be effective in forming the behavior of the child (Fukkink, 2007). 

Behavior Guidance is very important to the child I teach. Children are in their formative stages and may not be aware of what is wrong and what is right. Behavior guidance will help the children to identify the right patterns of behavior. Behavior guidance is important in the classroom because it will help the children form behavior that is very beneficial to their education and coexistence with others in the classroom. Moreover, behavior guidance is important in helping children form morally, and ethically right behavior patterns required in the society outside the classroom. 

I will use the use information about redirecting behavior in my work as an early childhood educator to influence the behavior of the children I teach. I will shift focus from punishing wrong behavior to directing the exact right behavior that should be emulated. For example, if a child drops pieces of food he does not like, I will not say, “Don’t drop food on the floor.” On the contrary, I will say, “Please take the food you don’t like to the waste bin.” From this statement, I will have directed a behavior pattern. 


Copple, C., Bredekamp, S., Koralek, D., & Charner, K. (Eds.). (2013). Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus On Preschoolers. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children

Fukkink, R. G, & Lont, A. (2007). Does Training Matter? A Meta-Analysis And Review Of Caregiver Training Studies.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly ; Vol. 22: 294–311

Mooney, C. G. (2013). Theories of Childhood: An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky (2nd ed.). St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Developing Professional Practices.


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