A child’s milestone development relates to how a toddler learns to speak, play, act, learn and move. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, developmental milestones describe things a child is able to do after attaining a certain age such as walking, kicking a ball, pulling toys, running and climbing on objects (CDCP, n.d). The paper describes a typical schedule for a male boy aged 2 years and explores the milestones supposed to be achieved by children in the age group selected.
Typical Day Appropriate for 2 year old male Child
At around 7.30 am a 2 year old child should wake up but still stay at his crib until breakfast is ready. Serving breakfast signals the child’s metabolism which also a good way to get the child to sleep later. 8.30 am ought to be a free play time. After doing the breakfast leisurely, the toddler should be allowed to play a bit to introduce him into the day. The child should be left to decide what to do, whether messing up with toys, playing with the bunny or riding bikes. 9.00am is the independent play time. The child is left to play at his own uninterrupted with toys or with other siblings. At 10.00am, the 2 year old should be allowed to have an outside play and at the same time snack. Things are likely to go haywire if a caretaker skips snack time. The child at this time is allowed to go play on the outside in a designated fenced playground.
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10.45a.m ought to be time for an indoor activity. Such tasks entail doing chores, reading a book or building together. The activity builds a child’s character and trains them on how to follow instructions ( Lourenço, 2016) . 11.15 am is free play time when the child should be allowed to find something he likes to engage in. 12.00 pm is lunch hour time. The lunch fed to the 2 year old should be filling enough to last through the afternoon nap.
At 12.30 pm, the caretaker should wind down to allow the child to nap. At 1.00pm, the toddler ought to have already retired for a nap in his room with lights out. At 4.00 pm, the child wakes up and snacks. 4.30 pm is free play, TV or time. The child can also be allowed to play outside if the weather is favourable. 5.30 pm should be dinner time to enable the child go to bed at a reasonable hour. 6.00pm should be bathing and bedtime hour. 8.00 pm should be time to retire to bed. After being laid on his bed, the child may tend to stay up and talk to himself till slowly catches sleep. Bed time marks the end of the 2 year old typical day schedule.
Cognitive Development Milestones
Naming objects or pictures in a book for example bird, Cat or dog.
Constructing towers of 4 or more blocks.
Following two step instructions for example picking up shoes.
Sorting shapes and colours.
Using either the left or right hand more often than the other.
Playing simple games.
Language Development Milestones
Verbalizing a sentence with 2 or 4 words; a child can say a sentence such as I am a boy.
Repeating words or phrases overhead in a dialogue. The child at 2 years can repeat simple words such as school, bus, baby, and toy (CDCP, n.d).
Pointing at things such as pictures in a book. The child can point at the image of his father or mother in a photograph.
Knowing the names of familiar people such as a siblings and titles of body parts.
Pointing objects or images when they are named; when a caretaker names a dog, the child is able to explore and point at the exact image using a hand ( Bellman, Byrne & Sege, 2013) .
Bellman, M., Byrne, O., & Sege, R. (2013). Developmental assessment of children. Bmj , 346 , e8687.
Center for Disease Prevention and Control CDCP (n.d). Important Milestones: Your Child by Two Years, https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-2yr.html .
Lourenço, O. M. (2016). Developmental stages, Piagetian stages in particular: A critical review. New Ideas in Psychology , 40 , 123-137.