26 Oct 2022


Developmental Stages of Children

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Academic level: College

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Words: 549

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  Physical development  Social & emotional development  Cognitive development 
First six weeks  Rough and uncoordinated movements  Comfortable in the hands of parents  Explorations of the surrounding 
Ensure liberty of the child  Ensure liberty of the child  Ensure liberty of the child   
Free space  Always stay close  Always stay close   
1 ½ to 3 months  Visually track through midline, use of arms to prop, upright head positioning  Safe base adventures  Curios and fascinated by the surrounding 
Ensure liberty of the child (Bonnard, 2008)  Giving them more time  Ensure liberty of the child   
Provide playing objects  Introduction to new environments  Explore new environments   
3 to 6 months  Dismisses head lag and can move objects from hand to hand  Retorts to facial expressions connected to emotions  More curios and can babble and mimic (Schlesinger & McMurray, 2012) 
Ensure liberty and free space  Seclude more time with the child  Seclude more time with the child   
Provide playing objects  Continuous and changing facial expressions (Breznitz & Kugelmass, 1967)  Provide different sounds with different impressions   
6 to 9 months  Support weight on legs and can sit  Start to play, and they are socially cooperative  Inclined to parents and reiterates others 
Provide the required sitting support and instill sitting psyche  Provide encouragements  Ensuring interrelations with more people   
Form a habit of sitting  Provide playing materials  Stay in a diversified environment   
9 to 12 months  Crawls and eventually walks  Foreigner and farewell anxieties  Matches objects with their purpose 
Provide encouragement  Ensuring free and interactive environment  Keeping away and provide warnings on harmful objects   
Offer supporting objects for walking  Relate with more people  Constantly provide impressions on any object   
1 to 2 years  Development of more rigid walking skills and can ultimately descend and ascend stairs  Imitations develop  Quite stubborn and throws tantrums 
Provide encouragement  Ensuring free space of interactions  Little warnings when stubborn   
Offer supporting objects for walking  Interact with more people  Small punishments in case of tantrums   
2 to 3 years  Able to stand on a single foot and can jump on low steps  Able to identify grief in others  Egoistical, irrational and magical thoughts 
Provide encouragement  Ensuring a positive environment  Emphasizing on the importance of sharing   
Offer supportive objects  Allowing a space to identify the idea of anxiety  Constantly rebuke egotistic thoughts and   
3 to 5 years  Perfectly stand and merely runs and coordinates very well in different activities  Comprehends the idea of right and wrong, Able to follow rules  Starts to recognize the opinions of others 
Provide encouragement  Putting rules and regulations  Appreciating the show of respect on others   
Provide the required and supportive materials  Provide small punishments in case of rules bending  Constantly allow connections with others   
5 to 7 years  Enough strength to kick a ball for 6 meters  Follows rules to the point  Takes up roles 
Provide encouragement  Appreciating rules adherence  Showing the importance of taking up roles   
Provide a ball and other supportive materials  Rewarding and showing the importance of submission  Giving small roles that are equal to the child   
7 to 8 years  Complete indulgence in games and activities  Develop questions on intercourse and pregnancy  Distinguishes differences in behavior and intents 
Appreciating good games and rebuking bad ones  Talking about the dangers of intercourse  Emphasizing on the importance of good behavior and intents   
Providing the require materials  Removing sexually arousing materials around  Appreciating good company and rebuking bad company   


Bonnard, A. (2008). The Parents Rôle in the Child' Development. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 3 (4), 319-320. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.1961.tb15327.x 

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Breznitz, S., & Kugelmass, S. (1967). Intentionality in Moral Judgment: Developmental Stages. Child Development , 38 (2), 469. doi: 10.2307/1127303 

Schlesinger, M., & McMurray, B. (2012). The past, present, and future of computational models of cognitive development. Cognitive Development , 27 (4), 326-348. doi: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2012.07.002 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Developmental Stages of Children.


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