26 Jul 2022


Directive Control Behaviors: What They Are and How to Use Them

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 533

Pages: 2

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A directive control behavior approach involves a situation where teachers are functioning at very low as the supervisor takes over the teachers' problems. In this approach, teachers are not allowed to have awareness, inclination, or relevant knowledge to act on their capacity; instead, they have to seek directives from the supervisors. On the other hand, a directive informational approach is used to allow teachers to consider different available options and make better choices Glickman (Glickman et al., 2018). This paper aims to respond to the professor's arguments, which strongly oppose the application of a directive control approach. 

In this case study, the professor's argument is logical and can lead to getting better solutions to problems to be resolved. Therefore, the directive control approach should not be used by supervisors to control teachers; instead, a directive informational approach should be used to engage teachers in problem-solving processes to find the most appropriate solution to the problem. 

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The main reason for avoiding the directive control approach is because it does recognize the diversity of teachers. In this approach, the attitude of supervisors towards teachers is shallow because the supervisors always maintain a rigid relationship with teachers (Glickman et al., 2018). Consequently, this can lead to a bad decision-making process since teachers' contributions are not welcomed by the supervisors. 

Secondly, a directive control approach should not be used by supervisors in all situations to enable supervisors to help teachers in coming up with an appropriate solution that can aid in solving the problem faced. When supervisors act as helpers and guidance rather than dictators or controllers of teachers, it becomes easy to come up with better solutions that satisfy the opinions of supervisors and teachers (Glickman et al., 2018). As a result, this will improve coordination between teachers and the supervisors, thus contributing to achieving the intended goals. 

Furthermore, in the directive control approach, there is no flexibility in terms of the need for change. For instance, this approach ignores the adoption of essential changes that can help to solve the problem. However, these changes may be necessary for coming with appropriate suggestions that can help to solve the problem once and for all (Glickman et al., 2018). Therefore, a directive control approach is not an appropriate approach that should be used by supervisors to control teachers instead they should consider a directive informational approach which is more flexible thus can lead to making better decision to solve a problem faced. 

The use of a directive control approach can lead to the identification of the wrong problems or problems with no adverse effects and ignores problems with more negative effects. Since the supervisors make observations and draw conclusions about the possible cause without involving teachers, they may make wrong observations, thus leading to solving problems without significant impacts. As such, it is not essential to use a directive control approach by supervisors to control what teachers should do and how they should run their activities. However, supervisors should use a directive informational approach to engage teachers and get their opinions in different situations to improve quality decision making (Glickman et al., 2018). When a directive informational approach is used instead of a directive control approach, teachers will be satisfied with work environments, thus will make better contributions to improve the quality of their services to children. 

In summary, a directive control approach should not be used by supervisors to manipulate teachers to do what they want. Instead, supervisors should use a directive informational approach to consult and collect information form teachers on how decisions should be made. 


Glickman, C., Gordon, S., & Ross-Gordon, J. (2018). Supervision and instructional leadership: A development approach. (10th edition). New York, New York: Pearson Education, Inc. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Directive Control Behaviors: What They Are and How to Use Them.


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