6 Oct 2022


Discussion on Steps to be taken in Identifying Contingencies Governing Gayla’s Behavior

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 292

Pages: 1

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An analysis of Gayla's behavior regarding her monitoring of the 'clocking in' intervention shows inconsistency in organizational behavior management. As such, it is appropriate first to understand organizational behavior for a holistic analysis of her perceived 'failed' intervention to be effectively construed (Agnew, 1998). The case scenario reveals a manager who does not necessarily reinforce negative sanctions capable of depriving certain undesirable or reluctant employees. However, establishing operation as a contingency variable requires that the contingency be manipulated for behavior change to be effected within a company (Agnew, 1998). This paper argues that to identify contingencies governing Gayla's behavior, a three-step process of antecedents, behavior monitoring, and consequences monitoring is a must-have.

Gayla's behavior regarding her inconsistent monitoring of her designed but an ineffectively implemented intervention cannot be adequately understood in the absence of behavioral analysis. Johnson et al. (2014) contend that behavioral systems analysis is a requisite tool in understanding the loopholes within Gayla's intervention-which is essential for purposes of bettering performance of an intervention. Business systems analysis, in this purview, is increasingly considered to be a useful tool for the effective management of factors impacting organizational and individual performance (Johnson et al., 2014). It is proper to examine her failure to use deprivation as a conditioning tool in the implementation of her initial response to understand the contingencies governing Gayla's intervention. Applying deprivation action via negative reinforcement is argued to have the propensity for instituting behavior change among employees who delay in implementing the contingency. The use of discriminative stimulus anchored on consequent stimulus should thus be critical essential steps in underscoring positive reinforcement in the employees regarding their clocking in behavior. As such, Gayla would have performed better as a manager by employing a discriminative stimulus followed by negative reinforcement for purposes of imbuing positive consequences in her initial intervention contingency plan.

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Agnew, J. L. (1998). The establishing operation in organizational behavior management.  Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 18 (1), 7-19.

Johnson, D. A., Casella, S. E., McGee, H., & Lee, S. C. (2014). The use and validation of preintervention diagnostic tools in organizational behavior management.  Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 34 (2), 104-121.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Discussion on Steps to be taken in Identifying Contingencies Governing Gayla’s Behavior.


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