20 Jun 2022


Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1270

Pages: 5

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This project aims at evaluating the role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The research is undertaken through both primary and secondary analysis of sources. Secondary analysis is conducted through a critical review of sources that have been presented by the author regarding the subject. Such a study provides a fundamental guideline on the areas that authors and those that elicit differing opinions. It is from such perspectives that the researcher can derive conclusions relating to the subject. From the viewpoints, feasible recommendations could be pout across on the subject matter.  

The main aspects included in the project include; the purpose of the research and why it is exciting and worth pursuing, the purpose of the study, research question, hypothesis or statement of the problem regarding the research question, and the rationale for selecting the proposed research methodology. Additionally, other details in the project include; the method for delivery of the survey questions, conduction of interviews, biases or ethical considerations, and strategies for limiting their impact on the research. Still, justification is provided on why the project is valuable and connected to the primary goals and future research interests. Lastly, chronological order of the research activities from the start through completion is also presented. 

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Purpose of your research and why it is exciting and worth pursuing 

The contemporary work environment has mainly remained dynamic. Changing the business environment has resulted in managers making decisions that would suit the prevailing best practices. Some integral perspectives have been instrumental in shaping the difference between success and failure globally. Key among such facets has been emphasizing diversity and inclusion within the workplace. According to Inegbedion, Sunday &Asaleye (2020) indicates that companies that have been keen to embrace and incorporate diversity and inclusion in their operations have been, to a great extent, more successful than their counterparts who have neglected the component.  

Companies today have greatly changed the nature of their operations. With the emergence of multinational corporations, human resources management has become a strategic component of an organization. Managers have realized the need to view how employees are hired in the long term and the essential way that plays a crucial role in organizations' operations. The movement of human capital from one location to another has created a key challenge to managers on how to ensure that the workforce is competitive and, at the same time, representative of the specific population in the location of operation. This movement has dramatically emphasized the topic of diversity and inclusion. It is a subject that had become a significant area of focus for different scholars.  

Largely diversion and inclusion have become a key component worth studying due to the complexities involves in managing people from different cultural backgrounds. With the workforce population's change to include employees from different cultures, the beliefs and attitudes also differ (O’Donovan, 2018). Also, the viewpoints and behaviors of such employees are different. To some extent, the employees at the workplace may not have a clear understanding of how they could best deal with others from different cultures. These confusions may negatively impact the performance of the employees. In the long term, the performance may be impacted negatively. It is based on such aspects that this study aims at determining how diversity and inclusion could shape the performance of a company. From the findings, managers could better understand the specific ways that they could leverage diversity and inclusion to enhance company performance in the long term.  

Company reputation is also a significant component that increases the subject's emphasis under investigation (Sabharwal, 2014). In recent times, diversity and inclusion have become a key component in shaping companies' reputations in different sectors in which they operate. The business environment has become more cautious about how companies can incorporate people from different cultures. The inclusion of people with disability, other minorities, and women have also formed the basis of shaping company reputation. This approach also determines how well an organization is considered as desirable to work. Consequently, the importance determines the extent to which a company can attract highly qualified employees. In turn, the performance of a company is affected due to the availability or lack of highly qualified expertise.  

Research question 

What role do diversity and inclusion play in the workplace in shaping performance? 

Statement of the problem  

In the changing business environment, companies have realized the need to adopt inclusion and diversity within their contexts. This has been enhanced by the movement of human capital from one country to another in search of opportunities. Therefore, such dimensions may have an impact on the overall performance of a company. To this extent, this project needs to be undertaken to evaluate how diversity and inclusion could impact a company's performance.  


A workplace that includes employees of various diversities and treats all people fairly will build a positive image, and in return, increase productivity and profitability. 


The methodology that will be applied in the case of the study includes both primary and secondary approaches. This aims to ensure that the findings generated are essential and viable towards providing concepts that would justify the conclusions generated.  

Regarding secondary data collection, various articles relating to diversity and inclusion will be critically analyzed. The focus will be on articles that have been written by credible authors. This approach is focused on ensuring that the findings generated are viable and could be used as a source for future studies. The secondary sources used will be those who have been written in the last five years. The intention is to ensure that the findings presented by the authors are relevant to the current trends in the business environment. 

Also, the primary approach will be utilized in the context of the project. This involves the collection of data from respondents who would provide viable findings related to the study. The primary approach that will be taken will include conducting interviews from a local company. This will be essential so as to ensure that the views and opinions generated in relation to the study are relevant and able to address the key issue of concern. The rationale for selecting this approach is to generate first-hand data on the specific concepts relating to the subject. The respondents have views and opinions as shaped by their experiences, adding value to the subject under investigation.  

Research strategy   

In the focus of securing the sample population, the researcher will focus on an organization with a sizeable, diverse workforce. This approach is relevant to the subject. The respondents would be in a suitable position to express how diversity and inclusion have shaped the company's performance over time. The sample population will include the company's management, the minority groups, and women in the organization.  

The survey questions will be delivered by email. This is a convenient way of data collection. It will provide an approach where the respondents can provide their views and opinions on diversity and inclusion at their desks' comfort. If there is a need for further clarification, the interviews will be conducted through video conferencing. Again, this is aimed at improving the convenience of both parties while providing answers to the questions presented.  

Biases or ethical considerations   

Various ethical considerations will be focused on. On the part of secondary research, emphasis will be given to ensure no misrepresentation of facts. Also, sources of information will be correctly cited using an appropriate reference style. On the other hand, ethical standards in primary research will be maintained by seeking the respondents' consent before collecting data and ensuring that the results are used for the study only.  

Why the research project is valuable  

The research findings could be utilized by human resources managers globally on how to embrace diversity and inclusion towards ensuring the long-term positive performance of a company.   

How your research is connected to your major goals and your future research interest 

In the future, the findings of the study could enhance my goals as a human resource professional while working in a workplace with a diverse workforce. Future research could also be focused on comparing how diversity and inclusion shape company performance and competitive advantage by actively comparing two entities. 

Timeline in chronological order of your research 

  Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5  Week 6  Week 7 
research proposal               
data collection               
data analysis               
First Draft               
Final Draft               

Reference List 

Inegbedion H, Sunday E &Asaleye A. (2020) Managing Diversity for Organizational Efficiency https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244019900173 

O’Donovan, D. (2018). Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace. In  Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management  (pp. 73-108). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66864-2_4 

Sabharwal, M. (2014). Is diversity management sufficient? Organizational inclusion to further performance.  Public Personnel Management 43 (2), 197-217. https://doi.org/10.1177/0091026014522202 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace.


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