27 Aug 2022


Does Hamburger University Support the Company's Business?

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Academic level: Master’s

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Words: 291

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Hamburger University supports McDonald's business. The school teaches managers business and social skills; hence, managers receive an education that is similar to the one offered by business schools. Hamburger University's education focuses pm operations, service, development, sales, and quality, among other aspects required for success in business (Tomar, 2019). The university supports McDonald's by offering education to managers, mid-level managers, and the executive team. This makes them more efficient, effective, and effective in their duties for the benefit of the company. Management professionals who work in the different areas of the company's corporate section have to undergo training at Hamburger University (Tomar, 2019). The university also provides distance learning to train crew members working in stores. As a result of the training, the company has realized great success. 

Identify the learning resources available at Hamburger University and how they contribute to the business strategy. 

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At Hamburger University, classroom instruction is combined with practice, goal-based situations, and e-learning. As part of learning resources, the company offers $1million every year to facilitate training for the learners at Hamburger University. In addition, the university has employed sixty-four instructors, with 19 of them being on the main campus at Illinois (Tomar, 2019). The university has partnered with the American Council of Education to help learners apply for the university's course credits in degree programs (Tomar, 2019). Hamburger University blends different learning technologies to fulfill the learning needs of its students. The main campus at Illinois, for example, has a cyber café and improved state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment. Also, there are eight virtual learning rooms at the university. The classrooms are designed in a way that facilitates learning by causing more classroom interaction. There are laptops, whiteboards, and other learning technology equipment to enhance learning at the university. The learning resources contribute to the company's strategy by providing avenues for the students to learn important aspects required for the company's growth and success. Skills learned to include how to solve problems, business growth, and appreciating customers, among others, all contribute to the realization of the McDonald's strategic objectives. 


Tomar, D. A. (2019, July 2). Hamburger University: A McDonald's College Education. Retrieved from https://thebestschools.org/magazine/mcdonalds-hamburger-university/ 

Tomar, D. A. (2019, July 1). Ask An Expert About: McDonald's Hamburger University. Retrieved from https://thebestschools.org/resources/mcdonalds-hamburger-university-expert/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Does Hamburger University Support the Company's Business? .


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