2 Jun 2022


Dreaming Process and Psychology

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Academic level: College

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Wilkinson, M. (2006). The Dreaming Mind- brain: A Jungian perspective. Journal of Analytical Psychology , 51(2): 43-59. 

The study was designed to examine the nature and role of dream and dreaming process in the Jungian Clinical practice as seen in the neuroscience study and demonstrate how Jung’s premise about a dream that notes how it reveals the emotional concerns of the dreamer. The study hypothesized that dreaming-mind brain uses vivid visual imagery to process emotional process to the mind that is implicit and not yet available to consciousness, which seeks to emerge through the vehicle of the dream into consciousness where they may be thought about. It also hypothesized that the concept of the plasticity of the brain is central to the understanding of the value of dreams. 

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What the study did was to review Dreams from three patients interleaved with materials concerning the dreaming process by working on them analytically and relate to studies done in the past and literature about the subject to gather evidence and support for the position taken by the study. The study found out that dreaming reveals the emotionally salient concerns of the dreamers relating the past and the present that demonstrates the healthy aspects of the mind enabling dreamers to deal with both the past difficult emotional moments. It also found out that dream sleep is important as it acts as guardian of the memory, playing an important part in forgetting, effective organization and encoding. 

What we make of the findings of the study is that dream is significant and healthy for individuals. It contributes to emotional satisfaction and management caused by brain activity during sleep described as both regionally and biochemically different from that of waking states. 


Wilkinson, M. (2006). The Dreaming Mind- brain: A Jungian perspective. Journal of Analytical Psychology , 51(2): 43-59. Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=c3d82cd6-83e8-4bdf-96e7-871a7e55b182%40sessionmgr103&vid=5&hid=125 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Dreaming Process and Psychology.


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