14 Aug 2022


East Meets West: A Guide to the Best of both Worlds

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Academic level: College

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Words: 344

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Different cultures view life in diverse ways that adversely affect people's behavior and goals. These viewpoints also affect how people live and carry out daily activities, with each culture having a different understanding of the world. Some encourage its people to conquer the world and gain victory in battles, while others show it's pointless to fight nor become victors in wars. A community's perception of accomplishments drives its individual's habits; in some, there is the exhilaration of victory and great rewards. However, some cultures teach that there is no need to consider others inferior or illogical, which is the primary cause of cultural clashes. 

Alexander drew his motivation from the Greeks, who believed that all people who lived an extraordinary life would be welcomed to the "heaven of heroes" after their death. Besides, Greeks had faith that they only lived once; hence, they had to make it meaningful by ensuring conquering everything they did. In whichever situation they were in, they imitated the heroes in history to be champions because the championship would make them closer to their gods, who loved victory. He met the Gymnosophist, and both laugh at learning each other's mission. Each one of them considers the other's mission as pointless and foolish due to their different beliefs. 

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Yogi knew that the Indians' life was cyclic and would live the same life infinitely since nothing lasts forever, including deaths for their gods. Their myth proved that most of the heroes were the same but had lived different lifetimes, thus achieving the same goals again till they were meaningless. Globalization development will increase while many nations learn to ensure doing their jobs under whichever circumstances without undergoing many processes like documentation. It firmly holds on performing the task then since the performance is only once and everyone plays their role by their one taste. 

The Hindu culture, as it is with other cultures globally, has its mythical beliefs and conceptions. Therefore, it requires significant comprehension of the different global cultures to create sensitivity of different paradigms for both business and social growth as each learns something unique from others. Furthermore, including family and acquaintances in one's business will be enhanced, showing that they don't have to be professional or alone for prosperity. This integration will also help reduce the cultural conflicts experienced globally. 


Oxtoby, W. G., Amore, R. C., Hussain, A., & Segal, A. F. (Eds.). (2015). A concise introduction to world religions  (p. 656). New York: Oxford University Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). East Meets West: A Guide to the Best of both Worlds.


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