15 Sep 2022


The 12 Best Pilgrimages in the World

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 289

Pages: 1

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Hajj is a religious duty that all Muslims should perform at least once in their lifetime. Around 2.4 million Muslims visit the Arabian government to attend the pilgrimage. The first thing a Muslim does before attending the pilgrimage is booking for transport and hotels. The process is first in the western countries is fast. However, in developing countries, the process is slow. The governments in developing countries hold deposits on behalf of future pilgrims. Performing the pilgrimage gets more expensive every year. This could be difficult for Muslims planning to perform the pilgrimage since they have to pay more every year they wait. 

The atrocities committed by the Saudi state scare the Muslims from attending the pilgrimage. Some headlines that make the Saudi state look insecure include the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi war in Yemen, and the airstrike that killed children in a school bus. The activities have made Muslims who want to attend the pilgrimage reluctant to pay for fear that pilgrims could use the money they spend in the process to fund terrorism, resulting in the killing of innocent lives. 

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The Way of St James is another example of pilgrimage in Europe. More than two thousand people travel to Santiago de Compostela, a place believed to be the resident of St James. The pilgrimage is performed every year with the pilgrim following the famous route called the French Way. The journey begins in the south French town through the Pyrenees and northern Spain before arriving at the iconic Cathedral. The available accommodation for the pilgrims is the family-run hostels found along the route. Many people perform the pilgrimage for a spiritual purpose (Collins, 2018). It is believed that the remains of St James are buried in the Cathedral. Also, most people engage in this pilgrimage to disconnect from digital life and connect with nature. 


Collins-Kreiner, N. (2018). Pilgrimage-tourism: common themes in different religions. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 6(1), 8-17. www.arrow.dit.ie/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1226&context=ijrtp 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The 12 Best Pilgrimages in the World.


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