29 Sep 2022


Ecological Environment Sustainability

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 613

Pages: 2

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Creating a sustainable condition through the preservation of the environment to come up with a stable economy has been the top goal for every organization dealing with environmental issues. Most of the industries are concentrating on producing more for higher profits without considering the supposed preservation of the environment. The waste products from their industries get drained to large water bodies which include rivers, dams, lakes which finally reach the oceans. These waste materials, directly and indirectly, affect the creatures in the water bodies. Like the Aral Sea was much influenced by some waste materials which include, pesticides, fertilizers runoff, industrial projects waste materials (Glantz, 1999). These pollutants were coming from the river it was gaining water from which was now diverted by the Soviets for irrigation purpose. Far, less water is reaching the sea thus increase in chemical products concentration has affected the ecological environment of the river. The effects were severe as they led to a drop off the fish population in the sea, infectious diseases in humans and also the death of the sea creatures. 

The main goal of the article is to present the strategies developed by different international organizations concerning economic growth by safeguarding the ecological environment (Glantz, 1999). Conferences have been organized and attended by organizations such as the UNEP, the World Commission on Environmental issues and they came up with lifetime strategies that will create a sustainable environment for livelihood. The article talks about the plans in which the elimination of poverty, hunger, illiteracy, as well as inequity. This involves the presentation of ideas from individuals which would focus on the world`s decision concerning the environmental factor ( Kates et al., 2001). The trading rules established in a conference in Johannesburg deliberately entailed on trading agreements rules that would bring about a sustainable environment beneficial for both humans and also the creatures in the sea. 

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The environmental strategies can get enforced to the Aral Sea case where the Soviet initiatives of irrigation by diverting the main river supplying water to the sea ( Glantz, 1999). The article talks about the new indicators that will enable record on the sustainability condition of each country. This includes a measure of health conditions and the conditions in the water bodies whether they are declining or they are becoming better with time. The indicator will be handy if employed in the Aral Sea environmental tragedy. High salinity which is brought about by the weapon testing and industrial development is the main reason for the death of individuals who consume the water. Children and women being the most vulnerable to a crisis from the lake and close outlook to their conditions will be essential. If there is a higher infection to human beings from the water bodies, there will be a need for the cleaning up of the water bodies. 

The environmental practices discussed in the article relates to solving the issue in the Aral Sea. The Soviet irrigation initiatives are negatively affecting the Aral Sea ecological condition, but it plays a crucial role in economic growth due to large scale farming. The low water level in the sea, high salinity and disease have been the consequences of the river diversion. The articles focus on creating an economically sustainable environment. Thus, irrigations in the Soviet should not create negativity to the Aral Sea. What was practiced through the leading supplier of the Aral Sea was not effective in creating a sustainable environment? It would be significant if the irrigation practice gets moved to the Aral Sea rather than obtaining the water from the river. This would lead to more water in the sea thus reduction of salt concentration in the river, and also the chemical products will be taken back to the farm through irrigation. The location of the farm getting irrigated should be far from the sea so that the chemicals from the soil cannot reach the sea water. 


Glantz, M. (Ed.). (1999). Creeping environmental problems and sustainable development in the Aral Sea basin . Cambridge University Press. 

Kates, R. W., Clark, W. C., Corell, R., Hall, J. M., Jaeger, C. C., and Lowe, I., et al., (2001) Environment and development: Sustainability science . Science, 292,641–642 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Ecological Environment Sustainability.


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