6 Sep 2022


Effective Research Methods

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 578

Pages: 2

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Research Question 

The research question is: Do state licensing boards that require continuing education in good clinical practice likely to have fewer complaints about five years compared to states that do not have specific ethics education requirements? The study’s variables are the independent variable and the dependent Variables. In this research, the independent variable is the continuation of education in good clinical practice, while the Dependant variable is the number of complaints that the licencing board have received over five years. 

The use of good clinical practices, the independent variable, in this research will help in protecting the rights of those who will be participating in the study. It will also help to make sure that all their personal information is handled confidentially and with integrity. Therefore, it is essential for the state licencing boards to continuously educate its clinical officer on the good clinical practices which always ensure that accurate and reliable information is collected from the participants. 

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The dependable variable, the complaints, are brought about whenever the good clinical practices are not used. Sometimes, the State licencing board get complains from clients who feel that the confidentiality of their information was not maintained and their privacy was ruined. Others complain that the clinical officers were rude and did not offer the help they needed. This happens if there no enough education to the researchers on how to deal with the clients. 

Operational Definition of the Dependent Variable 

The operational definition of a variable refers to the particular method through which the variable is measured in research ( Maltby et al., 2014 ). Participant complaints related to clinical trials can be measured based on the number of complaints filed by research subjects related to both physical and psychological harm caused by a clinical trial, disclosure of participant information or breach of confidentiality or privacy, breach of informed consent standards and procedures, and failure of participants to ensure integrity in clinical trials. Problems related to Inter-rater reliability can affect the measurement of the dependent variable. Inter-rater reliability is the reliability of two measurements that are collected by more than one investigator or measurement ( Maltby et al., 2014 ). In measuring complaints, investigators or the instruments used may significantly differ in measurement details. In the validity aspect, content validity can affect the measurement of the dependent variable. Content validity determines the appropriateness of an instrument ( Maltby et al., 2014 ). Some of the contents of the instruments used to measure the different constructs of complaints may not match what the instruments are developed to measure. 

Measurements and Data Collection 

The dependent variable can be measured using observation methods. This means that there can be an observation on hos the dependable variable change depending on the change in the independent variable. In this study, it is important to observe how continuous education on good clinical practices has contributed to the reduction of the number of complaints. This measurement method is effective as numbers will not lie. 

The independent variable can be measured using the questionnaire method. In this study, there will be a creation of questions that would be used to gather information from the respondents on how effective good clinical practice education is. The data will be collected by making sure that the questions are both open-ended and close-ended questions (Dalati & Gomez, 2018). This will be effective in making sure that the study samples have been collected depending on the respondents answers to the questionnaires which are later used to help in improving areas that the licensing board will fell needs to be worked on more. 

Surveying can also be used to help in determining the kind of questions that the researchers can use to get the independent variable and the dependent variable. 


Maltby, J., Williams, G., Mcgarry, J., & Day, L. (2014).  Research methods for nursing and healthcare . Routledge. 

Dalati, S., & Gómez, J. M. (2018). Surveys and Questionnaires. In  Modernizing the Academic Teaching and Research Environment  (pp. 175-186). Springer, Cham. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Effective Research Methods.


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