24 Apr 2022


Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Healing

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a form of contemporary medical procedures developed as an alternative for pharmacological and surgical options. HBOT is among the revolutionary procedures developed where curative measures are carried out without incisive surgical procedures or the introduction of medical drugs into the body (Baptist Health, 2017). It entails placing a patient within an insulated tube where the body is exposed to 100% oxygen. The pressure of the oxygen within the tube is also mechanically enhanced. Research has already established for a fact that HBOT aids the body in the healing process (Baptist Health, 2017). However, the effectiveness of a medical procedure cannot be considered generally and has to be associated with specific ailments and/or diseases. Further, this effectiveness must factor other elements such as safety, ease of use, and side effects. The instant research therefore relates to specific effectiveness of HBOT as relates to different ailments and/or diseases. 

Article 1: Hyperbaric Treatment for Children with Autism 


The article by Rossignol et al. (2009) investigates the effectiveness of HBOT on children with autism; a mental condition common among children which limits their psychological growth. This purpose was however not meant to test how HBOT assists autistic children but whether or not it offers any assistance to them (Rossignol et al., 2009). 

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This is a scientifically controlled experiment that entailed exposure to autistic children to HBOT in well regulated and observed laboratory settings. The entire sample was made up of children between 2 and 7 years who were confirmed to have autism them divided into two sample groups A and B. A was exposed to the laboratory HBOT settings indicated above while B was the control and were also put in similar HBOT tubes but the level of oxygen in these tubes was negligibly enhanced. The specifics of the method related to a comparison between the psychological improvements of the children within both samples. To assess these measurements, the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale, the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC), as well as the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) were used (Rossignol et al., 2009). 


The first general result related to the safety of the procedure and the tolerance capacity of the children. HBOT was adjudged as safe and the children were found to be tolerable to it. The CGI scales used measures such as overall functioning, receptive language and eye contact. The results showed a heightened improvement in Sample A at 80% as compared to Sample B at 38%. Very much improved in sample A was 30% as compared to 8% in Sample B. The results from ABC and ATEC also mirrored those of the CGI. This showed that whereas there was general improvement for all the children, the improvement in sample A was exponentially higher than in sample B (Rossignol et al., 2009). 

Small Conclusion 

The experiment scientifically confirmed that the HBOT procedure had a major positive effect in autistic children and helps improve their psychological growth. Further, HBOT was also found to be safe for children with autism without any tangible side effects. 

Article 2: Safety and Effectiveness of HBOT in treating sleep disorders for Children with Cerebral Palsy.


Cerebral palsy is a general term used to refer to several permanent mental conditions that affect movement and coordination and manifest during childhood. Among the ways that cerebral palsy affects growth is through sleep inhibitions and which makes the focus on the instant research article. The purpose of the article, therefore, is to investigate if HBOT is safe and effective for the extenuation of the sleep disorders associated with cerebral palsy (Long et al., 2017). 


Sleep related disorders can only be investigated practically and this was the approach taken by the method of this research. The research method was, therefore, observatory in nature. It investigated the HBO2 treatment for with cerebral palsy which resulted in sleep disorders. The researchers divided the children into two groups primarily based on age, then used a comprehensive questionnaire to be filled by the parents to assess the sleeping patterns of the children before the advent of the HBOT therapy, during the use of the HBOT therapy and after the therapy had been going on for sometime. The method was designed to assess if HBO2 was safe for the children as well as effective in controlling sleep disorders. Parents in the study were advised not to change sleeping circumstances and regimens for the children to minimize secondary interferences. Finally, since cerebral palsy is a collection of ailments, the sample was also subdivided according to the different ailments within the general condition (Long et al., 2017). 


Of the 71 initial participants 59 completed the number of HBO2 necessary for inclusion in the final results. Seven of those who were eliminated were based on personal incompatibility with the treatment or family reasons. The remaining five were eliminated due to guardian n-n-cooperation. Different measures were used to measure the ability to sleep for the 59 children including sleep latency, difficulty falling asleep and ease of waking up in the middle of the night. The overall results showed manifest improvement in a majority of children in all groups with relation to all general aspects of extenuation of sleep disorders. In an overwhelming majority of times, the procedures were also undertaken safely with no tangible intolerance for the children (Long et al., 2017).

Small Conclusion

As with all observatory research, a lot depended on secondary factors thus limiting the reliability and validity of the experiment. However, the overwhelming improvement observed in the children investigated clearly showed that HBOT in general and particularly the HBO2 regimen thereon is safe and effective for use on extenuating sleeping disorders for children with cerebral palsy. 

Article 3: Effectiveness of HBOT for treatment of Radiation-Induced Cystitis and Proctitis


Radiation-Induced Cystitis and Proctitis are a side-effect of the extremely effective process of External-beam radiotherapy (EBRT) more so when carried out around the pelvis region. The necessity and effectiveness of EBRT makes it crucial to find a plausible solution for the aforesaid side effect. The purpose of the instant research is, therefore, to investigate how effective and safe HBOT is for the treatment of the aforementioned side effect of EBRT (Oliai et al., 2012). 


The research method was observatory and was based on 19 patients between the ages of 15 and 84 who after EBRT were then treated with HBOT. The assessment checked if these patients had developed Radiation-Induced Cystitis and Proctitis and how its advent, development and/or retrogression was affected by the HBOT regimen administered. This assessment was done by comparing initial symptoms before the advent of treatment and the symptoms during treatment. A long term observatory research was also undertaken to assess for recurrence of the Radiation-Induced Cystitis and Proctitis (Oliai et al, 2012). 


Of the 19 patients canvassed by the research, four dropped out for practical reasons and of the 15 remaining, only 11 developed hemorrhagic cystitis while the other 4 developed Proctitis. The main results were predicated on the LENT-SOMA score which measures the amount of radiation toxicity within living tissue. With the continuation of HBOT, there was remarkable reduction in the LENT-SOMA score. For example, a patient with a score of 0.79 at the advent of treatment got a score of 0.35 at the end of treatment. The trend was generally congruent for all 15 patients. The 10 month follow up showed a 50% resolution with the 39 month follow up showed an 81% complete resolution (Oliai et al., 2012). 

Small Conclusion

The results of the study as analyzed clearly showed that HBOT was safe and effective in mitigating on the side effects of EBRT more so with regard to the Radiation-Induced Cystitis and Proctitis in the pelvis. There was a high level of absolute resolution of the said side effects, which levels of resolution increased with time showing a low propensity for recurrence. 

Article 4: Effectiveness of HBOT on Chronic Radiation-induced Tissue Injuries


Chronic radiation induced injuries are not common but their numbers are increasing more so due to the increased efficacy of radiotherapy. Whereas in many cases radiotherapy leads to localized injuries or harm, some forms will result to chronic injuries when the radiotherapy affects the head or neck areas. The purpose of the study is to assess the effects of HBOT on patients who have developed chronic injuries out of radiotherapy treatment for cancer (Tahir et al., 2014). 


This was an observatory research and entailed both the assessment of a viable sample and observation of the said sample. The research team investigated cancer patients who had received radiotherapy in Australia to establish if they had developed chronic injuries in sections of their heads or necks. The same team was then observed before and after receiving the HBOT treatment using the Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) (Tahir et al., 2014). Results  

The sample assessment research arrived at a sample of 276 patients out of whom enough data was collected to make an assessment for 189 patients who reflected 265 instances of chronic radiation. The instances included different chronic injuries such as Osteoradionecrosis prophylaxis at 86% and xerostomia and soft tissue neck injuries ranging from 64% to 86%. The response rate for all chronic injuries was between 84% and 95% with the complication rates ranging between 10% and 15% (Tahir et al, 2014).

Small Conclusion 

The results and the analysis clearly confirmed the effectiveness of HBOT in the treatment of the different chronic injuries that result from radiotherapy treatment for cancer. These results by extension also enhance the safety of radiotherapy for cancer patients. 

Article 5: Effectiveness of HBOT on Long-term Neurological Consequences Patients Suffering from Hemorrhagic Stroke 


Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) stroke is more dangerous and potentially damaging than normal strokes and occurs mainly as a consequence of diabetes. With the continued proliferation of diabetes and kindred cardiovascular disorders, a solution to ICH and its long term effects is crucial. The purpose of this research paper is to assess if BHOT and/or normobaric oxygen therapy (NBOT) are the solution needed for ICH and also if it is safe for use by patients with diabetes (Xu, 2017). 


This was a randomized observatory test of patients with a combination of diabetes, 18years and over and having a stroke within 24 hours of commencement of the study. The sample also needed to have a CT scan confirmed hemorrhaging. Eliminations within the sample included the existence of a stroke within 3 months prior to the stroke being assessed, who were allergic to BHOT and also who died within the period of study and up to 6 months later. Both BHOT and NBOT were used and compared. Resultant improvements upon therapy were assessed using National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS], Barthel Index, modified Rankin Scale [mRS], and Glasgow Outcome Scale [GOS] procedures (Xu, 2017). 


Of the 79 patients assessed, 47 were put on BHOT while 32 were placed on NHOT which was a pilot study. Both tests were found to be compatible, safe and did not elicit tangible intolerance from the patient hence adjudged as safe. However, 6 cases of treatable complications were reported in NHOT and 8 similar cases in BHOT. Positive outcomes were observed in both NHOT and BHOT but with increase of time, BHOT showed better levels of improvement than NHOT (Xu, 2017). 

Small Conclusion

Both BHOT and NHOT are safe and effective for use by Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) stroke patients with diabetics. However, BHOT is safer and ensures better long term results than NHOT. 

Article 6: Indispensability of BHOT for Mutilated Hand Injuries 


When a hand is mutilated in an accident or incident, resolution of the problem rises beyond just the healing of the wound as the functionality of the hand is crucial to man. After corrective surgery, proper healing and the avoidance of hypoxia is critical. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of BHOT in assisting the curative process after post-hand mutilation surgery (Chiang et al, 2017). 


This was an observatory research following up the healing process of 45 patients who had received surgery after hand mutilation. A majority of the patients had had their hands crushed. Elimination was done for patients with life threatening injuries. The focus of the study was however the HBOT treatment conducted on the patients after surgery and how it affected the overall healing process of the arms (Chiang et al., 2017). 


When HBOT was used to supplement surgery, 89 out of the 110 fingers replanted in the sample group survived an equivalent of 81%. Avulsed or Degloved flap survival was at 67%. Mean of patients’ satisfaction with HBOT was 9⋅2 out of 10. On a long term basis, 39 out of the 45 patients returned to work within 2–28months (Chiang et al, 2017). 

Small Conclusion

The results and analysis shows that HBOT is a great supplementary treatment regimen for surgery in after hand mutilation. 


The referenced researches were carried out at different times, by different people, with varying samples and under divergent regimens. There is however, a general consensus on the efficacy and safety of HBOT in all the procedures that it has been used in. A few side effects such as claustrophobia were noticeable in some cases as well as the fears of a fire or explosion due to the use of compressed oxygen. These minor adversities however, dull in comparison with the effectiveness of HBOT in treatment of a variety of ailments. Further, HBOT was found to be safe and effective for both children and adults of all sizes. This clearly confirms that HBOT is a major breakthrough in the future of non-pharmacological treatment. 


Baptist Health. (2017). Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Wound Healing. Retrieved from https://www.baptisthealth.com/louisville/pages/eHealth/KramesContent/Default.aspx?articleid=135%2C44&langCode=en 

Chiang, I., Tzeng, Y., & Chang, S. (2017). Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy indispensable for saving mutilated hand injuries? International Wound Journal. doi:10.1111/iwj.12730 

Long, Y., Tan, J., Nie, Y., Lu, Y., Mei, X., & Tu, C. (2017). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is safe and effective for the treatment of sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy. Neurological Research , 39(3), 239-247. doi:10.1080/01616412.2016.1275454 

Oliai, C., Fisher, B., Jani, A., Wong, M., Poli, J., Brady, L. W., & Komarnicky, L. T. (2012). Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Radiation-Induced Cystitis and Proctitis. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 84 (3), 733-740. doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2011.12.056 

Rossignol, D. A., Rossignol, L. W., Smith, S., Schneider, C., Logerquist, S., Usman, A., . . . Mumper, E. A. (2009). Hyperbaric treatment for children with autism: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 9 (1). doi:10.1186/1471-2431-9-21 

Tahir, A. R., Westhuyzen, J., Dass, J., Collins, M. K., Webb, R., Hewitt, S., . . . Mckay, M. (2014). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for chronic radiation-induced tissue injuries: Australasia's largest study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 11 (1), 68-77. doi:10.1111/ajco.12289 

Xu, Q., Wei, Y., Fan, S., Wang, L., & Zhou, X. (2017). Early hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve the long term neurological consequences of diabetic patients suffering from hemorrhagic stroke. N euroscience Letters, 644, 83-86. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2017.02.059 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Healing.


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