28 May 2022


Employees’ Benefits in Google Company

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1993

Pages: 7

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The summary report seeks to reveal the actual functionality of the human resource management and the beneficial factors that the Google employees achieve. Additionally, the report will also attempt to venture into the company’s background knowledge to find out the historical period and founding date. Furthermore, that report will also focus on the ways on how the company uses different schemes to acquire the exact skilful employees. The report will also seek to focus on the challenges faced by the human resource management in respect to the challenges they face on a daily basis. 

Brief information about the company 

Google is an American company, that is specialized by technology, products and internet related services which in this case can be termed as online advertising, marketing, software update services, cloud computing as well as dealing with hardware aspect of the computing gadgets. The company has a well defined and networked set of search engine that determines the element of the functionality of the company to the entire world. 

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Finding of the company and its present location  

The company was founded by a couple of PhD students Sergey Brin and Larry Page, at Stanford University, California ( Fry, 2015 ). The primary idea of the company was to work as a single network before it was registered privately and finally, the real founders of the company realized that it had more beneficial factors than just a simple web hosting service organization. Today, the company’s headquarters are situated in Mountainview California, where all the company’s activities are undertaken from this angle. 

Google’s mission 

Google mission statement . “ Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful” ( Fry, 2015 ). Ever since the establishment the company has undergone a meticulous campaign to ensure that the individuals all across the universe will get access to the information are free from any form of obstruction. To attain this, the company has swigged into developing its sophisticated searching algorithm that is enhanced with a simplicity that helps the user navigate with a lot of ease. 


Develop services that profoundly benefit all the individuals all across the globe.

Nature of the business 

The core business value of Google company is to provide search engine services to any user who tends to fulfil their desire by manoeuvring through different sites in the hosted domain. Purposely, the search engine attracts more users to visit various sites with the urge of the gaining knowledge or new ideas from the previous events. 

The Clients of the company 

Google company has profoundly invested highly of the sector and platform of the cloud computing companies who seek for computing services. Additionally, the company targets a vast number of corporates to ensure that their products and sales are done through the platform of Google company. 

On the other hand, the company profoundly offers services that are widely and commonly used by many individuals all across the globe. This varies from the computer hardware that is advanced and operating systems for the tablets and Android smartphones. With the incorporation of these services, the company can target and track most of the clients online to shift the movement of the businesses. 

An examination and assessment of the HR function  

The fundamental nature of any human resource in the company focusses on nurturing the interrelationship of the workers in the organization. In this aspect, Google company’s human resource has a strategic effort that is undertaken to ensure that all other units that for the organization’s body are well taken care of. 

The department is divided into simpler and flexible offices that are meant to handle and collect the workers’ feedbacks within the organization. Through this, the junior HR departments can channel the grievances of the employees to the central department of the HR, where they are keenly analyzed and sent back to the respective junior HR offices within the organization to ensure that the process does not take longer than expected. Furthermore, the junior HR departments can respond to matters that are within their scope to reduce the consultation processes in the organization. 

Employees’  Benefits in Google Company 

Human resource management is one of the critical elements that has fostered the productivity of the employees at Google company. The aspect of inspiring employees in the organization has been spearheaded by the human resource department that oversees every aspect of the employees at the company. Additionally, the office works with different elements and departments to ensure that the workers of the organizations secure maximum benefits ( Duhigg, 2016 ). Furthermore, the main idea is to ensure that the employees remain as productive as ever, is driven by the aspect of securing benefits to the employees irrespective of their ranks and departments, the human resource management ensures that all the employees are taken care of as a matter of appreciation by the company. 

The HR department has always strived to ensure that the employees at Google are always motivated by different forms that benefit the workers financially as well as equipping and improving their skills at work. 


Entertainment is part of Google’s culture; the company has incorporated different aspects of entertainment such as video gaming at work that are situated in a different location away from the working area, an idea that aims to insulate the working teams from those who want the entertainment. 

Additionally, the employees also benefit from free massage rooms that offers them a with a degree of comfort at any time they feel relaxed. Moreover, this aspect increases the productivity of the workers. 


On the same note, the employee also profoundly benefits from medical services that are equipped within the organization, in this manner, the employees’ health is taken it consideration as workers are not afraid of getting checkups and return to their respective working areas. Furthermore, this is aimed to secure and increase working hours. 

Nap pods 

On the other hand, the company also offers napping pods. Workers are allowed to cool their brains and take a several hours power nap that reboots their minds setting it to a lower level to pick again. In this aspect, the workers are allowed to sleep during the working hours. As compared to other companies, this may be seen as a way of promoting laziness to the organization. However, the HR department at google explicitly knows the real benefits and vitality of the nap pods in the organization is a way of motivating workers of the company. 


In addition to, the company has a free cafeteria system within the company that offers free food to the works. Initially, it was challenging to understand why Google company during its early stages profoundly invested highly in the aspect of cafeteria rather than looking for the talented team of software engineers and other departmental workers. The idea was to attract more skilled workers to the organization who will work knowing that the company is taking great care of them. 

Dress code  

Among the most crucial aspect of the human resource, the task is to ensure that the employees of the organization are all satisfied with their working environment. Every company has a significant dress code that distinguishes them from the other companies; some companies tend to go an extra mile to equip their staff members with uniforms that are quickly matching the department every worker is assigned to. However, this is not the same concept applied to Google. As observed by Babnik et al., (2014 ), the aspect of freedom and choice of the dress code at Google is quite dominant. Workers tend to choose the kind of dressing they feel is flexible and matches the theme of the day, an idea that equips the workers with a free and clear mind of reasoning at work. 

Flexibility of work 

Trends to ensure that the employees at Google company maximumly benefit from the organization, the HR department in conjunction with the top managerial has offered the flexibility of work, where employees of the company tend to have flexible working hours as part of their daily task. In addition to the above statement, the employees also dent to benefit in working from home, an idea that promotes more productivity and recreation of the mind of the workers. 

Parenting benefits 

Among the most challenging factors that any company struggle with, it the interests of the employees over, the company’s. Google has worked around the clock to develop a symbiotic mode of beneficial between its set of employees and the organization its self. In this manner, the company can balance the gender equality of the employees where the parenting employees are given a seven-week leaf annually. Furthermore, the best aspect of this is that the employee gets to choose when and how to split the leave. On the other hand, the company has also introduced a five-month maternity leaf that is aimed to benefit the female gender within the organization ( Manjoo 2013 ). Through this, Google can retain most of its potential employees who work tirelessly within the Company. 

Challenges faced by Google Inc in carrying out employees’ benefits 

Google has been among the most competitive companies in the technology world. In this aspect, the company has worked all across the globe to ensure that the world is fully accessible at your fingertips. With a proper offering of services, nearly 98% of the world’s population has been relying on the services offered by the company regarding communication and connection of the world ( Babnik et al., 2014 ). The company has undergone a meticulous campaign to ensure that the market is well set by the company and not by any other in the same industry. 

Through this, the company has been forced to explicitly deploy innovative skills in their platforms that are explicitly inventive more than ever. However, with this aspect of competition and thrive to ensure that Google still maintains its pick, a couple of challenges have also unfolded its self in the human resource department to ensure that all the ends are well and adequately addressed. 

For google company to ensure that it adequately maintains its optimum benefits of the market it has to ensure that all the employees within the organization are well taken care of. Through this, Google company has been forced to look for the most skilled talented employees to incorporate them with their team members. Through this, the company has to incur an extra charge in ensuring that all the employees are on their side. On the other hand, this also poses a significant challenge to the company, where the human resource management has the responsibility to ensure that the employees are well taken care of, by offering beneficial appliances and schemes, such as housing and food as well as medical benefits to the employees. 

In addition to the above statement, the situation affects the company’s financial budgeting where Google is forced to stretch its budget to cater for the workers’ benefits. 

On the other hand, it is quite challenging to balance the amount of monetary value that an individual working from the central office to those who are working in the other branches of the company. The difference to ensure that this marginal gap is fully addressed has profoundly caused a severe challenge to the human Recourse department as most of the employees feel the unequal treatment of their needs is not adequately resolved to their needs. 

The essence of acquiring skilful programmers in the company is one of the leading challenges that are faced by the human resource managers. The company needs a talented set of programmers and the marketing team to ensure that the company’s products and services are fully meeting the required standers. In this aspect, the company is swigged into a wave of challenge in providing that it acquires the correct set of employees with the proper skills. 

Additionally, the aspect of low payment also opens an avenue of challenge to the company. Most of the employees tend to quite the company with a collective mentality and claims of the company paying lower than their expectations. In this manner, the company is sent into a wave of confusion on how to retain their skilful and talented employees. Furthermore, this tends to be more expensive to the company as it has to reschedule the processes of recruiting another set of employees who undergo vigorous training of the company. In this aspect, the company tends to use more resource to continuously equip the employees with the standard basic knowledge of the company’s culture and practices. 


In the bottom line, the company should work in hand with the human resource department from the other branches in different countries to give the employees of the company the same benefits to what the employees at Mountainview are benefiting from. The lucrative benefits should also be extended to workers of the other branches to attain the true meaning of unity and equity among the employees in the company. 


Babnik, K., Breznik, K., Dermol, V., & Trunk Širca, N. (2014). The mission statement: organisational culture perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems , 114 (4), 612-627. 

Duhigg, C. (2016). What Google learned from its quest to build the perfect team. The New York Times Magazine , 26 , 2016. 

Fry, M. (2015). Google working to reach minority-owned businesses. NJBIZ, 28(31), 8. 

Manjoo, F. (2013). How Google Became Such a Great Place To Work . Slate Magazine . Retrieved 31 March 2018, from http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2013/01/google_people_operations_the_secrets_of_the_world_s_most_scientific_human.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Employees’ Benefits in Google Company.


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