3 Jun 2022


Evaluation of Change in NATO

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Academic level: University

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The field of military science is characterized by planned and unplanned change. While institutions my plan on how to tackle military-related challenges, allies may adopt abrupt strategies that force such institutions to alter their strategies or adapt to the new changes (Bekkevold, Bowers,& Raska,2015). The focus of this study is on the planned and unplanned changes that have occurred to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) missions and work environment. On December 2018, Donald Trump indicated the intention of the US to withdraw its forces in Syria. NATO has been working hand in hand with the US in the war against the Islamic State in the country and its clear that it has to develop strategies of managing this unplanned change, operating without the support of the US or equally withdrawing. 

NATO past planned change 

In the past, NATO has been very focused in its efforts to minimize and end war in Syria. In the past, while NATO has allowed its members to take an active role in bringing normalcy in Syria after the civil war, the institution has not been directly involved in the intervention (Bekkevold, Bowers, & Raska, 2015). The restraint was based on the fact the US, which is the major contributor to NATO was active in the Syrian war and it was expected that its lone involvement would yield the desired results. NATO through the UN Security Council Authorized intervention in Syria by its allies after the Syrian government used chemical weapons among the citizens. The US retaliated by attacking Syria facilities and in 2018 similar action was repeated by Donald Trump Administration. In all these cases, NATO and its members honored the past by following resolutions of the UN Security Council on non-use of Chemical weapons. By honoring the past, consistency and predictability of actions in the military arena are possible. Governments such as the Syria one is deterred from using chemical weapons since it is assured that should it do it, the NATO allies would retaliate. Failure to honor the past creates uncertainty in military operations. 

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NATO Response To Unplanned Change) 

Since December 2018, it is evident that NATO Have no option but to adopt new changes with the withdrawal of the United States of America from the war in Syria. It has to develop mechanisms of putting pressure on the Syrian government to cease wars in Syria. There are multiple changes that it may adapt to respond to this unplanned change (Bekkevold, Bowers, & Raska, 2015). The institution is committed to maintaining global order. Once the US withdraws, NATO may have to support other member countries to increase their presence in Syria. Equally, it has the option of liaising with countries such as turkey, Israel, and Turkey in bringing normalcy in Syria, responding to the unplanned change of the withdrawal of the US from the war-torn country. 

Upon the withdrawal of US from Syria, many NATO Allies were started. Kurds in the country are asking France, a NATO member to increase its military presence in Syria. Countries such as Israel have viewed the move as undermining its efforts and are likely to increase their military presence, ground air and from the sea in Syria (Shalev, 2018). In spite of these developments, there is yet to be a clear agreement on what action should be taken by allies and foes in addressing the challenges that are likely to arise after the withdrawal of US in the Syrian war (NATO, 2018).The developments indicate the disruptive nature of change. It equally indicates the high chances of resistance to change with countries like Israel expected to ask the US not to withdraw. NATO is also expected to chart a new path in its retaliation and deterrence in Syria. The unplanned change has been caused by interpersonal conflicts where the US presidents view that the US is spending too much on non-helpful countries. No regulations have been established by NATO or the US to withdraw troops from Syria. 

Learning From The Above Developments 

Learning from the past as a way of shaping the future 

As indicated in the above case of NATO, it is evident that the past provides significant information that guides future decision making. For instance, policies used to fight against the use of chemical weapons were applied against Syria in 2018 by the US. NATO has intervened in past conflicts resulting to end of wars and dictatorship in countries such as Libya (NATO, 2018). As a result, it should equally intervene in Syria to end the ongoing war. NATO should thus learn from its past engagements when addressing the challenges that are currently being faced in Syria. 

Unplanned change due to interpersonal conflict 

When there are no conflicts, parties easily agree on how to collaborate on various issues. Disagreements result in loss of such agreements (Bekkevold, Bowers, & Raska, 2015). For instance, Trump has asked the NATO allies to increase their contribution in UN. This request has not been fully accepted forcing the US, the largest contributor to make unilateral decisions 


Regulations can be disruptive to missions. They may bar or authorize action (Bekkevold, Bowers, & Raska, 2015). In the above case, there is yet to be regulations barring NATO or the US from involvement in the US. US should have thus sought institutional declarations from NATO. 


The military field is faced with planned and unplanned changes. The strategies employed in war may be employed consistently over time. In some cases, interpersonal conflicts and changes in regulations may result in unplanned change. In such scenarios, there is a need to adapt to the change. Such change may receive resistance. NATO will thus need to adopt new strategies in its intervention in Syria after the withdrawal of the US. 


Bekkevold, J., Bowers, I., & Raska, M. (2015). Security, strategy and military change in the 21 st 

century . UK: Rioutledge 

NATO (2018). Statement by the North Atlantic Council on Actions taken against the use of 

chemical weapons in Syria. Retrieved from https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_15a3670.htm 

Shalev, C. (2018). Analysis: Trumps Syria withdrawal and Mattis resignation startle Israel and 

undercut Netanyahu. Retrieved from https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-trump-syria-withdrawal-and-mattis-resignation-startle-israel-undercut-netanyahu-1.6766824 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Evaluation of Change in NATO.


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