27 Jan 2023


Evolution of Apple Computers and Technology through the Years

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Academic level: College

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Words: 3750

Pages: 13

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In the contemporary times, the world has continued to witness chances and innovations related to technology. Computers, in particular, have played a significant role that has enhanced such changes in the technological sector. The changes in the technology have impacted all sectors of life that touch on the economic, political as well as social aspects of life where advanced technology has contributed to the positive changes in one way or the other as experienced in the present context. The drastic changes have also made the concept of globalization work with ease and become realistic as through such technological supported devices, people and organizations have been empowered and enabled to reach any corner of the world at the touch of a button as well as enhance business between and among business organizations operating from different parts of the world. The technology industry, thus, has continued to grow and expand as experienced in the contemporary times that has attracted different business interests as well as researchers and scholars that try to internalize and analyze concepts and variables that have contributed to the different scenarios related to technology changes over time. The need for mobility and flexibility has also contributed greatly to the present status quo related to technology-supported gadgets that include computers and electronic mobile devices. However, despite the many computers that exist presently in the technology industry, this paper analyzes the journey that Apple Computers have undergone over the years to the present date. 

Apple computers are among the most respected companies in the technology industry that has impacted the industry positively through its innovative products that range from computers to mobile electronic devices in the world. The impact that Apple has contributed to the technology industry over the past decades to the present times has equally impacted the economic, Social, cultural and political institutions impacting primary stakeholders positively and negatively that has changed the structures, norms and patterns as experienced in our present world. Apple has over forty years since it first started its adventure in the computer and technology industry in the world that proved to be a critical player in the industry as a result of its innovation and invention of new applications not only related to hardware development as well as software tools and applications that make the use of computer and electronic mobile industry fun and effective in addressing concerns in people’s as well as organization’s daily lives. 

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In the year 1976 month of April, Apple produced its first computer that was also known as the Apple I , described as Apple first original computer. It was designed by Steve Wozniak who was a very close friend of Steve Jobs that became close business partners and friends that have contributed immensely to the present day status of Apple as a company and the computer and technology industry as a whole (Apple I, n.d.). Steve Jobs brought the business perspective in such a technological phenomenon that thought of the idea of selling the computer. Apple I had a wooden outer cover and box used in its making. The Apple I did not last for a longer time before a newer version of Apple was produced. The curiosity an enthusiasm that Apple I brought dominated the media and technology sector that resulted in the production of Apple II computer. Apple I, however, served a limited commercial purpose and was mostly used at a family level. However, its official use was discontinued in the year 1977 the month of September. 

In the year 1977 Apple II was launched that had improved features when compared to the Apple I computer. It was described as the “Mark 2” of Apple computers. It had or came with its own case and was used more commercially. The Apple II used the MOS technology that ran its processor at speeds of 1 MHz. The Apple II had ram of 4 KB and had changed its outer cover from that of a wooden box to the present that showed how rapidly the technology was changing at the time. On June first, its official use came to a close with the introduction of the new advanced computers (Rawlinson, 2017). 

In the year 1978, Apple released the Disk II model that incorporated the drives as a distinguishing technological enhancement when compared to the previous models. However, with the increased curiosity and thirst for exploration in the technology sector, Apple produced several versions of its Apple II and Disk version computers in the next year before the 1980s. For example, it produced the Apple II plus, Apple II J-plus, Bell & Howell Disk II among others. The rapid change and introduction of the noted computers within a short span resulted from the introduction and trials in the use of drives as well as printers. Most of the noted series of computers came officially to an end in late 1982 with the introduction of more advanced versions of the Apple computers and technology at the time. 

The decade of the 1980s saw massive changes and improvement in technology that has shaped most of the aspects realized in the present times. 

In the year 1983, Apple Lisa was launched that came with a revolutionary technology and features as noted in the present time. For example, it came with Apple's first mouse. Moreover, it also had an integrated user interface and a screen (Rawlinson, 2017). It contributed greatly in halting the production of other previous versions of Apple computers. However, the price was still high for most of the organizations and individuals, and therefore it did not meet its business needs and demands as had been projected by one of the Apple founders Steve Jobs of dominating the shelves of the technology retail market. The revolution and impact that Apple Lisa had brought to the industry enhanced the curiosity and innovation aspects related to the development of computers and mobile electronic gadgets. 

The year 1984, another version of Apple Lisa was introduced named Apple IIc . Apple IIc is described as the first ‘portable’ computer because it was carried from one point to the other, but had no battery in it that meant that the user was to be close to a source of a power socket for them to use it (Rawlinson, 2017). The very same year in September resulted in the release of a newer version of the portable computers, Macintosh, that belong to the compact family that had a graphical user interface. The Macintosh is described as the first ‘affordable’ computer because the price at the time of its launch was affordable by many organizations and a few individuals. The Macintosh had established itself as a division within the Apple computer business. 

The two divisions created in the business meant there were continuous innovation and development of newer products in the apple and mac division that implied that newer version of the computer products was going to be released at a much faster rate and pace than had been experienced in the past. For example, in the year 1985 the month of January, three versions of computers that include Macintosh XL , Apple LocalTalk Connector and Apple LaserWriter were released (The Long View, 2012). The following months also resulted in the release of a newer version of the computer from the company as a result of the two divisions created in the company. The same year of 1985 Apple realized changes in its leadership and administrative structure where Steve Wozniak’s left the company, as well as stave Jobs, left the company to start his own named NeXT. Despite the leadership and administrative transition experienced at the time, Apple continued releasing different models of its computer products in the Apple and Macintosh division at shorter duration that averaged to three months that saw the release of different models in the year 1985 as well as the years of 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989 that saw the release of Macintosh SE/30 ( Dormehl, 2018). The quick release of the different version was augmented by the market demands, and intensive research that Apple had invested is as a result of realizing its initial objectives of making the computers accessible to many and dominating the shelves in the technology market and related products. The market demands for instance required for larger storage capacity and quicker speeds that could enable user’s complete different task at a faster rate, hence increase their efficiency in production as a result of using the computers. The Macintosh SE/30, for instance, had a 32 MB of RAM as compared to the earlier versions that only had 4 MB of RAM. The SE/30 version, in addition, was also expandable characteristics that made it very common in data centers as well as its use as a server platform (Dormehl, 2018). 

In the year 1991, the first laptop was developed by Apple called PowerBook 100 . Apple contracted SONY to design and manufacture the laptop on its own behalf. It features that include its size has guided and determined many of the next version that Apple made (Mac Hisotry, n.d.). The issue of compatibility was an important aspect that many users of the computers had expressed at the time. It was thus a breakthrough that the founding fathers of the Apple computers had that had inspired to see a situation where users were able to move with their computers in different destinations freely and be able to work and accomplish their goals and objectives with ease. Its weight was also light. It, however, did not perform well in the market during its initial year that it was initiated because of the features that it had that include 20MB hard drive, 2MB RAM and a 16 MHz processor. The market response compelled the manufacturers to reduce its price by more than half from $2500 to $1000. The breakthrough in terms of size as was experienced in the first laptop computer in the PowerBook 100 version made researchers and Apple believe even of smaller and advanced computers with great features that would meet the market and users’ demands in both the short and long-term periods. The technology enthusiast at the time had a vision and focus on the possibility of developing a pocket computer. 

In the year 1993, Newton Message pad the first attempted pocket computer developed by Apple. The team working on its development took close to six and a half years before the first version was released as a pocket computer (Edwards, 2013). It had real handwriting recognition described as Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). However, its existence and manufacturing did not last for long since the team that worked on its development embarked on the development of a different iPod software and operating system that had proven to have a great business potential at the time. 

The following year 1994, Apple produced another version of its computer called Power Macintosh 6100 that paved the way for the later computers developed and produced by Apple. It had a much faster processing speed of 66MHz as compared to the other initial versions. The version served for a longer time and was replaced by computers that had the Intel chip technology. Steve Jobs returned to Apple in the year 1997 after his company, NeXT, was bought by Apple in a deal that also enabled him to return at the top helm of the company as CEO. Jobs return came with its radical changes in terms of operations as well as product choices as his primary target was to return the company to profitability. Steve jobs cancelled the production of Newton project as well as phased out the licensing of Macintosh among other changes. The software expertise from NeXT was incorporated into the Apple products and products that were part of the main reason as to why Steve Jobs brought drastic changes with his second return at the company. 

In the year 1998 Apple produced the iMac computer. The iMac helped revolutionize the Apple company financial position and provide stability in its financial statements because of the market response to the product (Orfano, 2011). Its simplicity designed with USB ports and simple lines that were sold at a low price that attracted interest from many parties. Moreover, it came with a 50 KB modem that allowed internet users to work with the computer with ease. The internet has enabled market contributed greatly to its increased sales and positive returns in the market. 

The enthusiasm that was witnessed at Apple with the return of Steve Jobs meant that the market demands had to be incorporated in the newer version of products they released. In the year 1999 Apple produced the iBook computer that targeted the mass market. The iBook was designed in the style of a mini-laptop due to its small size replicating that of a laptop. It had more advanced features such as the wireless networking that functioned at the Apple’s Wi-Fi-based Airports. 

In the year 2001 Apple introduced OS X 10.0 Cheetah that was a new product incompatible with the earlier versions. It thus implied that Apple was coming to a close in its past legacy operating systems that had placed it among the top firms in the technology related products (Rosen, 2012). The new technology played a great role in turning the company direction in the products that it developed as a proved in the basis of the current version of the products produced by Apple including but not limited to the iPhones and iPads and the software that runs them. The new technology also implied that Apple had to refocus and change its business focus and shift from the focus of production of computers to other electronic devices. The new technological possibilities and applications made it easier for Apple to strategize as it was able to provide the operating systems (OS) versions that run in its current products. 

In the same year, 2001 Apple produced its first device that provides it was changing from a computer company to a device company. The iPod was produced in that year that had features such as LCD screen and 5GB of space (Golijan, 2013). The first iPod was made only for Mac with physical wheels that enabled people to scroll while using the gadget. Apple expansion into electronic devices manufacturing implied that its customers and stakeholders expected a different variety of products from the company beyond the computers as noted in the iPod. 

In the year 2006, Apple produced the MacBook computer. It was described as a mini laptop that is thin and has a flat screen design. The MacBook Pro and Mac Pro were also produced in the same year where the earlier version of iBook, PowerBook and Power Mac were replaced with the introduction of x86 chips from the Intel that was faster and more energy efficient. The iMac changed its chips a step that made it survive among the older versions of the computers produced by Apple (Rawlinson, 2017). 

In 2007, Apple launched the iPhone following the success that it realized from the iPod product. Apple team now was divided into two segments that focused on the computers as well as other electronic devices due to the diversification that the company took (Rawlinson, 2017). The iPhone took more than two and half years to be developed that turned Apple into a respected player in the mobile phone devices in the world. It enabled internet connection that also came with other features such as multi-touch screen, 4GB of storage, 629MHz Samsung processor among other features. 

The year 2008 Apple released the MacBook Air laptop that was a thin and light in weight. It released several categories of ‘ultrabooks’ by Intel that targeted to solve the challenges noted with the releases of the MacBook Air such as poor battery life and slow processor. 

In the year 2010, tablet computers were tried to be reinvented from the iPad with the intention of the finger based mobile devices rather than full computers. The tablet was conceived a long time, even before the iPhone was released, but they were delayed as a business strategy (Rawlinson, 2017). However, in the year 2011, Steve Jobs a critical player in the leadership of Apple that supported the adventures in the computer as well as other electronic devices development died aged 56. Tim Cook took over as the CEO, and since then the Apple adventures in the technology industry has become limited. The subsequent years the new Apple leadership tried to enter into a business partnership and deals such as noted in the ‘Beats’ deal in 2014 and U2 band. 

In the year 2015, Apple has repassed its latest products since the change in its leadership and the releases of iPad. The Apple Watch was released in 2015 that surpassed its market expectations as it became the most popular smartwatch that outdid its leading rival brands. Since the releases of its last product Apple Watch in the year 2015, Apple has not yet released any other product in the market, but hopes are there that it is working on its latest device product either in the computer-related line or other electronic gadgets that might include the iPhone or smartwatch. 

The above presentation presents the Apple computers through the years from its first product (Apple I) to the latest product the Apple Watch. It has included computers and other electronic devices that impacted the company positively in many aspects leading to the development of the Brand and different products. The changes noted by Apple over the years in the production of newer brands and halting of others impacted different stakeholders differently, resulting in tradeoffs of interest and the impact of the new technology on the economies, social, cultural, or political Institutions. 

The Tradeoffs the New Technology Presented 

The new technology used by Apple in its products analyzed the market demands and needs of the computers and electronic devices that it produced. It incorporated the needs of the users and market demands. For example, the use of the internet is a critical step and aspects in the contemporary times, the devices they produced considered that and incorporated the use of such critical service. Moreover, the issue of portability that could enable users’ mobility needs met and at the same time enhance the use of such devices meant that smaller gadgets continued to be produced by Apple such as Mini-laptops (Nath, n.d.). The other tradeoff aspects that the technology presented were related to the price and business objectives. Initially, Apple found it difficult to sell and realize its business goals and objectives because of the high products that its devices had in the market. It thus compelled them to focus on products that would be available and accessible to the majority in the society that helped it achieve its business goals and objectives. Steve Jobs, in particular, is the one responsible for bringing the business concepts in its products. The pricing of the products, thus compromised to a great deal to enable the Apple Company to realize its business objectives. Finally, old technology was also compromised by a newer one that implied the end of production and use of the older technology by the company. It resulted in halting the production of certain devices because they became obsolete. 

The Winners and Losers As the Technology Enters General Use 

With the launching of the technology in the market, it implies that it would impact users and other stakeholders such as business partners I either positive or negative way. The technology industry is very sensitive to market trends and fashion, and thus the introduction of newer devices with advanced technology such as noted in the iPhone among others means booming business for dealers. However, it also means increased competition and loss of market for the older version or technology devices, increasing the chances of such dealers and businesses making loses. However, the whole society often benefits more as a whole due to the short and long-term benefits that such technology gadgets provide that enhances efficiency and production (Nath, n.d.). Newer technologies that show in newer divides have faster processing speeds, larger volume and capacity to process data among other characteristics. When such technology enters general use, it gives users value for money, and hence there are no losers as changes in the society is inevitable as everybody becomes a winner due to the benefits that such new technology brings alongside with it. 

The Impact of the New Technology on the Economies, Social, Cultural, or Political Institutions 

The new technology impacts the economy positively. It produces simpler and faster devices that result in more output and production within the shortest time. Technology form the economic perspective is described as a way of production. It hence implies newer technology is modern ways that different production adventures can use. The business angle that the newer technology also improves the economy positively as people transfer and shift to the newer version of the technology that means more business and production by the manufacturers and dealers in the technology (Bajarin, 2012). The social aspect is also impacted by the new technology as noted in the Apple case. Technology business and industry goes along with social trends and fashion. Many people in the society would want to conform to the social trends such as fashion that include having access and use of modern technology and supported devices such as the iPhone among others. Technology thus develops the social pressure that many societies experience as people try to readjust to conform to the trending social issues at a time as witnessed in many parts of the world. The cultural aspect is equally impacted by the new technology. Culture describes people’s way of life. The new technology, when used by the majority as witnessed in most of American and western society, can be used to describe people or society’s culture (Golijan, 2013). New technology, thus impacts the culture directly and indirectly by reinforcing the use of new technology as well as enhancing the culture of using technology. Political institutions also impacted by the new technology where they incorporate the use of such technology in enhancing their political programs such as campaign strategies as well as operations. The technology sector, thus impacts all other sectors that touch on the economic, political as well as social aspects of life. 

How the Introduction of the Technology Changed Structures, Patterns or Norms in Our World 

Technology has impacted the world in a positive way in many aspects. Globalization concept, for instance, has been positively impacted by the use of technology that has resulted in innovation and invention of different mechanism and approaches that have made the concept a reality. The new technology has thus changed structures, patterns and norms in the society where new approaches and technology is preferred in the production of the different outcomes (Reisinger, 2017). The globalization concept has made the world described as a global village because of the ease with which it is possible to reach and communicate with anybody from any part of the world at the touch of the button. International business and relations as a result of technology are positively impacted where through the use of technology gadgets that support both audio and visual for instance, have been conducted from the different regions and areas in the world. Technology has thus impacted on all aspects in the world as realized in the present times as noted in the economic, political as well as social aspects worldwide. 

In conclusion, the changes and development experienced by Apple is an example that shows how technology has evolved over time and market factors that contribute to such changes. Most of the companies that manufacture computers have diversified into other products such as mobile phone gadgets that include smartphones as noted in the Apple example. However, in overall, the world has been impacted by technology positively in all aspects touching on the economic, political as well as social concerns. Individuals and organizations have enhanced their efficiency and production courtesy of the new and advanced technology that has enabled them to produce more and at a faster rate unlike experienced in the past. 


Apple I. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://applemuseum.bott.org/sections/computers/a1.html 

Bajarin, B. (2012, April 02). Why America Needs Apple. Time, http://techland.time.com/2012/04/02/why-america-needs-apple/ 

Dormehl, L. (2018, January 19). Today in Apple history: Macintosh SE/30 makes good on Mac’s promise. Cult of Mac . Retrieved from https://www.cultofmac.com/463132/today-in-apple-history-do-you-remember-the-macintosh-se30/ 

Edwards, B. (2013, August 27). Remembering the Newton MessagePad, 20 years later. Mac World . https://www.macworld.com/article/2047342/remembering-the-newton-messagepad-20-years-later.html 

Golijan, R. (2013). Steve Jobs' greatest products. Today Tech. Retrieved from http://www.today.com/id/44805821/ns/today-today_tech/t/steve-jobs-greatest-products/#.WsYZD5WsbIU 

Mac Hisotry. (n.d.). PowerBook 100 (1991). Mac Hisotry . Retireved from http://www.mac-history.net/apple-history-2/powerbook/2008-01-16/powerbook-100-1991 

Mangalindan, J. P. (2011, December 23). Here Are 10 Ways Steve Jobs Changed the World. Fortune. http://fortune.com/2011/12/23/steve-jobs-innovations/ 

Nath, T. (n.d.). How Steve Jobs Changed The World. Retrieved. Investopedia from https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/012815/how-steve-jobs-changed-world.asp 

Orfano, F. (2011). The History of Apple's iMac Computers. Retrieved from https://www.brighthub.com/computing/hardware/articles/55627.aspx 

Rawlinson, N. (2017, April 25). History of Apple: The story of Steve Jobs and the company he founded. MacWorld. Retrieved from https://www.macworld.co.uk/feature/apple/history-of-apple-steve-jobs-mac-3606104/ 

Reisinger, D. (2017). Here's How Apple Is Impacting the U.S. Economy. Fortune . http://fortune.com/2017/05/04/apple-us-economy-impact/ 

Rosen, A. (2012, July 25). Cats On The Prowl: The Evolution of Mac OS X From Cheetah To Mountain Lion [Gallery]. Cult of Mac. Retrieved fro https://www.cultofmac.com/180493/cats-on-the-prowl-the-evolution-of-mac-os-x-from-cheetah-to-mountain-liongallery/ 

The Long View. (2012, March 1). AppleTalk. The Long View . http://basalgangster.macgui.com/RetroMacComputing/The_Long_View/Entries/2012/3/1_AppleTalk.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Evolution of Apple Computers and Technology through the Years.


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