14 Jan 2023


Factors Affecting Employee Motivation

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 799

Pages: 3

Downloads: 0

The purpose of this research plan is to examine these factors affecting employee motivation at XY Company limited. Employee motivation is the holistic energy, enthusiasm and commitment that employees bring to a company on a daily basis (Sale, 2021). In the modern integrative and competitive business environment, a manager must ensure that his or her employees are highly motivated. This will benefit the day-to-day business processes and objectives because employee’s morale will increase hence improved work productivity. Inadequate motivation strategies usually plunge a business into immense loses and even bankruptcy in the long run (Chaudhuri, 2019). Human resource managers must ensure they adopt latest motivating strategies to enhance motivation among employees. The HR department must be able to detect real-time behavioral change amongst its employees and provide remedy. Demotivated employees will result in increased turnover rates, theft, job absenteeism, illness, depression and decreased productivity among the employees (Rich, 2018). The research is of importance to XY Company Limited management because they will find out key factors affecting motivation at their organization. From this research, XY Company Limited will be able to offer remedy to demotivated employees. Some of the factors that affect motivation are poor working conditions, substandard remuneration systems, job harassment and discrimination, unclear organizational structure, bureaucratic supervisors. Motivating aspects that the company might adopt include but not limited to; promotions, recognition, ample work environment, flexible work schedules, allowing self-actualization and innovations, healthy reward systems and clear organizational structure. My memo aims to undercover the factors affecting employee motivation at XY Company Limited. The memo will outline the sources of data I will utilize, the research approach I will use, methods of gathering data, sampling plan to adopt and the medium I will use to collect data from sampled respondents. My research on employee motivation at XY Company Limited will utilize both secondary and primary data. I will holistically obtain data from phone interview and online interviews from the selected employees. Selection of employees will majorly adopt a stratified sampling where I will request the Human Resource department to provide me a list of employees who are demotivated. The human resource department will probably list employees who have recently shown low productivity and absenteeism. I will also administer open ended questionnaires to the respondents; the questionnaire will encompass questions related to the topic of factors affecting employee motivation. In the aspect of secondary data, I will access the company website and utilize the available journals written by the company if they exist. Primary data will enrich my research plan because they are the first raw data from respondents. My research will adopt a qualitative research design approach. According to Byrne (2017), qualitative research design usually enables the researcher to use surveys, questionnaires and unstructured interview questions so as to get primary data from respondents. I have also chosen this type of research design because it’s flexible and time saving because it gives the researcher in-depth understanding of the topic he or she is researching. The design is also economical because the researcher only uses a phone and online channels to communicate to the desired respondents. Quantitative approach uses statistical tools which are quite expensive to purchase. The first possible challenge I will encounter is that the respondents might be biased in giving their personal information based on his or her present moods. The second limitation is company secrecy. Some of the employees may refuse to give their experiences for the company because oath of secrecy they took with the company. Another challenge I will encounter is the confidentiality of the company. The company may not be willing to share its internal business information but I will convince them that this is research work and I will not share the information with anyone else. The last setback I will encounter is COVID-19 protocols and restrictions that will make face to face communication happen. I will use questionnaires and interviews to collect and gather data on factors affecting employee motivation at XY Company limited. The questionnaire will contain open hand questions that relates on my topic. A questionnaire is a set of well typed questions that correlates the research topic. The interviews will target selected sampled employees of the company. The three methods I have chosen are phone calls to the respondents using questionnaires because of their flexibility and economical perspective. Due to the COVID-19 protocols and restrictions, I will video call the respective respondents and interview them. Questionnaires will be in form of Google forms whereby the respondents will answer the questions and submit the filled Google forms for my review. Due to the prevailing COVID-19 restrictions, I will use telephone calls, emails, Google forms and teleconferencing platforms like Zoom so as to get the required data from my selected respondents. I have chosen these methods due to the easy to use and the prevailing COVID-19 restrictions. My research plan will use stratified sampling technique to arrive at the favorable sample size of employees. Once I get the list of employees and consent of XY Human resource, I will use divide the employee into strata or smaller group. I will randomly group the employees according to the number of days they have been absent from work and their productivity status. 


Byrne, D. (2017). Research design . SAGE Publications Ltd. 

Chaudhuri, A. (2019). Survey sampling . CRC Press. 

Rich, R. C. (2018). Empirical political analysis: Quantitative and qualitative research methods . Routledge. 

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Sale, J. (2021). Mapping motivation: Unlocking the key to employee energy and engagement . Routledge. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Factors Affecting Employee Motivation .


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