6 Sep 2022


Family Interventions: How to Help Your Family Through Difficult Times

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Academic level: College

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Words: 293

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Strategic family therapy aspires to address particular problems utilizing clinical and theoretical principles that have the capability of satisfactory results and rapid effectiveness, particularly with hard questions that have not shown any signs of improvement in previous efforts of treatment. Strategic Family therapy can be completed in a shorter time compared to other forms of treatment due to the nature of its success and problem focused direction. The uses of strategic family therapy are to solve issues within the family, attain the goals of the family, and overall, change a person’s problematic or dysfunctional behaviors. 

Family therapy is founded on the belief that the family is a social system that is unique to its patterns and structure of communication. These patterns are influenced by things such as the beliefs and values of the parents, family members’ personalities and the influence of the extended family. I would make use of this approach in my practice as a social worker to teach family members about how families function and most importantly their own family. Also, I would use this strategy to assist in identifying anxieties and conflicts and aid the family in coming up with strategies to resolve them. 

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The strength of strategic family therapy is that it motivates family members to change permanently other than temporarily. This is achieved by changing the current rules within the system of the household to develop new behavioral responses to the recognized problem. Also, it that can be applied in a broad range of situations in the family in different service settings, for instance, clinics of mental health and substance abuse treatment programs. The limitation of this therapy is that it requires a lot of commitment for a therapist to achieve results especially if the family members are not cooperative. 

In summary, strategic family therapy has proven to be a useful method for treating adolescent problems. It promotes permanent change other than temporary. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Family Interventions: How to Help Your Family Through Difficult Times.


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