19 Jul 2022


From 1419 to 1610: early Renaissance to Baroque timeline

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1419 – Florence Cathedral’s dome is designed by Brunelleschi, an architect. 

Brunelleschi designed the dome with the main purpose of limiting the rain and sunshine that penetrated to the church. The cathedral’s structure had a broken roof that needed repair. Brunelleschi obliged to developing a design that would effectively seal the roof ( Pope-Hennessy, 1963)

1422 – Scrovegni Chapel’s is completed by Giotto 

Giotto developed a creative design that improved the appearance of the chapel, Scrovegni. The artist did the artwork in honor of Scrovegni family, and has stood to be among the important pieces of artwork in the renaissance period. 

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1433 – Divine Comedy is completed by Dante 

The component was developed by Dante. The narration revolves around Italian practices and imaginations. The medieval period is actively described in the literary material, especially during the development of the church based in the western region. 

1450 – Constantinople city is captured by the Ottoman Empire 

The Ottoman, under the rule of Sultan Mehmed seized control of Constantinople. The Ottoman raised its status to being an empire after the successful capture of the city ( Wölfflin, 1967)

1450 – The Printing Press is discovered. 

Gutenberg discovered the printing media in 1450. He was a revolutionary goldsmith’s from Germany, who positively contributed to technological advancements. Knowledge disbursement tremendously improved due to the discovery. 

1469 – Florence City-State is ruled by Lorenzo de Medici 

Lorenzo de Medici was an exemplary leader ( Ballangé, 1967) . He embraced philosophy, culture and artworks. 

1485 – The House of Tudor incepts with England’s king being Henry VII 

The house of Tudor revolves around the royal family of England. They began ruling in 1485 and completed their reign in 1603. 

1486 – The Birth Venus artwork is completed by Boticelli. 

Sandro Boticelli got involved in the creative designing of The Birth Venus, well known artwork across the globe. The painting evolved to being an exemplary element among the Italians due to its uniqueness. 

1492 – The Americas is discovered by Christopher Columbus 

Christopher Columbus was the initial person that discovered the route that led to the Americas. The Viking were purported to be the first humans to ever discover North America, but Columbus was the first to explore its constituents after the discovery ( Teyssèdre, 1967)

1495 – The Last Supper is painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. 

The last supper was creatively designed by Leonardo da Vinci. The artwork comprised of designs that led to the creation of refectory of Jesus and the apostles. 

1498 – India is discovered by Vasco da Gama 

Vasco da Gama, an explorer from Portugal discovered a potential land during his voyages. India had been hidden for an extended period until his voyages bore fruits during his escapades. 

1501 – Beginning of the sculpture David by Michelangelo. 

The sculpture was created during the renaissance period by Michelangelo. It was designed to represent the heroic male from the Greeks. The artwork became widely known for the information transmitted through its representation ( Pope-Hennessy, 1963)

1503 – Mona Lisa is painted by Leonardo da Vinci. 

Leonardo da Vinci was an exemplary artist involved in the design of well-known artistic features. Mona Lisa was a model that accepted the artist’s proposal of posing for painting purposes. 

1508 – Sistine Chapel is painted by Michelangelo 

Michelangelo was an astounding artist, who got involved in the creation of major artistic components. He was involved in the design of the ceiling of Sistine Chapel to comprise of creative designs that appealed to viewers ( Ballangé, 1967)

1509 – England is ruled by Henry VII 

The house of Tudor had ruled England for long periods. Henry VII was among the rulers of Europe after he succeeded his father. 

1509 – Praise of Folly is written by Erasmus 

Praise of Folly is a widely known renaissance literary material. It was written by the exemplary Erasmus. The main purpose of the literature was to raise the curiosity of Thomas More. 

1511 – The School of Athens is painted by Raphael 

The artistic component was put in place by Raphael. The painting was a representation of the unity created between philosophy, science and art. 

1517 – Theses are posted by Martin Luther king on Wittenberg’s Church door 

Martin was involved in the creation of theses that were later posted on church door. They were written based on the theme indulgence. 

1599 – The Globe Theater is built by Shakespeare 

Shakespeare was an exemplary individual that extensively got involved in acting. He built the globe theatre in order to provide a venue where individuals could perform ( Pope-Hennessy, 1963)

1610 – The discovery of Jupiter Moons is made by Galileo 

Galileo discovered the existence of satellites. He located the four moons existing in Jupiter. 


Pope-Hennessy, J. (1963).  Italian high Renaissance and Baroque sculpture  (Vol. 1, p. 44). London: Phaidon. 

Wölfflin, H., Ballangé, G., & Teyssèdre, B. (1967).  Renaissance and baroque . Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). From 1419 to 1610: early Renaissance to Baroque timeline.


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