5 Dec 2022


Gender Gaps in Executive Positions and Compensation

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In spite of advancement in the society and the endeavors of the protective policy, females still experience regular unfairness in places of work. Fewer women than males turn into executive managers; they make lesser amount on their occupations, cling to more junior occupations, and exit the positions earlier than their male counterparts. Females earn approximately 77 percent of their male equivalent earnings in the place of work, which is termed as the national gender earning gap (Tancraitor, 2016). The earning gap refers precisely to the variation in wages amongst males and females performing similar work. An associated aspect in the place of work is the existence of what is known as the glass ceiling, an obstacle that hinders females from ascending the occupation ladder to uppermost stages. Whereas the presence of a salary gap is tough to dispute, there arise discrepancies on the reasons why it exists.

One frequent explanation given for the earning gap is that female's life choices are the source of salary discrimination. The choices comprise the kind of career females choose, females' time out of the labor force to bear and raise kids, their level of educational attainment and lack of leadership aspiration. The notion, nevertheless, has been refuted by studies that revealed even after regulation on occupation, parenthood, education, working hours, and other aspects often mention as the basis of the earning gap, females still make less than their men equivalents (Gayle, Golan, & Miller, 2011). It has been found that there is a salary gap among males and females when regulating gender disparities in work systems. In another study regulation of several aspects that comprised the type of segment and the market significance of expertise, discovered an unexplainable disparity amongst men and women salaries and argued that at least a segment of the gender salary gap may only be clarified by discrimination. The gender salary disparity is persistent across all organizations, comprising the nonprofit division. This is rather astonishing as the underlying principles of the nonprofit division, which comprise beliefs in human liberties, fairness, and justice, suggesting that these institutions would follow unbiased performances.

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Women consist of approximately 70 percent of nonprofit organizations personnel in the United States (Tancraitor, 2016). As females dominate the nonprofit organization's personnel the phenomenon of salary disparity is specifically interesting in this division. Suggestions are made that females who work in the nonprofit division have higher chances for progress than their for-profit division equivalent. Nevertheless, females who work in the nonprofit division are still compensated lesser than their male counterparts in the profession. Women, in fact, earn lesser at all institutional stages and are lesser represented in leadership positions across the division.

The notion of career advancement, historically, has not only been explained by profession conducts over an existence, but as well addresses how professional conduct is altered through different interventions. Profession advancement in the United States has been distinguished by responsiveness to the varying situation. For example, vocational progress became essential as the nation shifted from an agricultural society to a manufacturing country dependant on immigrant employment. Vocational advancement has as well been persuaded by national regulation like the Career Education Incentive Act of 1978 that necessitated professional education plans in elementary as well as secondary education (Tancraitor, 2016). The perception of professional advancement gained additional grip as women and marginalized began to join the labor force.


Up to the 1970s, a lot of attention on females' professional advancement centered on internal constraints like fear of achievement, hate to risk-taking conduct, the conflict between home and career as well as external hindrances like discrimination plus family unit socialization (Tancraitor, 2016). Even though these aspects assist to explain why females' professions had been restricted, there was a necessity to better recognize how person's and the population's expectations affected females' vocational selections. This made scholars to apply social learning hypothesis advances to professional advancement. One of the perceptions on why the underprivileged position of females in the labor forces continues is low individual-efficacy expectations. A study focusing on how vicarious education experiences persuade human thoughts and conduct outlined that a person's self-effectiveness refers to the principle in his/her own capability to successfully complete a duty or display the desired conduct. Self-efficacy expectations are the sources on which a person is motivated to try a specific conduct.

The significance of low levels of self-efficacy was noted in a study, where both men and women were inquired to mentally revolve three-dimensional numbers. Women scored considerably lower than men as they refrained from responding to all the queries. Nevertheless, when obligated to respond to the questions, men and women had almost corresponding scores. In this suggestions were made that it was women's low ranks of self-efficacy that weakens their opportunities of triumph and not their incapability's (Tancraitor, 2016). A study of high school learners carried out, similarly, found that in spite of having equal scores in science, male learners were more probable to persevere when they experienced hindrances and worked firmly to attain their objectives. The results of these studies maintain the perception that females might not fully identify their own significances and capabilities in professional pursuits as females' individual-efficacy expectations appear to be inferior and feeble than those of males.

Professional self-efficacy is described as the inspiration a person has to perform within their range of supposed capabilities in orders to accomplish in their career field. This perception proposes that females' lower professional associated individual-efficacy prospects could hinder professional options and individual development. For example, a study conducted on undergraduate learners captivated in math and science established that those with lower ranks of individual-efficacy attained lower scores and failed to persevere as long in their prime. In the study, it was assumed that it was not females' standards, interests, and capabilities that restrict their professionals, but their individual-efficacy principles. The study additionally thought low professional self-efficacy could explain why females were less than represented in specific areas and why females' fail to entirely use their capabilities and skills in occupation advancement (Gayle, Golan, & Miller, 2011). In the study, it was found that ladies' minimal disclosure to a full range of probable occupations restricted their capacity to advance strong self-efficacy ideas in many professional divisions. In addition, educators' implicit viewpoints concerning gender could affect learners' profession self-efficacy.

In a research of high school science educators, most did not articulate a notion on gender disparity in learners' interest for science, but when requested to identify learners who should follow a profession in science, only a few percents of educators acknowledged a female learner. In the same research, educators explained high attaining males as possessing intellectual capability, where high accomplishing females were explained as being hard-labors (Gayle, Golan, & Miller, 2011). As young males tend to get more exposure to and supporting scientific, technical and mechanical practices, they might be more probable to develop stronger efficacy skills in these areas than young females. Gender responsibility socialization skills could outcome to gendered career. A recent study proposes the gender task socialization procedures persist in restricting females' profession options.

A person's background and atmosphere resources are as well essential to occupation self-efficacy. For example, proximal aspects like perceptions of supports and hindrances to academic of occupation success were found to be specifically essential in the active points of occupation choice making. A close association, for example, with an occupation advisor might encourage a female learner to follow a more male controlled occupation. Occupation hindrances and supports could actually reconcile the association among individual contributions and self-efficacy. Consequently, as persons obtain bigger support and lesser obstacles, their self-efficacy in occupation decision-making will amplify. There is not only a strong influence on career decision making and occupation choice, but self-efficacy also have a significant impact on the advancement of main vocational choice analysts like interests, principles, and objectives. For example, evaluation of mathematics self-efficacy between undergraduate learners revealed significant gender disparities with males being more certain than females (Gayle, Golan, & Miller, 2011). Self-efficacy anticipations were, however, equivalent amongst men and women every time the mathematics assignments depiction were more stereotypically feminine like mentally calculating a grocery list.

Gender disparities in self-efficacy are one of the significant explanations for why females are less than represented in STEM areas (Tancraitor, 2016). Actually, even competent females might choose alternative occupation paths due to low ranks of self-efficacy. As a result, lesser occupation associated self-efficacy anticipations could be seen as the main contributor in clarifying the lesser representation of females in customary men dominated occupation areas. If females, in other words, prematurely evade practical, higher-ranks, non-customary occupation options because of low efficacy anticipations, their probabilities of choosing a major, well-paying profession route are considerably lower. Therefore, the suggestion of low self-efficacy in a content part is the evasion of that part for probable coursework and occupation.

It has also been found that females could restrict themselves financially by choosing customary female careers that they deem will permit them to more simply balance their family affairs and occupation duties. A woman, for instance, could alter her work program to have room for her kids' education hours or to care for sick relatives (Grey-Bowen, & McFarlane, 2010). This various task efficacy additionally clarifies why female under-assess their interests in addition to capabilities and resolve for lesser prestige occupations. Females frequently deal with communications of labor force females who effectively balance labor life, family life, and individual existence. Balancing various tasks in a fast-paced society is a role at which females stand out. It is implied that women have superior cognitive regulation than men and, therefore are superior multi-tasking individuals.

In regard to an up to date estimation, males and females' total compensation and uncompensated workloads are almost equal. Nevertheless, females remain principally accountable for household and family management. Women on standard spend ten additional hours a week on multitasking match up to men e.g. in helping the kids and other household chores (Gayle, Golan, & Miller, 2011). While small ranks of self-efficacy might hinder females in high-compensating and high-authoritative works, high stages of self-efficacy are displayed in females' capabilities to handle various tasks. In spite of females' confidence in their capabilities to handle various tasks, they continue to pursue more customary woman-dominated careers with lesser ranks of compensation thus emphasizing the complexity of females' occupation options.

Gendered Occupation 

When trying to explain the gender gap wage, a lot of scholars have centered on work associated aspects. In specific, there has been a careful assessment of gendered career, with the evaluation outlining gendered career as the clustering of females and males into professional associations, in relation to the type of work executed or in relation to industry. The study proposes that sex isolation is an essential variable in the income gap. Women, in other words, are most probable to go into an area which compensates less thus donating to a compensation disparity (Grey-Bowen, & McFarlane, 2010). A recent research, associating this found the proportion of women in a career negatively compares with compensation. Although a lot of females are getting higher ranks of learning, they get the degrees in areas with lower compensation wages like education, administrative work, health, and nursing. On the other hand, males are leads in higher compensating areas such as engineering, law, medicine as well as mathematics.

Accounts in a recent research revealed that nearly forty percent of the women labor force is employed in customary feminine related work such as nursing, teaching, and social work. These same areas provide work for fewer than five percent of males. The works that are more characteristically considered as manly seem to compensate better than customary feminine works. Even though a selection of aspects might donate to this experience, socialization procedures, to large extent, aggravate the overpopulation of gender in specific careers (Grey-Bowen, & McFarlane, 2010). Nevertheless, these aspects cannot entirely explain the earning gap. Reports outline that men in women-dominated areas are still paid more than those women. Therefore, career isolation affects females' earnings more negatively than it affects males' earnings. A man, for example working in a woman-dominated area, will still be paid more cash than a woman in a woman field. The study, as a result, implies that females are frequently underprivileged twice i.e. for being a woman and for working in a gendered career.

Another account implies that the gender earning gap basically infuse through the work market, as full-time functioning females on average made less earning than men. If males are still earning more than females in almost every area, the notion of gendered career cannot entirely account for the earning gap. Moreover, gendered career isolation has been declining as more occupations are becoming gender-diverse; however, the earning gap is not making alike advancement toward closing.

Taking Time Out of the Work 

Another account for the earning gap is due to women taking time out of the labor force. The features of this assertion are indisputable. Due to their biological and historical duties, females are generally the family custodian; thus, they are most probable to leave the labor force to perform, birth and management for kids and other relatives (Grey-Bowen, & McFarlane, 2010). Whereas females must restrict their time or disrupt their occupation to meet their family management wants, males continue to labor constantly. Females suffer earning discrimination as earlier established; nevertheless, females with kids tend to face higher ranks of inequity. This earning and progress outcome is normally outlined as the mommy penalty. It has been reported, for example, employers are lesser probable to hire females with kids when evaluated to females without kids. Yet when there is employment to a mother, she is given a lesser compensation than a childless female.

This notion has been corroborated by various studies, outlining how each additional child is linked with an adverse effect on females' earnings. In the study, there is a conclusion that motherhood earning penalty over time has not lessened despite the reality that more mothers have linked to the labor force. Therefore, even though females' job models have become more alike to males', an obvious difference continues to be real. For instance, in understanding how motherhood penalty varies amongst working females, fines are higher for wedded mothers than for the single mothers, mothers who labor around the clock, and mothers who already possess work expertise (Tancraitor, 2016). Another research also revealed that not all mothers acquire the same earning fines for having kids. Mothers who could slightest afford to lose earnings i.e. the lowest salary earners, endure the utmost proportion of compensation loss as a result of giving birth. On the contrary, amongst the highest paid females the motherhood penalty is essentially smaller. It has also been outlined through facts that penalties were larger for well-learned females in senior spots.

While females' earnings suffer due to giving birth and rearing, males suffer no penalty whether they have kids or they don't. Actually, some reports indicate that women suffer an earnings penalty for every child, whereas fathers get a wage to boost for every kid. The reports further outlined that few years after graduation; twenty-three percent of mothers were out of the labor force, an additional seventeen percent of mothers use to work in part-time (Tancraitor, 2016). Contrary, only one percent of fathers choose to depart the labor force and two percent worked part-time. Although males and females depart from labor force for various reasons, it has been noted that females usually leave the labor force to care for their kids or other relatives like parents. Males also accounted departing from labor force at some stage in their occupation; nevertheless, they quoted reasons like changing occupation, getting additional education, or opening their own business.

Levels of Education Attainment 

It has been noted that obtaining the education is an efficient way for persons to boost probable earnings; nevertheless, learning attainment is not a useful mode to seal the earning gap. When earning disparity began to infiltrate in 1963, and the Equal Pay Act was approved, females' lack of learning achievement was an applicable enlightenment of the earning gap. By then, males had greater paces of graduation from undergraduate and graduate institutions. Nevertheless, following Title IX, which barred unfairness in learning, was approved in 1972; females' ranks of learning attainment exceeded those of males. Females in 1970 characterized 43% of graduates having a bachelor's degree and 39% of graduates having a master's degree (Tancraitor, 2016). Women today get more bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, as well as doctorate degrees than their men equivalent. However, females' endeavors to get an education have been fruitless in matching the salary disparity.

In spite of females' learning advancement, it has been found that when salary is adjusted for learning attainment, the earning gap is actually higher than it was before. Females', in other words, gains in learning attainment have not been balanced with gains in financial advancement. In their equal level of education, women earn lesser than their equal male counterparts in the same educational level (Gayle, Golan, & Miller, 2011). These accounts propose that the gap is more deviating at higher stages of learning. Also, the gender salary gap is greatest at the top of the learning range. For example, a female having a master's degree only earns 69% of the income of her male equivalent with a similar rank of learning (Tancraitor, 2016). Women, in fact, have to get a doctorate degree before she can earn more than a man having a bachelor's degree. Endeavors, to clearly justify the earning gap by quoting females lower ranks of learning achievement are worthless.

Lack of Leadership Ambitions 

If females are more learned and protection policies exist, there is no rightful reason why females should not be embracing the uppermost compensating spots. However, even though females' learning achievement and labor force levels have persistently increased, females are still less than represented in leadership spots. The labor force of women in the United States is represented by 49%, but females only represent 14% of the uppermost management spots (Tancraitor, 2016). This is real in spite of the fact that females in spots of leadership make a convincing case in business. Reports from various data collection revealed that Fortune 500 organizations with a greater number of females' managers outperformed their industry opponents on all dealings of prosperity. It was also revealed that the presence of females on the management team resulted in a more business division, lesser instability, and bigger boards. Whereas these reports concluded that the inclusion of females in the upper company levels has a direct and optimistic effect on a corporate bottom line, females continue to be lesser represented in spots of management.

Lack of aspirations or ambitions is not a justification for the management gap as females account as being driven as their men counterparts. A research on 1,421 worldwide managements revealed that 79% of all medium or senior-rank females wished to attain uppermost executive, which was almost equivalent to 81% of males with similar aspiration (Tancraitor, 2016). There is disprove of the perception that females possess lesser occupation ambition, as it was revealed that females and males were evenly devoted to their tasks and had the same desires to obtain roles in leadership. However, females are lesser hopeful that they will essentially attain their objectives, a lesser percent were optimistic they will attain their leadership objective compared to a higher percentage of males. The lower ranks of confidence by women could be attributed in part to cultural aspects like institution's lack of leadership gender diversity, as well as personal aspects like the time strains of a managerial spot that would challenge labor-life equilibrium.

A favorable atmosphere is vital to a female's optimistic in attaining her occupation ambitions. A favorable atmosphere comprises a fair achievement assessment, a perception that eludes a lot of women. The study advises that females are subjected to gender unfairness in their achievement evaluations. Gender unfairness assessment, in other words, obstructs females' occupation achievement as being proficient offers no guarantee that a female will progress to the same institutional ranks as an evenly executing male (Gayle, Golan, & Miller, 2011). As a result of unfair execution, assessment females are basically not put on a path to leadership spots. Hence, females have restricted access to occupation advancement, training and mentoring. As it is observed, even if females share the same aspirations as males, they are not offered the same managerial progress chances.

Females face major confronts in attempts to advance to leadership positions as they are frequently obstructed as successful management is perceived to be within the man domain. In spite of females' achievement in the places of work, managerial tasks are still most frequently distinct by men personalities like assertive, competitive, as well as decisive. It is ascertained that specific personalities are supposed to belong to males comprising being assertive, self-dependence, as well as authoritative with specific personalities alleged to belong to females comprise being caring, warm, helpful and communal (Tancraitor, 2016). These notions form an incongruity when women occupy areas that customary belong to men, like the position of authority or management. Consequently, females are either observed as likable, which is linked with being kind and fostering or triumphant, which is linked with being independent and powerful, but not both, because it is hard to inhabit both uniqueness's at the same period.

Hence, it is not shocking that social penalty like condemnation and negativity are frequently used to successful females. The more victorious woman is, the lesser likable she is alleged to be. The unlikable obstacle has not prohibited females from enduring to penetrate the places of work, comprising areas formerly dictated by males like law, finance as well as medicine (Tancraitor, 2016). Whereas they have gained the essential teaching, skills as well as aspirations to rise to the top spots they continue to be lesser represented in the upper positions. Women have continued to increasingly penetrate in gender stereotype obstacles to enter prominent areas and spots. Nevertheless, they persist to face unequal payment. As a result, the perception that females lack managerial ambitions or capability is a misleading notion and does not validate the earning gap.

Discrimination as an Explanation 

There are various assertions that the earning gap is the consequence of females' choices in terms of career, care giving duties, learning as well as management duties. But this notion is refuted with reports that even after regulating learning, parenthood, career, work duration, and other aspects, females still receive less compensation than their men equivalents. The discrimination notion sustains the idea that the frequently quoted justifications for the salary gap hold small reliability. Women, for example, who labor in women-gendered careers still earn lesser than males who labor in women-gendered works dismissing the suggestion that gendered careers could explain the gender earning gap (Gayle, Golan, & Miller, 2011). Equally, even females without kids or caretaking duties are paid lesser than their men equivalents. Hence, lower learning achievement is as well not a justification for lesser compensation. There is an exhibition of similar ranks of leadership desires by women to their men equivalents, proposing that lesser ambition is not a probable source of salary unfairness. Discrimination, therefore, remains one reasonable justification as to why a gender earning gap persists to filter through the labor force.


Sealing the gender wage gap is essential if females are to benefit from the fairness and rights they are permitted to and have made through evenly hard labor and donation to institutional and communal advancement as their male counterparts have done. Females are caregivers, managers as well as leaders with great tasks that they ought to be paid for fairly. One of the bases for sealing the gender wage gap is that females' salaries have become progressively essential to family revenues, as well as a further possibility of development. More and more responsibilities are being taken by women that include caring for the family, performing out the social duties to the community and therefore need to be paid fairly and equally to carry out the tasks. Females have travelled a lengthy course in achieving the same positions and same acknowledgment with males in several areas of community and sections of the globe (Grey-Bowen, & McFarlane, 2010). Nevertheless, education, discrimination, work duration, self-efficacy as well as economic aspects still operate as hindrances to fair compensation. Female movements, female empowerment institutions, learning, and public rights associations have persistently done a lot in furthering the women programs. Females have inhabited and persist to inhibit some of the mainly essential management and leadership slots in institutions and administrations across the world, revealing examples that demonstrate that females are not lesser skilled than males, and therefore, not lesser meriting fair payment for their donations and tasks.


Gayle, G., Golan, L., & Miller, R. A. (2011). Gender differences in executive compensation and job mobility. Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group Economic Research Center . Retrieved from 6 November 2018, from http://humcap.uchicago.edu/RePEc/hka/wpaper/Gayle_Golan_Miller_2011_gender-differences-executive.pdf.

Grey-Bowen, J. E., & McFarlane, D. A. (2010). Gender Compensation Discrimination: An Exploration of Gender Compensation Gap and the Higher Education Connection. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly , 2 (1), 65-82.

Tancraitor, C. L. (2016). A survey of executive-based compensation by gender in nonprofit organizations in southwestern Pennsylvania. Faculty of Robert Morris University . Retrieved from 6 November 2018, from https://bcnm.rmu.edu/ProgramsServices/cmp-media/docs/BayerCenter/tancraitordissertationfinal.pdf

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Gender Gaps in Executive Positions and Compensation.


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