According to Martin & Fahrig (2018), specialist birds tend to be less migratory and dispersive compared to their generalist counterparts. The research completed by the authors showed that “breeding bird species with narrower habitat requirements typically disperse farther than species with more flexible habitat requirements” (2062). Dos Anjos (2019) adds to the discussion by asserting that generalist species are more likely to survive in hostile habits due to their plasticity in food and habitat consumption. For instance, during forest loss and fragmentation, generalist species are more likely to survive thanks to their diversity. On the other hand, the specialist will be forced to adapt, migrate, or die in their deplorable conditions. Specialist animals require a specific environment to adapt and grow. From the assessment, the double-crested cormorant is an example of a specialist bird because it needs a specific environment to grow and thrive. For instance, it requires an environment with a water body where it can access fish, amphibians, crustaceans, and insects as its primary diet. The bird also requires a high perching ground where it can dry itself after its hunting endeavors in the water body. The high perching site is also important for enhancing food digestion. However, these birds do not require a specific ground for their nesting activities. However, based on their habitat and food requirements, these birds qualify as specialists. During high temperatures, the double-crested cormorant can significantly suffer due to the reduced availability of water. The wood stork bird is another example of a specialist species. First, the assessment has shown that it can only survive in a specific environment. The bird thrives in wetlands in order to meet its food requirements which mainly compose of small reptiles and fish. The bird also lives in colonies as the basis of its biome. Animals that exist in colonies are likely to live in specific environments in a bid to enhance interdependence with one another. Also, the analysis shows that the birds engage in life mating and therefore tend to stick in a given location for the rest of their lives. Martin & Fahrig (2018) point out that specialist species engage in habitat specialization. They thrive best in an environment with the best ideal conditions for survival. As specialists, the double-crested cormorant and the wood stork have specific eating patterns and rely on specific attributes in their environment for survival. Most birds are either generalists or specialists. It is difficult to find a species that fits into both groups (Dos Anjos, 2019). Whereas some species are very general in their feeding and habitat choices, others tend to be very specific in their approach. Compared to the two species, the generalist is more likely to survive. Generalist species can grow and thrive in different environments, irrespective of the prevailing conditions in place. The Greta blue heron is an example of a generalist bird. From the assessment, the bird can survive in different food and water environments. The bird can survive in both fresh and saltwater sources. It also feeds on a wide array of foods including insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals among others. The bird does not have any specific nesting requirements thereby making it suitable for survival in any environmental niche. The assessment has shown that the Greta blue heron can nest in a wide array of habitats including trees, mangroves, and shrubs. The birds are also known for their mobility. From time to time, they move from one environment to the other in a quest to look for a new mating partner. Generalists are not picky in their eating habits. Generally, they decide the content of their diets and have a wide array of habits to live in. Other than enjoying a wide array of food, they can also survive in different microbiota. Martin & Fahrig (2018) further intimate that the generalist species are more suited for the biodiversity of the environment. Given that these birds can eat a wide variety of foods, they do not endanger the species viability of a given population. Based on their eating habits, American robins can best be classified as generalists. They depend on a wide variety of foods including snakes, shrews, aquatic insects, dogwood, hawthorn, and fruits such as chokecherries. The wide option of foods they require makes them generalist species. Also, these birds can create nests in any environment without having a negative impact on their habitat and living. They are known for their migratory tendencies. The migration is heavily influenced by their ability to feed on different foods and survive in different environments. Also, the birds tend to eat different types of food depending on the time of the day. For instance, in the morning, they are likely to feed on earthworms. They eat fruits in the later parts of the day. Depending on whether a bird is a specialist or a generalist, they have to find the best method of survival. The assessment of the birds has shown that specialists are specific in their feeding, nesting, and habitat approaches. However, the generalists are adapted to eating a wide variety of food and can also live in different sets of environments. As such, this explains their tendencies to migrate from one location to the other depending on the prevailing conditions of their current location.
Dos Anjos, L., Bochio, G. M., Medeiros, H. R., Almeida, B. D. A., Lindsey, B. R. A., Calsavara, L. C., ... & Dominguez Torezan, J. M. (2019). Insights on the functional composition of specialist and generalist birds throughout continuous and fragmented forests. Ecology and Evolution.
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Martin, A. E., & Fahrig, L. (2018). Habitat specialist birds disperse farther and are more migratory than habitat generalist birds. Ecology, 99(9), 2058-2066.