2 Jun 2022


The State of Knowledge and Emerging Sustainability Issues for Horticulture in the Production Sector and with a Focus on the Aspect of Tools/Equipment/Machinery

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Horticulture remains a benefit adduced by nature and decidedly improved by human intervention through skill and science to obtain progressive benefits. Primarily, the processes of horticulture involve meticulous cropping specialization that includes the production, improvement, use, and distribution of woody landscape, fruits, vegetables, and greenhouse produce. With abundant and striking professional opportunities for advancement, horticulture remains one of the most exponentially expanding industries globally (Sharma & Alam, 2016). With the global population increasing, a significant number of individuals, representing increasing proportions, presently live in metropolitan areas that present environments with little to no understanding of farming, and commensurately, the production of food. Statistics indicate that in 1950, an estimate of around 71 percent of the global population lived in rural areas. This estimate stood at 50 percent in 2011 and is expected to drop further to 30 percent by 2050; an ironic decline considering the myriad urban-based customers who cry foul over the sustainable nature of farming (United Nations, 2007).

In recent times, consumers have become more vocal concerning various issues ravaging farming, both ethical and technical. Such consumers often cite the use of harmful pesticides, buy-local campaigns, carbon taxes, and farm worker conditions as major concerns while evading pressing technical issues such as the realistic nature of meeting customer demands and production methodologies. As such, over the last decade or so, to meet the sturdily growing demand for year-round, low-cost supply of premium quality vegetables and fruits, predominantly in developing countries, the production of fresh export vegetables has increased among developed nations. Such trade brings about global exporters and producers together with retailers and importers. Nonetheless, with sustainable practices that involve low-cost production and land being unavailable in developed nations, the resultant production shift takes place in countries with cost-effective labor permits such as Kenya ("Feeding Cities of the Future," 2018).

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Therefore, to achieve sustainability, predominantly in the production sector, machinery, tools, and equipment drive productivity in a major way leading to the promotion of sustainable progress within horticulture. While numerous countries employ the use of large-scale production of agronomic crops through genetic manipulation, the use of this strategy in horticulture remains a matter of great concern regarding the overall justification of GMOs and their safety; thereby, representing sustainability issues within horticulture. Nonetheless, since current trends show the need for increased variety, freshness, as well as healthy options in terms of eating choices, the employment of sustainability in horticulture is presently a polemical issue.

To ensure sustainability in horticulture, the implementation of tools/equipment/machinery is inevitable. Presently, farming comprises a technological makeup of equipment, machinery, and tools that represent the cornerstone of modern sustainable horticulture (Lencsés, Takács and Takács-György, 2014). Farmers continue to face a plethora of choices owing to the wide ranges of technology. Nonetheless, with the focus on sustainability, these farmers can now select appropriate machinery for production. This paper focuses on the technological state of knowledge and sustainability issues within the production sector of horticulture.

Analytical and Policy Aspects Defending the Role and Value of Designed Productive Areas 

To remain relevant, horticulture has to be sustainable in the long-run. As such, urban planners, homeowners, and designers are gradually moving away from unsustainable practices to ones that offer more aesthetic, functional, and environmentally sound designs both within the production and within the landscaping sector. The term “sustainable” became evident during the ‘90s due to the Brundtland report of 1987 from the Development of the United Nations and the World Commission on Environment (Granatstein & Kupferman, 2008). Within this document, sustainability refers to the ability to meet present needs without necessarily destroying the needs of future generations. Therefore, currently, there are various uses of the term sustainability, which range from sustainable development, sustainable, forestry, sustainable buildings, as well as global systems.

When it comes to agriculture, some of the earliest discussions on sustainability within the twentieth century revolved around the conservation of soil, predominantly during the Dust Bowl era in which the U.S. placed soil sustainability on the national agenda (McLeman et al., 2013). In horticulture, particularly the production of fruit and vegetables, the use of pesticides became central to the implementation of sustainable measures for proper and safe production. While issues to do with the ecology are largely publicized, such as the scarcity of water, soil erosion, and air pollution, horticultural barriers to sustainability also entail economic, social, and political issues such as global competition, overpopulation, low commodity pricing, poorly designed productive areas due to lack of proper technology and shrinkage in farm numbers. While these are “people” related problems rather than horticultural or agronomical, the continued advancement of technology plays a significant role in improving sustainability. Thus, wholesomely, sustainability has the common definition of being socially acceptable, environmentally sound, and economically viable in the long-run.

Analytical and policy aspects defending the role and value of designed productive areas show that the implementation of germane technologies in terms of equipment and machinery for sustainable horticultural systems is presently challenging and dynamic; nonetheless, its use remains of value to horticultural systems. Often, the use of designed productive areas, proper equipment, tools, and machinery, is crucial to tackling problems such as manure disposal, industrial waste, and the concept of food miles. Primarily, within the production sector, demand drives the adoption of these technologies. In addition, designed production areas offer sustainable horticultural practices. Moreover, technologies differ from one region and state to another. As such, research efforts continue to focus on the education and training of farmers, thereby, shifting towards the balancing of economic efficacy with environmental as well as social sustainability (Rizwan Bashir, 2016). Regarding policy, the implementation of proper machinery, equipment, and tools reconcile the necessity for sustainable and profitable horticultural production.

The role of technologically apt production areas remains crucial in horticultural production. As seen among OECD countries, the development of technologies among these states remains divergent owing to the concerns and priorities of achieving sustainable horticulture, which remain different within these regions. While some countries rely heavily on some approaches, others rely on least these similar approaches. In some states, market signals remain the most favored while others rely on voluntary co-operative approaches to effectively steer the course of technological dissemination, development, and adoption. Other approaches rely on governmental intervention, which ranges from roles considered mandatory, to others that facilitate aspects such as payment for implementation and analysis, research funding, and information propagation. Therefore, divergences on technological adoption within horticulture show its role and value.

In addition, present research efforts regarding horticultural technology indicate various trends in farmer education and training with advice shifting towards the balancing of economic efficiency and social as well as environmental sustainability. Throughout history, the focus of most horticultural research has been on the increase in productivity and eventual profits. As opposed to this focus, present standing relies on an emphasis of sustainability in achieving productivity and profitability. Such an analytical focus on the development of technological prowess shows its importance in developing sustainable horticulture as a way of both securing the present and preserving the future.

Analysis indicates that current technological dissemination in horticulture is taking the trend of being increasingly developed globally yet applied locally within a farm. Such technologies, while being implemented locally, have the propensity of influencing sustainability on a global scale beyond the farm. In most cases, the importance of these technologies transcends national boundaries, in as much as they are being designed nationally. Technologies related to biotechnology, precision farming tools, and information analysis tools among others are presently a global business, indicating their importance in sustainable horticulture (Mondal & Basu, 2009).

The Institutional, the Public, and the Farmer’s Perspective on the Implementation of Relevant Technologies for Sustainable Horticultural Production 

Institutions such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have a vested interest in the provision of policies relating to technology and the sustainability of horticultural production. To assure proper sustainability of horticultural systems, the public demands technology that is more precise during the production process, case in point, India (Mondal & Basu, 2009). Such technologies should administer nutrients effectively, reduce wastage during harvesting, and disseminate knowledge throughout the production process. Farmers value and understand the role of technology in sustainable horticulture production. As such, they play significant roles in facilitating technology transfer through idea sharing among farmers and farmers’ associations.

In general, the institutional, the public, and the farmer’s perspective on the implementation of relevant technologies for sustainable horticultural production encompass sustainability issues regarding production technologies. Drawing conclusions on major discussions of case studies from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, the adoption of technologies for sustainable horticultural systems such as production areas is a dynamic and challenging issue primarily for farmers, agri-businesses, extension services, and policymakers. The reason for this is that the horticultural sector requires the implementation of wide-ranging and evolving technologies as well as farm practices across numerous farming systems and structures that ascertain meeting the altering and heterogeneous demands from customers. Such demand for fibre, food, as well as other commodities accorded by horticulture often has uncertain outcomes on the state of horticultural sustainability in the end.

The fact that demand drives the adoption and proliferation of technologies represents another sustainability issue. In this case, farmers often rely on technological advancement to increase productivity through the reduction of costs. Higher incomes, improved communication channels, and greater knowledge availability continue to foster an environment whereby consumers demand higher food qualities at low costs produced through organic means with proper consistency and annualized accessibility. Similarly, consumers continue to demand the production of food through sustainable means, that is, techniques that limit not only environmental pressures but also conserve natural resources. This change of demand, seen through policies and transmitted through the liberal media as well as food processors and retailers continues to foster sustainability issues related to the implementation of technology.

Fundamentally, the adoption of technologies used for horticultural farming considered sustainable entails numerous trade-offs and uncertainty. Within the production sector, technologies inevitably contribute to economically effective farm sectors resulting in financial viabilities for farmers, while at the same time augmenting socially acceptable environmental performances. Nonetheless, given the scarcity of resources on the global scene, the implementation of vital trade-offs enables the achievement of these sustainability goals. Such uncertainty shows the rapid evolution of technology, in terms of tools and machinery, to a point whereby the costs and benefits of technological implementation in horticulture become imperfect, thereby, bringing about sustainability issues. Such challenges regarding the uncertainty of adopting technologies within the production sector lead to the unwarranted element of “trial and error” in implementation, thus, resulting in considerable speed variances among farmers.

Another sustainability issue affecting all three perspectives is the reality that several factors affect the implementation of technology within sustainable horticultural systems. Such factors include effective ways of disseminating and sharing information; efforts geared toward research and development; shifts in advice propagation; financial resources availability; the media and the public; consumer demand; organizations considered non-governmental; efforts in research and development; and present trends geared toward farmer training and education. While numerous policies such as those relating to the environment, agriculture, development, and research provide combinatory disincentives and incentives to technological adaptation, environmental policies continue to constrain farmers’ adoption actions increasingly. Similarly, regulations such as zoning, animal welfare, and public health policies offer a mixture of combinations in terms of various economic, behavioral, policy factors, and structural implications that do not offer simple and unique explanations to the adoption of viable technologies by farmers.

Ultimately, the assessment of technologies used within farming systems for sustainability is still at its infancy. Primarily, until recently, the methodologies of assessing the impact of farm technologies remained assessable through few yet unambiguous measurable criteria: productivity, production, farm income, trade, and employment. Nonetheless, the present assessment of sustainability is more complex in terms of ethical, environmental, and social considerations needed. Often it remains unclear the relationship among the myriad of elements relating to sustainability regarding measurement and interpretation of results to farmers. Some farmers cannot understand the value of technologies and their importance in creating sustainable and valuable systems such as those controlling excessive spillage of both industrial and organic waste.

Management Strategies 

Information Dissemination among Institutions, the Public, and Farmers 

Information dissemination, predominantly among farmers remains imperative (Meyerding, 2016). This technological information acts as a guide to farmers due to their conservative nature and attitudes that need more persuasion time and information to adopt novel technologies with the potential of encouraging sustainable farming. As such, it remains imperative that the public sector offers site-specific and reliable data. Institutions often value issues related to technology and information, especially in regards to the future of sustainable horticulture. As such, smooth information dissemination brings about reliable data, which is in turn used for the adoption of novel technology.

Policy-Technology Integration 

Policy-technology integration for intensive horticultural farming is highly significant. In the Netherlands, numerous advancements in technology have been implemented within the past decade showing their propensity in designing intensive farming systems (Brouwer, 2001). Moreover, while these systems are undoubtedly advanced, their implementation follows strict environmental policies that target the protection of crops and products in greenhouses, thereby, encouraging energy-efficiency while producing organic staples. As such, policy-technology integration not only stimulates efficient production but it also enables the sustainability of horticulture.

Sustainable Land Use 

At the core of sustainable agriculture is land use. While this is the case, Barrett (1991) shows that empirical studies of structural adjustments and agricultural policies on sustainable land use remain inconclusive. Nonetheless, the implementation of viable land designs remains vital to proper horticultural production. To avert instances such as soil erosion, the land design has to be sustainable and structurally sound. In most cases, agricultural resource allocations often follow attributes such as intensification, extensification, input substitution, and output substitution.

Input Efficiency and Productivity Growth 

To increase sustainable horticultural production effectively, the possibilities to augment input efficiency remain imperative. Such efficiency entails the addition of units, which derive from marginal returns. Therefore, the use of input such as chemical fertilizers, particularly, their mode of application, which is decidedly dependent on the application of proper machinery, is important for the sustainable growth of horticulture. Moreover, the combination of various productive activities, which comprises input efficiency, ultimately brings about positive synergy effects on the process of horticultural farming. This, in combination with productivity growth, which combines the use of pertinent nutrients and proper machinery within a farm setting leads to sustainable productivity in the long-run.

Global Implications 

Sustainable horticultural farming is gradually becoming the norm. This phenomenon is evident in sustainable technological farming within the U.S. Department of Agriculture Area Studies Project. A project that characterizes the extent of adopting sustainable nutrient, pest, soil, and water management methods, these basic aspects of agriculture provide the project with the much-needed basis for technological improvements in the administration of proper farming practices (Caswell, 2001). In addition, the environmental management of whole farming in Switzerland also uses similar American methods of obtaining maximum farm requirements, thereby, translating into the technological course needed to achieve sustainability (Dubois, Fried, Decrausaz & Lehmann1, 2001).


As a relatively novel phenomenon, sustainability is morphing to become a major issue in all aspects of modern life ("Sustainable horticulture practice," 2018). With a growing population of more than seven billion and an expected expansion of more than a billion in the next ten years, the methodologies of food production are in serious question (Silva, Oliveira, Mendes & Guerra, 2017). Therefore, it remains inevitable that the demand for food shall increase exponentially, thereby, making horticulture the epitome of receding this challenge. Battling against other factors such as climate change, the depletion of natural resources, and food security, the embrace of sustainable horticulture remains inevitable. To assure proper sustainability of horticultural systems, the integration of social, as well as ethical responsibilities is eminently vital (Sharma and Alam, 2013). As mentioned above, most stakeholders focus on technical aspects such as the use of pesticides and soil erosion. Nonetheless, present aspects such as those relating to the social, the economic, as well as the political remain outspoken in regards to horticultural sustainability.


Barrett, S. (1991). Optimal soil conservation and the reform of agricultural pricing policies. Journal Of Development Economics, 36(2), 167-187. doi: 10.1016/0304-3878(91)90031-p

Caswell, M. (2001). The adoption of sustainable agricultural production practices: Results from the U.S. Department of Agriculture area studies project. In adoption of technologies for sustainable farming systems Wageningen workshop proceedings (pp. 97-107). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development.

Dubois, D., Fried, P., Decrausaz, B., & Lehmann1, H. (2001). Evolution And Instruments For The Implementation For Whole Farm Environmental Management Programme In SWITZERLAND. In adoption of technologies for sustainable farming systems Wageningen workshop proceedings (pp. 120-130). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation And Development.

Feeding Cities of the Future. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/home/en/ 

Granatstein, D., & Kupferman, E. (2008). Sustainable horticulture in fruit production.  Acta Horticulturae , (767), 295-308. doi: 10.17660/actahortic.2008.767.31

Lencsés, E., Takács, I. and Takács-György, K. (2014). Farmers’ Perception of Precision Farming Technology among Hungarian Farmers.  Sustainability , 6(12), pp.8452-8465.

Meyerding, S. (2016). Change Management Study of Horticulture 2015 — Conditions and Success Factors.  Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change , 13(2), pp.123-146.

McLeman, R., Dupre, J., Berrang Ford, L., Ford, J., Gajewski, K., & Marchildon, G. (2013). What we learned from the Dust Bowl: lessons in science, policy, and adaptation.  Population And Environment 35 (4), 417-440. doi: 10.1007/s11111-013-0190-z

Mondal, P., & Basu, M. (2009). Adoption of precision agriculture technologies in India and in some developing countries: Scope, present status and strategies.  Progress In Natural Science 19 (6), 659-666. doi: 10.1016/j.pnsc.2008.07.020

Rizwan Bashir, M. (2016). Recent Trends in Horticulture.  Journal of Horticulture , 03(03).

Sharma, V., & Alam, A. (2016). Current Trends and Emerging Challenges in Horticulture.  J Horticulture 1 (1), 101-108.

Silva, E., Oliveira, C., Mendes, A., & Guerra, H. (2017). Technology and Innovation in Agriculture: The Azores Case Study.  International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (Ijim) 11 (5), 56. doi: 10.3991/ijim.v11i5.7070

Sharma, V. and Alam, A. (2013). Current Trends and Emerging Challenges in Horticulture.  Journal of Horticulture , 01(01).

Sustainable horticulture practice. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.aucklandbotanicgardens.co.nz/science/sustainability/sustainable-horticulture-practice/ 

United Nations. (2007).  World urbanization prospects: the 2007 revision population database . New York: United Nations Population Division, UN.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The State of Knowledge and Emerging Sustainability Issues for Horticulture in the Production Sector and with a Focus on the Aspect of Tools/Equipment/Machinery.


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