17 Jul 2022


Global Footprint Network

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 290

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Globalization has been accompanied with major technological changes. Many companies are now concerned with how they can expand their business and attract more customers globally In order to maintain profitability, they must grow and establish a loyal base of customers through an efficient marketing strategy. (Baker, 2014). It is possible now to transact business across nations. More internet access has increased the likelihood of miscommunication of the company’s message in marketing products. This essay will discuss the strategies that can be employed to mitigate this challenge 

The companies face new challenges as they expand their services internationally. They must market their products and services to people who have different language and culture. The health care companies should also be aware of the principle of marketing relativism. People will make judgments based on their culture and experiences .The companies themselves may use their home nation, language and even culture to judge things and inappropriate strategies may be adopted. By focusing on linguistic and cultural differences and being aware of them, they will be at vantage point to expand their business without miscommunication. ( Schlegelmilch, 2016). 

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The company should make use of translations in their websites for people from different languages and cultures to be able to understand the message conveyed. For instance, some words in a particular culture may mean another thing in the other culture and vice versa thus confusion and misinterpretation. Companies need therefore to employ translation services on their websites if they would reduce the slightest chances and likelihood of miscommunication. 

In conclusion, no business entity can escape the impact of globalization. The companies should ask themselves whether the world is becoming a single market and if they can sell their products the same way everywhere. They should employ the strategies to evade the possible marketing challenges that come with globalization. 


Baker, M. J. (2014).  Marketing strategy and management . New York, NY: Macmillan International Higher Education. 

Schlegelmilch, B. (2016). Global Marketing Ethics and CSR. In  Global Marketing Strategy  (pp. 195-220). New York: Springer, Cham. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Global Footprint Network.


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