Craig, William Lane. "Scriptural Teaching On God And Time". The Good Book Blog - Biola University Blogs ., 2017.
The author aims to answer whether God was really timeless before He created the universe. With the support of scriptures from Proverbs 8.22-23 and Genesis 1. 1, he argues that from the divine biblical doctrine of timelessness. Craig also seeks to establish whether there is a scripture reason to prove that God is time-limited since creation in the present and the past. Scriptures such as Revelation 4.8b and Psalms 90.2 prove his argument that God is everlasting. Through a biblical scripture, 2 Peter. 3.8, the author proves that heaven is God's permanent abode. He argues that heaven is timeless since Jesus ascended to heaven at a particular time, not earlier nor later.
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Deng, Natalja. God and time . Cambridge University Press, 2018.
The author argues that God is believed to be eternal in the Western religion. Deng analyzes the aspect of somehow God being beyond time and existing in a life that doesn't involve things happening in a sequence. The author seeks to establish whether our relationship to time and that of God; thus, His eternity only involves timelessness within which He does not exist. Deng introduces the metaphysical background that is requisite by examining God's reasons against and for timelessness. Deng indicates that God's timelessness has implications that are interesting to even non-believers for the relationship between scientific and historical findings versus religion.
Howard, Rosemarie. "Book Review: 'Understanding The Doctrine Of God's Time' Explores Difference Between Man's Time And God's". Deseret News . , 2015
This article focuses on God's doctrine of time understanding as illustrated. It focuses on C. Robert Line in his book Understanding the Doctrine of God's Time as he examines the difference between God's and human's time and the reasons it matters. The author explores specific issues, including the omniscience of God. How the world was created, the creation time frame, and how He answers and listens to humans' prayers. God is omnipresent, indicating that God is everywhere at the same time. The author examines through the support of scriptures and other findings how God is at all places at every moment despite the geographical difference between believers.
Koukl, Greg. "Is God In Time?". Str.Org . , 2014.
The author describes a God in time. As Koukl indicates, most scriptures seem to describe God as a God in time and yet a God who is in some way beyond time. He describes God and time using an example of how time moves, causing change. However, the author notes that time can move without modification, but it is impossible to experience change without time. Koukl indicates that if God is a change agent, thus He has to enter a time at least or be on time, mainly when the change happens. The idea by Koukl allows God to be wholly timeless and since each change occurs when God wishes. Additionally, the author views God as a hyper-timer kind who can still create and act simultaneously, being above our time, thus intervening at different timelines in our lives.
Rose, Hugh. "Read". Reasons.Org ., 2019.
Rose argues that time is linear for both us humans and the universe. According to the author, philosophers for over 1500 years have debated how God experiences time under the A and B theories. Under the A-theory, the author indicates differences between the past, present, and future since time is tense while theory B is not tense. As a result, the argument is based on which theory God operates in. Using finds of philosophers on God as the time creator and God out of and in time argues that if God was on time during creation and created time, it shows that he can create other time dimensions.
Van Holten, Wilko, and Martin Walton. "A Timeless God? A Critical Appraisal of John Swinton's Theology of Time and Memory." Health and Social Care Chaplaincy 8, no. 1 (2020): 87-101.
This article analyzes God's relation and time in terms of the present, past, and future. According to the authors, divine timelessness is viewed as; for God, there a lacks a difference amongst future present and the past since He sees them all instantly. Van, Wilko, and Martin indicate that a significant problem for anyone with such views defends them plausibly without rendering the temporal illusions experienced from the succession. To maintain that God is involved actively in human affairs and history, as we are all aware, it is impossible not to conclude that He is connected to time. They are, therefore, of the opinion that is not of but in time.
Craig, William Lane. "Scriptural Teaching On God And Time". The Good Book Blog - Biola University Blogs ., 2017.
Deng, Natalja. God and time . Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Howard, Rosemarie. "Book Review: 'Understanding The Doctrine Of God's Time' Explores Difference Between Man's Time And God's". Deseret News . , 2015
Koukl, Greg. "Is God In Time?". Str.Org . , 2014.
Rose, Hugh. "Read". Reasons.Org ., 2019.
Van Holten, Wilko, and Martin Walton. "A Timeless God? A Critical Appraisal of John Swinton's Theology of Time and Memory." Health and Social Care Chaplaincy 8, no. 1 (2020): 87-101.