16 Sep 2022


Graduate School Portfolio

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Capstone Project

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Pages: 7

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Personal Statement 

The curricular work in the program has prepared me well for a career in Organizational-Industrial Psychology (OI-Psychology) . I have gained crucial leadership and management skills, which are necessary for this role. With the knowledge I have acquired in behavior science, I will be able to understand the needs of employees. This will help me to curate a positive working environment that promotes mental health and encourages maximum efficiency. In addition, my love for reading and traveling has exposed me to a diverse culture, which will be useful in understanding the needs of employees from various backgrounds. 

My inspiration to pursue OI-Psychology also stems from my experience as a volunteer in a hospital. I observed that the workplace was unhealthy, and many workers suffered from work-related stress. Healthcare workers, particularly nurses, worked for long hours, which caused many of them to succumb to burnout. In the six months, five people were diagnosed with mild clinical depression. The rate of staff turnover was also alarmingly high as some quit, and others were fired for petty issues. I noticed a lot of tension in the office, as most people were afraid of making mistakes or violating the strict policies imposed by the managers. As a result, many suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. 

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My long-term goal is to work as a human resource director. To get there, I will need to start as a human resource specialist and advance my education. My immediate plan after graduation is to join a graduate school to specialize in OI-Psychology. I plan to enroll in an online program since it will allow me to get an entry-level HR job to gain real-life experience. I will then pursue a Doctorate in organizational behavior and human resource management, which will enable me to get my dream job, human resource director. 

Reflection of the Psychology Program 

Goal 1: Apply major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology to prepare for graduate studies or careers in which psychological training is relevant. 

All the coursework in this program has prepared me for a career in human resource and graduate studies in OI-psychology. I gained an extensive understanding of human interactions in Social Psychology (PSYC 321), which will be instrumental in my career field. According to Troth & Guest (2020), this knowledge is essential for HR experts. It will help me communicate and relate well with my staff to build a healthy workplace that promotes mental health. In Clinical Psychology (PSYC 436), I discovered an article that will have a significant contribution to my career. Rogers (2001) described an approach that will make an excellent HR specialist. He proposed the use of genuine empathy to inspire constructive growth in one’s client. This knowledge will be valuable in my career and a critical foundation for my graduate studies. 

Goal 2: Apply basic knowledge of research methodology, statistics, measurement, guidelines, ethical standards, laws, and regulations to design, participate in, and to evaluate research in a variety of contexts. 

Research Methods in Psychology (PSYC 300) taught me the fundamental of research. I now understand how to conduct a study to make a significant contribution to the field of psychology. From the module, I learned about various designs, sampling, ethical standards, collecting, and analyzing data. The coursework and assignments sharpened my skills on doing identifying scholarly articles, doing a comprehensive literature review, and writing annotated bibliographies. I found the statistics section to be the most challenging; however, I gained the basic knowledge required for data analysis. Still, in this module, I worked in a group to design a project that addressed a specific problem in society. This gave me practical experience and prepared me to conduct research that abides by the provided ethical standards on my own in the future. 

Goal 3: Apply knowledge of human behavior to inform personal growth, communicate effectively, solve problems, make decisions, and interact with individuals, communities, and organizations. 

This program has taught me the complexity of human behavior and factors that influence it. I learned how to build good interpersonal relationships and communicate effectively in Social Psychology, PSYC 321 . In this module, we discussed the Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo et al. (1992). The finding that intrigued me the most is that power influences human behavior, and people behave according to the roles they play in society. This concept has enhanced my understanding of why people act the way they do, which has improved my interactions. In Theories of Personality (PSYC 335), I learned about Sigmund’s psychoanalytic perspective. Understanding this theory inspired me to forgive and reconcile with my father, who abandoned me at a young age. 

Goal 4: Use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and where possible appropriate technology and the scientific approach to solve problems related to current and emergent trends within the domains of psychology. 

In Clinical Psychology (PSYC 436), we discussed current trends in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. This led me to discover the increasing popularity of E-therapy (electronic delivery of mental health services). More people are resorting to using technological devices to seek treatment through Apps, websites, emails, skype, and calls. Abbott et al. (2008) referred to this trend as ‘remote therapy.’ In an assignment in this module, I identified that resistance from the older generations is slowing down the success of e-therapy. Personalizing these techniques for different age groups might solve this problem. I recommended the use of Apps for young people and phone call consultations for the older folks. My efforts to design such an app failed since I lacked enough coding expertise. 

Goal 5: Value diversity and different perspectives, tolerate ambiguity, and act ethically to communicate appropriately with various sociocultural and international populations. 

In Cross-Cultural Psychology (PSYC 354), I learned the role of ethnic, individual, and cultural factors in human behavior. The discussions on how cultural conditions affect mental processes helped me appreciate diversity in different cultures. One of the most important concepts I learned in this module is to avoid ethnocentrism, judging other cultures based on mine. Fortunately, I learned this before my trip to India, where collectivism is the norm. This knowledge made it easier for me to appreciate the beauty of their culture and make new friends. 


Abbott, J. A. M., Klein, B., & Ciechomski, L. (2008). Best practices in online therapy.  Journal of Technology in Human Services 26 (2-4), 360-375. 

Rogers, C. (2001). The foundations of the person-centered approach.  Education 100 (2). 

Troth, A. C., & Guest, D. E. (2020). The case for psychology in human resource management research.  Human Resource Management Journal 30 (1), 34-48. 

Zimbardo, P. G., Haney, C., Banks, W. C., & Jaffe, D. (1972).  Stanford prison experiment: A simulation study of the psychology of imprisonment . Philip G. Zimbardo, Incorporated. 

Graduate School Personal Statement 

My desire to pursue a Master’s in Psychology with an emphasis on i ndustrial and o rganizational p sychology stems from my desire to work in human resources. Going through the psychology program at the University of Maryland made me appreciate the burden of mental health disorders in the workplace. I learned that negative working environments cause mental health problems that decrease employee efficiency and productivity. 

My experience while volunteering in a hospital with a toxic working environment fueled my interest in this field. I observed rampant work-related stress, depression, and anxiety among employees due to poor management system. The organization had strict policies about time and monitored how the workers spent every minute of a workday. In addition, the seniors ruled with an iron fist; violating any of the policies resulted in severe consequences, including pay cuts and dismissal for petty issues. Following this experience, it was only logical I specialize in Industrial and Organizational Psychology to help transform human organizational in the workplace. 

If accepted to this program, I will contribute to society by boosting the satisfaction and mental wellbeing of employees. I hope to apply my knowledge of behavioral science to bring better working conditions in the corporate world. My ideal job would be serving as human resource director, contributing to favorable policies in the workplace. 

The high ranking of this program in your institution and recommendations from some of your alumni sparked my interest . With your superb reputation, I know that I will get the highest quality of instructions that will enhance my understanding of organizational psychology. The online nature of your program aligns with my goals. It will allow me to continue working to accrue adequate experience to move up the ladder in my career. Upon completing this program, I plan to pursue a Doctorate in organizational behavior and human resource management. 

I hope you will do me the honor of advancing my studies in your school. 

Graduate School Programs 

Masters Of Art in Industrial/Organizational Psychology in The Chicago School of Professional Psychology 

The online nature of this program makes it appropriate for my goals. I will choose the part-time option so that I can work as I study to gain real-life experience. In this program, I will learn crucial consents that will be useful in my role as a HR specialist. The courses on organizational team dynamics, culture and design, and conflict management will increase my efficiency in this capacity. In addition, the program offers lessons on personnel selection, performance appraisal, and leadership that will help me build a strong team of workers for the organization. This knowledge and skills will be essential in advancing my career and education. 

Master Of Science In Organizational Psychology In University of Hartford 

Their fully online educational model guarantees quality interactive courses with professors available full-time. The course teaches about personnel psychology, which is crucial for HR specialists. This knowledge helps them understand their staff better to make policies that promote a healthy working environment. It also imparts critical leadership skills that will be essential in my role as a manager and, eventually, a director to enhance organizational effectiveness. This program will help me advance in my career of OI-Psychology and lay a foundation for my Doctorate in organizational behaviour and human resource management. 

Master’s In Psychology - Industrial And Organizational Psychology at Kansas State University 

The program covers fundamental concepts of human resources that I will apply in my career. It will allow me to use new HR skills, knowledge, analytical tools, and ideas to on-the-job decisions. From this program, I will learn how to apply behavioral science to curate strategies for making informed decisions on problems facing the HR profession today. This knowledge will improve my efficiency at work and increase my chances of getting a senior HR management position. Since the program id majorly online, it will allow me to get a full-time job so that I will have experience when I graduate. This will increase my chances of securing a senior HR manager position in a top organization. 

Letter of Recommendation Request 


Email address 

Mailing address 

I took your class on Research Methods in Psychology (PSYC 300) in the first semester of the first year and scored 85%. You were impressed by my idea of building an app that is personalized for age groups. I named it YnB, which is short for Young, not Blue (to mean young people are not blue from depression). 

I am applying for a m aster’s In Psychology at Kansas State University, University of Hartford, and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. I am, therefore writing to ask if you would be willing to support my application by writing me a recommendation letter. My area of interest is Industrial And Organizational Psychology, with a keen interest in human resources. I chose this field because I love working with people, and I want to apply my knowledge of behavioral science to bring better working conditions in the corporate world. Upon completing this program, I plan to pursue a Doctorate in organizational behavior and human resource management. My plan is to advance my career and qualification to become a human resource director eventually. 

Currently, I am working on my capstone project for the last module of my psychology degree. As the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted everything in the nation, it is not clear if we are still going to graduate this year. However, I want to start my graduate school application early enough to be prepared. I plan to apply for the Summer 2021 admission, and the applications are due on 1 st September 2020. I will send you a reminder email before the letters are due. 

I enjoyed the time I spent under your instructions in PSYC (300), and I am looking forward to applying the concepts in my life’s work. Thank you for your consideration. 

Organizational-Industrial Psychology as a Career 

Adam Lewellen 

University of Maryland Global Campus 

Psychology 495 Senior Seminar 

Tanya Price 

Organizational-Industrial Psychology as a Career 

A Brief History of Organizational-Industrial Psychology 

Organizational-Industrial psychology (I-O psychology) is a field of psychology concerned with the application of psychological principles and theories to organizations. Relevant literature reports that I-O psychology's concept has foundational roots in the United States at the start of the 20th century in the theorization of Hugo Münsterberg and Walter Dill Scott (Koppes, 2014). The cited literature reports further that the two theorists were trainees of Wilhelm Wundt, a German psychologist and physiologist. Nonetheless, Fredrick Taylor, an American industrial engineer, actualized the theory through practically applying it in its intended objective. Importantly, I-O psychology gained significant ground after the two World Wars.  

While some I-O psychology theorists devised methods for application in personnel selection and training, others developed theories that assessed the effectiveness of management styles, the improvement of employee morale, and job satisfaction, among others. Consequently, as a branch of psychology, I-O resulted in the development of different fields, including ergonomics. It is widely gaining relevance in different areas and application in diverse perspectives that influence individuals’ lives. This paper presents an analysis of I-O with a focus on its relationship with other area, outlining the theories, and research methods applicable. 

Relationship with Other Areas of Psychology 

            Psychology is a vast field encompassing different branches, including social, developmental, cognitive, abnormal, behavioral, and I-O psychology. Notably, the diversity of psychology does not imply that each section is independent because of the commonality in their origins. Each of the factions of psychology has elements that study the human mind, and this is the simplest explanation of the relationship between I-O psychology and the rest of the fields (Muchinsky, 2016). I-O psychology, therefore, helps psychologists and other interested professionals in the development of insights into the actions of organizations (organizations are the people that make them, not the buildings). It is in the same way that the rest of the fields study specific aspects of the human mind pertinent to their objectives. For example, while developmental psychology probes the human mind and how it influences through the states of human development, I-O psychology concerns the human mind and how people within organizations behave in the ways that they do.  

Organizational-Industrial Psychology Theories 

The theories of I-O psychology, as well as the applicable principles, are the same as those that concern the entire field of psychology with slight constraints based on the features of organizations and the aspects that they concern. Importantly, all the theories of the field of psychology are organized inconsistency with the assumptions of a classical model, which perceives human behavior as an essential function of situational, motivation, and ability opportunities or constraints on the other side. Differences among the theories are major differences of emphasis.  

While many theories of I-O have been advanced and adequately described in the literature, two of them that this essay identifies and briefly describes are social-organizational, including theories of leadership and motivation. Leadership theories, it is reported, concerning how organizational leaders interact with subordinates and juniors over time and the likely outcomes of their interactions (Muchinsky, 2016). The same study reports that motivational theories explain the effect of motivation strategies on the behavior of people within the organizational setting. As much as the theories attempt to describe organizational behavior according to their objectives, one must note that none of them has a near-universal acceptance because they are mostly descriptive and static in nature.  

Research Methods in Organizational-Industrial Psychology 

            The studies infer that I-O Psychology theories broadly fall into two scientific psychology methodologies, which are experimental and correlational designs. The infusion of statistical advances enabled by computational efficiencies that computers offer has resulted in the creation of methods, which despite being fundamentally correlational, they provide significant improvements on the causal inference logic, such as hierarchical linear modelling, and structural equation modelling (Muchinsky, 2016). The cited author explains further that the experimental designs benefit more from the acceptance of logic that quasi-experimental methodologies provide than they have done from quantitative advances.  

Empirical Studies 

The scope of this essay focuses on two studies to exemplify the types of empirical studies in the field of I-O organization, which should not be taken to imply that they are narrowly focused on the entire context of the field of psychology. The two studies, however, reflect I-O psychology and its principles in explaining the relationship between organizations and individuals—how individuals behave within the organizational settings with particular focus on the manager-employee relationships.  

Abioro, M. (2013). Effect of employee motivation on organizational performance.  Acta de Gerencia Ciencia 1 (3), 17-27

Abioro (2013) explores the relationship between employee motivation and lack of on organizational performance. An important finding from the study is that employee motivation has a positive correlation with organizational performance. Abioro (2013) recommends more motivational strategies to benefit organizations, which makes a case for considering the positive contributions of motivation to the improvement of human welfare. Specifically, one notes that employee motivation improves their job satisfaction, which implies that it improves the working conditions of workers, which in turn influences their wellbeing—it betters their quality of life. 

Saleh, R. M. M., Nusari, M., Habtoor, N., & Isaac, O. (2018). The Effect of Leadership Style on Organizational Performance: Organizational Commitment as a Mediator Variable in the Manufacturing Sector of Yemen. International Journal of Management and Human Science, 2 (4), 13-24. 

In the study, Saleh et al. (2018) appraise the effects of leadership styles on organizational performance. The authors find positive relationships between some styles of leadership with organizational performance, especially those that are human-centered. The finding therefore, has implications for employee welfare, especially when it is perceived that human-centeredness means that organizational managers focus on the improvement of the welfare of juniors and showing a warm attitude toward them. 

Specific Occupation Related to Organizational-Industrial Psychology 

The broadness of the I-O psychology field also implies the diversity of careers that one may want to engage. The variety of choice, however, does not always mean that one will always struggle in choosing what they wish to do. I wish to work as a human resources director. According to onetonline.org (2020), human resource managers perform a wide range of tasks, including serving as the links between employees and management, advising management on organizational policy issues, and analyzing and modifying compensation and benefits policies for their organizations. The same cited information reports that human resources managers engage in the performance of difficult staffing duties, as well as representing their organizations at personnel-related investigations and hearings. 

Human resources managers require different skills, including technological ones, such as time accounting, human resources, enterprise resource planning, document management, and accounting software. They are also required to have knowledge in personnel and human resources, administration and management, law and government, communication, and educational and training (onetonline.org, 2008). Human resources managers should also have skills in reading comprehension, judgement and decision-making, speaking, management of personnel resources, and active listening. 

Curricular resources and activities have instrumentally helped in building the right profile for my dream career. I have learned the importance of effective management and leadership styles through the application of I-O psychology. I understand the importance of managers in shaping human behavior in the organizational context, including motivation, effective management skills, and other aspects that define an effective human resources manager. Importantly, I comprehend the influence of human resources managers on organizational productivity as a product of employee management skills. 


Abioro, M. (2013). Effect of employee motivation on organizational performance.  Acta de Gerencia Ciencia 1 (3), 17-27. 

Koppes, L. L. (Ed.). (2014).  Historical perspectives in industrial and organizational psychology . Psychology Press. 

Muchinsky, P. M. (2016).  Psychology applied to work: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology . Cengage Learning. 

Onetonline.org. (2020). 11-3121.00 - Human Resources Managers . Retrieved 26 March 2020, from https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/11-3121.00 

Saleh, R. M. M., Nusari, M., Habtoor, N., & Isaac, O. (2018). The Effect of Leadership Style on Organizational Performance: Organizational Commitment as a Mediator Variable in the Manufacturing Sector of Yemen.  International Journal of Management And Human Science 2 (4), 13-24. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Graduate School Portfolio.


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