5 May 2022


Health Care Elements of American Culture

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 314

Pages: 1

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America culture applies a unique health care delivery system that is in contrast to most developed countries. Its system enjoys unique characteristics in health delivery. Irrespective of the health care delivery system in play Morrison (2011), urges that every management team should apply ethics when handling patients. The elements of healthcare systems in use influence the success of the delivery of healthcare. This paper discusses the key health care pertinent elements of the American culture and how they affect the delivery of healthcare.

One key feature of American health care is that it is technology driven. Johns and Bartlett Publishers (n.d) argues that with technological advancement, every healthcare strives to be up to date with technology in its delivery. Upgrading to new technology means more and more capital output. The more the money used, the higher the hospital charges its fees. This affects the healthcare delivery in America in that very few will get access to the services as the charges may be far much above the reach of an average-income resident. Morrison (2011), argues that, however much the nation is embracing technology; it should similarly consider the ethical side of it. Technology should not create much harm/strain to the patients.

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The system of healthcare delivery is high on cost. Johns and Bartlett's publishers argue that due to fragmentation of the delivery system, the cost of running medical services is so high and thus is of limited access. The nation uses a lot of its income in healthcare provision. Contrary to the expectations, it does not sustain the healthcare delivery as expected. Many still suffer poor services or expensive services that interfere with their livelihood.

In conclusion, getting access to the medical services in America proves to be very expensive as compared to other developed countries where healthcare services are financed by the government. In many cases, it is on the basis of the insurance coverage. Thus, the America systems negatively affect the delivery of healthcare services to the residents.


Jones and Bartlett Publishers,. (n.d.). Major characteristics of U.S. health care delivery. 

Morrison, E. E. (2016). Ethics in health administration: A practical approach for decision makers .

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Health Care Elements of American Culture.


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