21 Mar 2022


Higher Education Policy in Connecticut

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Academic level: College

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Institutions of higher learning in the United States have been incurring a lot of administrative expenses at ensuring that they maintain their academic standards. Over the last few years, most colleges have reported an increase in tuition fees to in-state students by 2.9% in the academic year 2015/16 (Thomas & Kati, 2016) so that they can attain their academic goals. Such trends have locked out students from needy nations who might wish to further their studies abroad. In justification of this devastating trend, Lauren (2016), noted the Latin and African-American students are getting fewer degrees compared to the whites since tertiary education is not affordable to them. In fact, Lauren (2016) perceives that policies that the universities and colleges in U.S. have adopted promote racism. Malloy (2011) also stated that England was position 34 out of the 50 states in the U.S in terms of the number of young adults who were enrolled to peruse their higher education. Notably, paying for tertiary education is strenuous for most middle-class families in my state and makes most graduates to work extremely hard to pay the money they borrow in order to pay their tuition fees in both public and private tertiary institutes (Quinton, 2016).

Many lawmakers perceive that University education ought to be affordable; however, most states have few resources at their disposal to ensure that this move comes to happen. The elections this year seems to be holding the future of the United States since most presidential aspirants, especially the democratic candidates, have come out clearly to state that no student will have to borrow to pay for their University and college education (Quinton, 2016). Apparently, most universities often tend to increase the number of financially able students so that it can meet they can address the financial challenges that they face. This move, on the other hand, has caused the quality tertiary education in the state to come under scrutiny despite the fact that they have long been known as world class.

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The Connecticut’s’ plan for higher education appears to offer a solution to this matter because it is focused on the success of the student. The issue of world-class universities underperforming in terms of offering education to young adults is not acceptable. The change in leadership that facilitated the appointment of a novel Board of regents will offer more young adults a chance to establish themselves as competitive individuals globally. In the last three decades, Connecticut higher education was under the leadership of the Board of Governors for Higher Education. The agency was created with good intentions, however, it was ruined by lack of authority over the institution, bureaucracy and intellectual struggle for power. On the outer look, the organization appeared to be noble in terms of intakes, the degrees offered, campus expansion in addition to sustaining high academic standards (Thomas & Kati, 2016). Nevertheless, our state's national ranking in relation to educational attainment was overtaken by other states, which proved to be more aggressive and had a broader insight about the future economic and demographic challenges (Thomas & Kati, 2016). In this regards, there is the need for my state to turn around and address the matter. This can be attainable if the following steps can be followed promptly:

Focus Spending on Students Learning

Research in the state as well as in Connecticut has revealed that in most institutions of higher learning, a lot of money is rapidly spent on the administration rather than investing on learning (Thomas & Kati, 2016). In order for our public and private colleges to prioritize our students, there is the need to ensure that enough teaching and instruction materials are provided in our classrooms. This will justify the harmony of the leadership of Connecticut’s fraternity institutes. This will imply that prior to them taking the office this July there will be the need for the State Universities, Colleges as well as the board of Governors for Higher Education to be under one effective Board Regents. Ideally, they will all be directed by one board; that has one Chief Executive officer. In so doing , millions of money would be saved that can be used difficulty in classrooms to ensure learning is effective. 

Establishing student-Friendly Strategies

In order to overcome the challenges that students face in tertiary institutes, there is the dire need to establish a student ally mechanisms (Thomas & Kati, 2016). For example, scholars who undertake their studies at Connecticut related State Universities and Colleges such as charter Oak State Colleges need more friendly interventions to overcome the challenges that hinder them from graduating. Studies indicate that a good number of students shift between the Connecticut’s State university as well as the Colleges (community) against the normal transfer traditions. Notably, they undertake their studies from each system simultaneously. An assessment conducted by Connecticut’s high school 2004 graduates indicated that between that time and now, more than one-third of students who were admitted in the university took studies at a community while undertaking their degree studies. In addition, 40% of these students were transferre cases while 60% exhibited overlapping admissions - a trend that they perceive rhymes with their needs (Thomas & Kati, 2016). In a nutshell, most students opt to change their way of attending college irrespective of their admission details concerning the duration of their courses. Some were admitted to a two-year college program and end up in a four-year degree program. This increasing trend of mobility needs an efficient transfer strategy and the relationship between a two-year college study and a four-year university study. Apparently, the combined leadership of community and Connecticut’s State University that is accorded to the board will ensure that the systems in tertiary institutes are student-friendly to the later. 

Lower Students Costs

In comparison to other states, Connecticut is also feeling the wrath of national recession coupled with the hurdle of approximately $3.5 million budget deficiency (Thomas & Kati, 2016). In that regard, the budget of our state requires a sacrifice that is not only shared equivocally among the government states, but rather the private sector and the taxpayers as well. There is the need for higher education institutes to plan their budgets such that they cut down significantly the tuition fees that is seen to increase exponentially in most universities in our state. Despite the inflation threats, campuses ought not to raise students’ costs above the inflation bar (Thomas & Kati, 2016). Higher education Institutions need to be mandated to ensuring that tertiary education is affordable at all times including when the state is in a financial crisis.

It is true to say that the world in recent times fancies attainments that are achieved educationally. Therefore imperative for us to understand that increasing the number of graduates is inherent. The traditional perspectives about tertiary institutes will not prevail thus there is the need for everyone to play an integral role in the guardianship of success. In this respect, tertiary institutions in my state need to be committed to restoring its image by reducing the number of students who drop out of school. On the other hand, students need to realize that despite the great rewards that education offers, it is a challenging endeavor that requires solutions to be found through an extra commitment outside the classroom. There is also the need for families to support their children in their pursuit of education. The employers also have a role to play in ensuring that their employees return to institutions of higher learning for them to take refresher courses. Notably, the harmonized board will be in pole position at ensuring that each individual understands this truth. Therefore, its primary role would be to ensure that a strategic plan is developed with the participation of stakeholders and the public to ensure that Connecticut’s educational goals are attained. I believe that strong leadership and innovation would be instrumental in ensuring that the state regains its educational standards. 


Lauren, C. (2016). States are Slaking on Higher Education Spending. Retrieved from http ://.usnews.com/news/ articles / 2016 / 01 / F0 / states-spending-less-on-higher-education-today-than-before-recession&tabId=4

Malloy, D. P. (2011). Future of Higher Education in Connecticut. New England Journal of Higher Education . NEBHE. Retrieved from http://www.nebhe.org/journal/the-future-of-higher-education-in-connecticut/

Quinton, S. (2016). The High Cost of Higher Education. The PEW Charitable Trusts. Retrieved from http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2016/01/25/the-high-cost-of-higher-education

Thomas, L. H., and Kati, L. (2016). Top 10 Higher Education State Policy Issues for 2016. Policy Matters . AASCU , U.S.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Higher Education Policy in Connecticut.


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