Why is there more than one etiology of addiction? Why is it important to have a multidisciplinary approach when addressing addiction?
The Use of drugs and substance abuse is a prevalent habit in the modern world. Significantly, the usage develops into an addiction. Addiction is a condition whereby drug users are accustomed to repetitively use drugs despite the adverse effects. Drugs affect the neurobiological aspect such that brain functioning requires medications (Psychology Today, 2018). There are a number of theories to addiction all of which attempt to explain addiction from different perspectives. The theories include biological theories, psychological, social and developmental among others (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2014). The existence of any theories can be justified by the rationale that several factors influence addiction as opposed to one factor. Addiction is caused by a combination of biological, environmental and developmental factors among others. The multidisciplinary approach is therefore essential in handling addiction as it aids in accurate identification and understanding of combination factors for each patient (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2018). The comprehension of the underlying factors aids in the use of the appropriate treatment approach and methods.
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How do process addictions differ from substance use disorders? What are three ways in which the treatment approach will vary from process addiction to substance use disorders?
There is a defined distinction between process addictions and substance abuse disorders. Process addiction refers to an addiction to specific behaviors such as sex, use of technological devices or gambling. The utilization of substances does not characterize process addictions and hence lack the physical signs and symptoms attached to substance use addictions. On the other hand, substance use disorder refers to the product of an abuse of illicit drugs such as cocaine or heroin (Laguna Treatment hospital, 2018).
Due to the difference in the addictions, treatment approaches will vary for process addictions and substance abuse disorders. For one process addictions treatment focuses on helping a patient regain control of their lives. Process addiction, therefore, is more about behavioral therapy which involves techniques that will help reduce the addictive behavior. Substance abuse disorder treatment is more complicated and involves medical treatment to counteract the effects of the drugs in the human system. Secondly, process addictions can be treated wholly by only behavioral therapy while a combination of therapy and medications treats substance abuse disorders. Thirdly, substance abuse disorders are characterized by signs and symptoms and the approaches involved aim at treating the signs and symptoms hence will include a wide range of treatments. Treating substance abuse includes cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, medications and psychotherapy among others. Process addictions are less clinical in the approach (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2018).
In conclusion, addictions vary depending on whether it is a behavioral addiction or to a particular substance. The difference process addiction and substance abuse addition call for different approaches in treating the addiction hence the need to differentiate the type of addiction. There exist several etiologies on addiction since addition is a condition resulting from various factors. The theories help to arrive at the right combination of factors for each patient enabling an appropriate treatment approach.
Laguna Treatment Hospital. (2018). Substance abuse vs. process addictions . Retrieved on 14 June 2018 from https://lagunatreatment.com/cross-addiction/process/
National Institute of Drug Abuse. (2018). Understanding drug use and addiction. Retrieved on 14 June 2018 from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/understanding-drug-use-addiction
National Institute of Drug Abuse. (2014). Drugs, brains, and behavior: The science of addiction. Retrieved on 14 June 2018 from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugs-brains-behavior-science-addiction/treatment-recovery
Psychology Today. (2018) . Addiction, what is Addiction ? Retrieved on 14 June 2018 from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/addiction