28 Sep 2022


How AI May Help Us Coexist With Future Robots

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Academic level: College

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Pages: 8

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The fear that technology might destroy the world and humanity along with it has been replaced by the fear that technology might take over the world and enslave or eliminate humanity. An eerie congruency is being continually realized between the 1980s science fiction literature or movies, and the 21 st century reality. The prediction included the development of the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which includes the development of machines that could reason out on their own. This prediction has already taken place with computers having the capacity for logical reasoning and making decisions that erstwhile could only be made by humans. Similarly, in the movie Terminator II, the robot playing the main character indicated its ability to learn. Today, the concept of machine learning has been developed where computers have the capability for cognition and an element of empirical development of knowledge. It is a fact that this technology has been developed because it is necessary in the modern world. Further, AI, machine learning, and other forms of advanced computers have played a positive role in the world in many fields including healthcare. However, the predictions about AI also included predictions about this technology taking over the world and dominating over the human race. As the technological trend continues, the world seems to be following the steps that may lead to this catastrophe in the near future. 

Thesis Statement: 

In 1984, The Terminator, a film that was way ahead of its time, gave birth to a new era of robots and artificial intelligence (AI). It was only a movie at the time, but now in our current lives, we’re living close to what the movie depicted. Time travel is yet to be seen, but the next thunderstorm, we might get a surprise from the future. In our modern world, to prevent future human extinction from artificial intelligence, we must combine biological and technological sciences together. Our society lives with robots tha vacuum floors, robotic bellhops that deliver luggage to customers’ hotel rooms, and not to forget, the autonomous cars and weapons. As technology advances and artificial intelligence gets better, the gap between humanity and autonomous electronics will close, and eventually, humanity would be at risk . 

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Humanity has always flaunted with technology right from the discovery of the wheel in Mesopotamia over three millennia ago, but technology has always been used on a basis of making work easier. In the modern times, technology was advanced further to go beyond making work easier and into taking over the work as humans do the thinking. Automated systems under the superintendence of humans were developed to carry out industrial activities. The basis behind technology in general and particularly automation was to develop ways of working better, faster, with a lower risk of error, and at a lower cost. The next step to automation was seeking to improve on human reasoning to eliminate error and also increase efficacy (Brynjolfsson, 2014). It is at this point that artificial intelligence came into the picture. Through AI, humans developed computerized systems that could reason and apply logic by themselves through, inter alia the concept of algorithms. The technology has grown quickly, more so due to its profitability with better AI and machine learning systems being developed every year. 

Benefits of AI 

So far, artificial intelligence has been very helpful to humanity in a number of ways and also of great pecuniary benefits to the developers. A good example is presented in Viz.ai.inc (2018) that relates to AI technology that can be used in the detection of the advent of a stroke. Tens of thousands of Americans die because of strokes every year. Many of these patients are already known to be having a cardiovascular disorder with some of them having also had an earlier stroke. Yet, their deaths happened because at their point of getting a stroke, medical assistance was not availed soon enough. AI has created a possibility to avoid this senseless deaths by notifying patients of the increased propensity for a stroke. The technology can enable patients to take steps to avoid strokes or be within the proximity of specialized assistance when the stroke happens. The AI approach to strokes defined above has been applied in many other areas such as aviation and surgery to save human life. In spite of the dangers that AI poses, therefore, it must be noted that it has a positive contribution to the society. 

The extent of Modern Artificial Intelligence as a Predictor of the Possible Future 

AI has already developed to exponentially high levels that would not have been thought possible only a decade ago, hence it is not irrational to imagine that a decade to come, what is not thought possible today might actually happen. Rouhiainen (2018) details the level of technological advancements that have been made possible by modern AI technology and already in use in the modern world. This technology includes robots that can be used as home or office assistants and which can understand and carry out basic instructions on function that have not been preset. These robots have technology that is capable of learning more as it performs, akin to human development of knowledge. Another key form of technology canvassed is the self-driving car. Currently, technology has been developed for drivers to select auto-drive on public roads in the same way that planes can select auto-pilot. Trials are also already underway for vehicles that can be licensed to drive themselves. This technological advancements were not even possible a few years ago. Their existence has, however, exponentially improved life and work for humans while creating much wealth for developers. Ease of life and wealth creates a powerful incentive for further research and there is no telling how far innovators are willing to go with their inventions. 

Automation Taking Over the Finance Industry 

The rapid rate of improvement in innovative use of AI is enhaced by the fact that the global economy is almost fully in the hands of computerized systems incorporating AI. The two primary components necessary to succeed in the modern world is presence and finances and both are equally important. While Rouhiainen (2018) indicates how computers are being given a presence in the world through the creation of automated AI based machines, Brynjolfsson (2014) argues that the machines already have the money due to the modern automated economy. Modern and traditional companies alike have been reduced into units of ownership known as shares which are then traded electronically in markets known as stock exchanges. The wealth of the great nations in the world is no longer held on gold or precious metals that can be valued but in the form of online financial units that can be traded across the world in an instance. A computer virus can cripple the global economy in an instant if it attacked several computerized systems contemporaneously. Through the development of AI, the world is simply arming a system that it has already financed thus creating potential for a catastrophe. 

Potential for Harming Humans 

Atomic bomb technology created fears that humans might destroy humanity by design or accident but the automation of these systems creates a worse fear, that the systems by themselves have the capacity to destroy humans. Russel (2015) indicates just how dangerous it is to have weapons of mass destruction in the hands of AI, without human superintendence. History records that the first and only atomic bombs to ever be used destroyed a city each, killing almost a hundred thousand people apiece . After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bombs that are exponentially more powerful have been created. Further, in the modern times, urbanization has advanced to an extent that there are cities with tens of millions of people. A simple mistake or act of malice using an atomic bomb in a city like Tokyo, New York, or Beijing could lead to the death of millions of people. It is weapons that are extreme and dangerous that are now in the verge of being placed under automated systems in silos, ships and Submarines. Russel (2015) makes a compelling arguments that the world is safer if that level of destruction is placed in human hands instead of on AI-based computerized systems. Further, the article argues that being passive about the problem of automation of bombs and their systems is being complacent to future destruction thus, humanity has the onus to raise its voice against the practice. 

Impact of AI on Labor Opportunities and Socioeconomic Balance 

As AI continually eliminates the need for human labor, unemployment will increase for the populace while the top social strata become increasingly richer, a recipe for social conflict. Lee (2018) makes a compelling argument about the future of the labor market based on the continued advancement of AI-based technology. As par the argument, it would be erroneous and misleading for technology companies to argue that AI-based technology will not eliminate millions of jobs. Traditionally, everything was done by hand thus, a car manufacturing plant would require thousands of workers under hundreds of supervisors. Automation through computerization reduced the workforce to hundreds of engineers and technicians who operated the machines that made the car. In the AI future, the factory might only need raw materials to churn out cars. The owners of the factory will get richer while the technicians and engineers will go jobless. The runaway level of automation that can be made possible by automation has the potential to destroy the social fabric through massive economic inequalities and joblessness. 

Could This All be Wishful Thinking Based on Watching Too Much Television? 

The dominance of the terms may be and perhaps within the research about the potential for harm by AI can lead to the misplaced assessment that the apocalypse is simply imagined. However, what had been said by scientists many years before combined with what is being said by experts currently alongside available evidence shows that the AI crisis is real, impending, and probably inevitable. Kurzweil (1999) is a scientific book written almost 20 years ago when AI technology was at a nascent stage but its predictions about the development of AI technology has so far been eerie accurate. The scary part about Kurzweil being so accurate about AI lies in the fact that he had also predicted machines based on AI developing free-will akin to humans thus, making them capable of doing whatever they want. Considering that machines already have control of the global economy and might soon have control of weapons of mass destruction. Further, machines already have access to homes and offices through robots, televisions, smartphones, and speakers, AIs developing a free will would be scary. Considering that Kurzweil has been accurate about algorithms, computation capacities, and knowledge acquisition, it is only logical to assume that he is also correct about the acquisition of free will. 

Over and above developing a free will, there is also the fear that AI will enable computers to eventually be more intelligent than humans. In Tegmark (2017), practical examples have been given relating to instances when AI systems are already smarter than humans. A good example is in the entertainment world where different traditional and modern games have been developed that pit humans against machines. In many of these games, even the very intelligent humans have to calibrate the setting of the computer to be able to match it during play. At top setting, the AI-based systems are always better than the humans, including those that have designed them. As AI expands in scope and application it will continue to be better than humans are creating the potential of AI taking control. 

The Way Forward 

Human beings must understand and appreciate their vulnerability towards AI and use that understanding in the development of AI-based technology to avoid a scenario where the AI systems take control in future. The current approach to information technology, artificial intelligence and related subjects such as machine learning is based on an absoluteness of confidence than machines will always submit to humans. However, even Stephen Hawking, one of the most intelligent human beings in the modern times begs to differ. Hawking definitively argues that computers might take over the world from humans in the future (Hawking, 2017). It is incumbent upon humans to ensure this does not happen before it is too late by incorporating that understanding in the development of artificial intelligence. This advice is based on the understanding that humans need AI and technology based on it thus an argument for avoidance of AI would be counterproductive. However, the assumption that AI will always be subservient to humans is dangerous and presumptions. Balancing the two factor require carefully designing intelligent machines that are carefully calibrated with checks and balances so that they do not develop their own free will and harm humanity. In the article Teaching A.I. Systems to Behave Themselves (2017), Shane Legg, one of the leading AI innovators in modern times raises the same argument as Hawking that there is a dire need to develop inbuilt ways and means to control AI. Legg, an expert in the concept of machine learning argues the use of AI technology to control it through teaching it subservience to humans. If the advancing of AI technology is developed contemporaneously with teaching them subservience then the probability and propensity of AI taking over the world or harming humanity can be alleviated. 


Computers have already developed an indispensability complex in many areas of life to the benefit of humanity but the advent and proliferation of AI technology creates potential for danger. The idea of a computer that not only is not answerable to humans but also seeks to control humanity has been propagated as science fiction but continues to become a reality with every passing day. AI-based technology has already taken over the global economy at human behest and may seem acquire control over weapons of mass destruction. Robots and gadgets with artificial technology are also prevalent in most homes, offices, modes of transportation and public places. If this gadgets were to overrule human control and take over, the result would be tragic for all humanity. It would, however be too extreme to argue that AI programs should be eliminated since they make valuable and positive contribution to the world in a variety of ways. The best way forward, therefore would be to propagate the realization that humans are at risk from artificial intelligence that stands to become too intelligent and too liberal to be controlled. Enforcing care and attention in the development of artificial technology to prevent it from getting out of hand is thus paramount. A level of superintendence of on a global scale should be undertaken on all AI and related development to ensure that machines that have the potential to go rogue are not created. Further the machine learning capability of AI should be harnessed to ensure that the technology does not eventually seek to overturn human authority. A safety-first approach towards AI should be enforced to save the world from future domination by machines 


Brynjolfsson, E. (2014). The second machine age: Work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies (First Edition.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company 

Hawking, S. W. (2017, November 28) Stephen Hawking: 'I fear AI may replace humans altogether' (J. Medeiros, Interviewer). Wired. Retrieved from http://www.wired.co.uk/article/stephen-hawking-interview-alien-life-climate-change-donald-trump 

Kurzweil, R. (1999). The age of spiritual machines: When computers exceed human intelligence . New York: Viking 

Lee, K (2018, February 21). Tech companies should stop pretending AI won’t destroy jobs. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved from https://www.technologyreview.com/s/610298/tech-companies-should-stop-pretending-ai-wont-destroy-jobs/ 

Rouhiainen, L. (2018).  Artificial intelligence: 101 things you must know today about our future . San Bernardino, CA: Lasse Rouhiainen 

Russel, S (2015, May 27). “Robotics: Ethics of artificial intelligence”. Nature. Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/news/robotics-ethics-of-artificial-intelligence-1.17611 

Teaching A.I. Systems to Behave Themselves (2017, Aug 13). New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/13/technology/artificial-intelligence-safety-training.html?_r=0 

Tegmark, M. (2017). Life 3.0: Being human in the age of artificial intelligence . New York: Alfred A. Knopf 

Viz.ai (2018, February15). Viz.ai granted De Novo FDA clearance for first Artificial Intelligence triage software [Press Release]. Retrieved from https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/vizai-granted-de-novo-fda-clearance-for-first-artificial-intelligence-triage-software-300599381.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How AI May Help Us Coexist With Future Robots.


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