15 Sep 2022


How Psychology Is Used in Everyday Life

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Social Learning Theory 

From the coursework I learnt that the social learning process involves a learning technique where there is a modelling and observation of behaviors in other people. Through the inclusion of observation roles, it plays a major role in enhancing the way children acquire knowledge while in school. Learning being a complex state in the global society hence entails some behavioral theories learnt through the conditioning process and other psychological influences through the attention and other memories. Also, through the analysis of significant steps applicable in modelling I learnt that they entail attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. In the aspect of attention, it entails paying of attention through the context of modeled behavior to enhance the learning process. 

For retention it entails the prime ability to remember, comprehend, retain and keep what has been observed in the learning technique. The third step on reproduction includes the ability to perform certain randomized behaviors acquired through observations and other commitments to the memory standards. Lastly in the modelling process it requires the application of motivation practices where an individual manages to imitate a certain behavior by incorporating a motivating factor towards the knowledge being acquired in the education process. The process significantly proves to me that every individual requires a social learning process that acts as a building block to govern certain behaviors in the society and how people relate with one another after acquiring the knowledge. 

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Through all the steps I have managed to apply each of them in my life by ensuring that as I engage in any learning schedule, I employ the steps that will enhance my skills fully. It requires proper attention while attending the learning processes. It is then followed by the retention of every detail given to ensure that I capture it well enough in my mind. Through the motivation aspect I manage to enhance my behavior in the presence of other people through approved ethical standards. The whole process thus governs the way I enhance my education by being fully involved in every procedure to promote my ability to become a better person in the future. It enhances my ability to know much better details which improve my growth insight and the chance to develop further in my future endeavors. 

Also, I have acquired the knowledge on Bandura’s theory that covers on the fact that learning typically occurs through the intermittent observation of actions from other people. In the behavioral theories regarding learning, it process that the associations exist through conditioning aspects, roles on reinforcement and the involvement of punishment. His theory applied the social sentiments where people can learn new information and other behavioral ideologies by watching the way other people relate with one another. The concept is therefore called observational learning that easily explains a major variety of behaviors such as those that cannot be accounted for in the learning theories. The theory thus applies in my day-to-day life since it enables me to pay keen observation to certain behaviors from people found in the society. I get to understand why some people behave the way they do and how they manage to comprehend every information they acquire from the learning processes. 

In understanding major concepts in the social learning theory, it requires the knowledge that learning can be enhanced through the observation process. It therefore requires a stable internal mental state which acts as an essential part of the social learning inclusion. Also I managed to understand that what a person might learn may not affect the change in behavior. The changes are usually influenced by individual well being and decisions to adopt a certain characteristic code of life. I therefore felt it was appropriate based on my daily experiences since I can be able to monitor the way I behave by targeting the mindset to operate in a certain way. I can either choose to have a positive behavior or negative behavior based on how my mindset operates and wants me to think and observe certain things around me. 

Bandura also explains that in the global society the human behaviors depicted highly exist from modelling aspects where one observes others to determine how the new behaviors get performed. With the coded information presented it acts as a key guidance towards the cause of action in most individuals. In the Bobo Doll experiment it seeks to investigate the social behaviors that get incorporated through acts of imitation and other observation practices. The experiment demonstrated that most children tend to adapt the social behavior learning technique through acts such as aggression and watching the way other people relate to one another. In my daily experiences it enhances the way I socialize with other people having varied types of behaviors. 

The social learning theory also discusses certain models which are applied in the social behavioral aspects. They entail the live model that entails including an individual demonstration through the behavioral forms. Also there is the symbolic model which incorporates certain real characters in the real media where the characters get to present their behaviors. Lastly is the verbal instructional model that uses certain vivid descriptions to explain why a certain behavior exists in an individual. The concepts therefore proved relevant since they enable me to know where to apply certain models and easily identify them in other people. The process symbolically enhances my capacity to apply the live model based on how I present my ethical behaviors to other people. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How Psychology Is Used in Everyday Life.


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