14 Aug 2022


How to Cover the Cost of Cancer Care

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 547

Pages: 2

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Most families and individuals are one illness away from bankruptcy or financial ruin. That is a fact understood by most Americans. It is for this reason that most have a medical insurance of one form or another. In fact, putting politics aside, Obamacare was an aim by immediate US President Barrack Obama in solving the complexities that come with funding health. Unfortunately, while most Americans do understand the importance of health insurance and maintain one, most remain oblivious as to how medical insurance actually works when one gets sick. This is more so if the disease in question pertains to cancer. 

How to Cover the Cost of Cancer Care 

Covering cancer is a complex affair for medical insurance providers. The cost of coverage alone is prohibitive to most and in most cases the patient actually ends up spending their own money even if they actually have insurance cover. Looking critically at cancer, one sees that the illness does have a way of troubling medics as to how its treatment should be handled. While mainstream chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are the most widely accepted and FDA approved modes of treatment, the fact is that there are many alternative means of treatment all of which have survivors who claim that they work. In any case, when dealing with a cancer patient the chances of re-emergence are high even with the use of FDA approved treatment. For this reason, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network has cancer-care guidelines created by an alliance of 27 major cancer centers that insurers generally follow when it comes to standards of treatment that they cover ("How to Cover the Cost of Cancer Care", 2018). 

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On the event that a treatment is not included in the list; it may be denied coverage by an insurer on grounds that it is experimental, or that it simply does not feature in the list and coverage would be opening the insurer to bad business. The fact is that insurers require a lot of information regarding a treatment plan. This enables them to see the costs it would incur, gauge the number of users it may have and by sue of mathematic formula come up with premiums that allow them to insure the treatment and still make profit. Most alternative treatment plans tend not to have such detailed information as is needed. A strong example given in the article is proton beam therapy which is used to treat some cancers such as prostate cancer, but still viewed as an experimental alternative ("How to Cover the Cost of Cancer Care", 2018). 

While most people would want to understand how coverage, costs and limits work, mathematics still is something that most people tend to shy away from. Instead most people would want to receive a straightforward answers such as; “if one pays this premium to what extent does it cover me? Will cancer and other terminal disease such as diabetes be covered? What would happen if I upgraded to a higher premium and what would be the cost and the effect on it on my coverage?” Such are the questions that the article has set forth to answer in very simplified terms and using numbers in the most objective way that the interest of the reader is not lost. The article based on the opinion of the author of this paper is very informative. It would therefore be helpful to Medical Assistants who want to aid their patients in making informed decisions ("How to Cover the Cost of Cancer Care", 2018). 


How to Cover the Cost of Cancer Care . (2018).  www.kiplinger.com . Retrieved 19 February 2018, from https://www.kiplinger.com/article/insurance/T027-C000-S002-cover-the-cost-of-cancer-treatment.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Cover the Cost of Cancer Care.


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