30 Sep 2022


How to Deal With Aggression: 10 Tips for Parents

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 259

Pages: 1

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From chapter 11 of the textbook aggression is behavior that is intended to harm another individual (Aggression, n.d). There are various types of aggression but the main types are Instrumental aggression and Emotional aggression. In instrumental aggression, harm is inflicted as a means to a desired end. It aims at harming someone for personal gain, get attention, or self-defense. An example of this is when a playground bully forces other children to give them their lunch money. Emotional aggression is where harm is being inflicted for owns sake. It is often impulsive and carried out in the heat of the moment. An example of this is when a person punches someone who insults him or her. 

Both situational and media or technology influences create negative affect, arousal and aggressive thoughts each of which can lead to aggressive behavior. The difference is that the media influence is when an individual copies what he or she watches or learns and practices from these unlike situational influence, which is associated with what is around like weapons and what happens at that particular time( Aggression, n.d) . 

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I come from a family where conflict happens almost daily because none of my parents agrees on issues. They never come to an agreement on anything concerning family responsibilities. The only remedy that comes out after any discussion be it on who to pay school fees ,rent or cater for vacation expenses, they must fight at the end. Sometimes I feel one of them or both suffer from depression. Their lifestyle has affected a lot on me since fighting is no longer a big issue to me, which I fear might affect how I will live with my children in the near future. 


Anonymous. (n.d). Aggression. Chapter 11 (435-475) 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Deal With Aggression: 10 Tips for Parents.


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