23 Dec 2022


How to Eat Healthy and Exercise: The Ultimate Nutrition and Fitness Guide

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 815

Pages: 3

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A nutritious and balanced diet is important because it provides our bodies with the energy required for growth and exercise. Healthy eating is crucial for the good health and general well-being of every individual. It supports the various activities of the body and maintains growth while preventing many diseases. A healthy diet is not only composed of the required type of food but also the preparation and storage of the food to ensure that there are no cases of food-borne illness. The body needs different foods to provide the right amount of nutrients required. These foods should provide proteins, vitamins, energy and essential fats. Also, healthy eating and physical exercise work together to yield a fit, healthy body. Poor diet usually leads to poor health and might even cause deficiency diseases like anemia, blindness, and stillbirth. However, in modern society, obesity and lifestyle diseases are on the rise; with the main reasons being consumption of processed foods and lack of physical exercise. Therefore, nutritious diets and fitness exercises are of great importance in the promotion of good health and a better lifestyle. This is because it helps maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risks of some diseases like cancer, hypertension, heart diseases, stroke, and diabetes. The majority of people in the United States are suffering from such diseases due to bad eating habits and lack of exercise. After having tracked food consumption and activity for three weeks, I have observed various changes in relation to my goal at the beginning. 

After three weeks of healthy eating and physical exercises, I have lost five pounds and improved on the fitness of my body. A consistent daily workout for thirty minutes and eating healthy foods have become my routine. Also, I have gained physical fitness through proper nutrition, regular workouts, and enough rest. This has made performance in my daily activities and in my occupation easier and less tiring. It has also improved my muscle development and increased my capacity for endurance. I have consuming a wide variety of foods, although I did not always monitor their quantities. In addition, I have continuously taken eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated and to enhance a healthy lifestyle. As part of my diet for the three weeks, I have included a lot of fruits, starchy foods, vegetables, nuts; I have also reduced on my intake of high-fat food varieties. Although I did not follow a strict schedule of activities, I have observed positive outcomes from my three weeks plan. Therefore, to get more and better results in the future, I will continue with my workouts and will follow a stricter diet.; I supposed I have considerably gotten used to this and should as such, not find it very hard. I will also visit a dietitian to get more advice on my diet in relation to my age and gender to increase the efficiency of my new healthy lifestyle. 

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Consistency in healthy eating and physical exercises will have many advantages to my whole body. The impacts are hard to ignore even for short periods and therefore, continuous commitment will produce excellent results. Firstly, since I do not have weight problems, the regular exercises, coupled with keeping a proper diet, will help maintain my weight, as it will avoid any weight gain. Secondly, exercising and keeping a healthy diet will improve the health of my bones and make them stronger. Furthermore, to maintain muscle strength and coordination, I will require regular exercises. This will help in the prevention of fractures in the event of falls. Moreover, exercising shall contribute to the improvement of the functionality of my heart, as it strengthens the heart muscles; these physical activities will also make my lungs to function more efficiently. This is because, as more blood is pumped into the lungs by the heart and as they both will be healthy, there will be an increased flow of blood to the muscles and the whole body. This shall allow more oxygen into the body and also, shall quickly carry waste products away from my system, as blood vessels shall have widened. Regarding the digestive system, I will seek more advice from a qualified medic since different exercises have different effects on the digestive system, negative and positive as well. This will help me better my understanding of physical exercise regimes, relative to their effects on my digestive system. Some exercises help in digestion and elimination and also enhances movement of the contents through the digestive system. However, some activities like running are said to cause digestive disorders such as nausea and diarrhea. 

In conclusion, many people usually associate diet and exercise with weight loss or with medical prescription as part of treatment regimes. While this may be true, a healthy diet and regular exercises help in maintaining basic body activities, increase body energy and reduce the risk of many diseases. Exercise also leads to a better body and reduced stress and depression through the release of some chemicals into the brain. Maintaining a consistent routine that insists on eating well and on exercising regularly will not only result in improved health but also in an extension of the lifespan. Exercise improves mental and physical wellbeing, and this helps improve the productivity of the concerned parties. Therefore, nutrition and fitness should be a part of everyone’s lifestyle due to the many benefits associated with them. Moreover, for a happier and more energized life, which is the goal of most people, the simple solution is healthy eating and regular exercising. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Eat Healthy and Exercise: The Ultimate Nutrition and Fitness Guide.


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