13 Sep 2022


How to Encourage Creativity in Schools

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 771

Pages: 2

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We were all guided throughout our lives from birth to now; and even now as adults we are still guided in some way. Having the freedom to understand and explore who we are as individuals made and continue to make us all different. It is our very own creativity that allows us to stand apart as a nation. Often, we stray away from what allowed us to be “us” and instead we are often forced to believe that there is fashion of normality that we should follow; unknowingly this act dims our creative spirit and forces us to fit in society. As teachers we forgot to guide students to stay creative and more of force them to a normality society. Overall, our impact on the creativity of students is highly dependent on the instructional techniques the eventually determine the experiences ours students have and their eventual successful development. 

Cognitive development develops as per the past experiences driven by learning new things and interacting with them extensively. Cognitive processes refer to how much the brain is able to process and aid in helping a person detect the changes around and remembering past events ( Page & Thorsteinsson, 2017 ). According to cognitive theory, learning is affected by both internal and external factors where the brain grasps information to improve the mental processes and influences thinking thus the person gains different abilities and skills. Further, metacognition is the ability for a person to process feelings and thoughts. The ability helps students to create awareness on how to react to different situations. As they get older, they can process their thoughts under different situations and make independent decisions in challenging environments. Metacognitions is essential in solving academic challenges as well as choosing a career that best suits the person. Cognitive development is similar to instructional techniques in that in both the brain needs to make a decision based on the available knowledge and the known techniques in solving a particular problem (Goyal, 2017). The brain also follows rules that govern decision making. Instructional techniques have a specific order on how things have to be executed and so does cognitive development in that the brain already knows what to do and how a decision can be made. Connected to cognition, is concept formation which is a significant aspect in creativity. 

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Concept formation is developing an ability to identify and respond to different objects, ideas or events. Positive transfer of learning is the dependency on what was previously known so as to affect another concept. The past experiences can affect the current situation ( Kaufman, Beghetto & Dilley, 2016 ). It is because the past experiences added with new concepts have the ability of creating a new kind of understanding. Concept formation is important in classrooms as it helps students understand a topic better and have new approaches to ideas. 

Guiding and understanding children are two different practices that each parent should consider. Understanding is based on evaluating the behaviors and traits of the children when relating directly or indirectly. The practice gives an overview of a child capabilities, interest, weaknesses and strengths. Guiding is the continuous shaping of a child basing on their weaknesses and interest. At tender age, children develop interests that pronounce their area of expertise occupation wise. Adults have always forced their children to derive behaviors and interest from them. In most cases, the adults make decisions for the children basing on education. However, adults should learn about interest, optimism, wild creativity and bold ideas from the children. Similar to adults, children have their own world full of greater dreams and brighter visions. Classroom has been the common theatre for children’s creativity. However, teachers can allow children to concentrate and express their creativity by exposing them to reality. Children lack exposure to more practical learning. A portion of theoretical education should be substituted with practical programs. The programs will help to evaluate the weakness, strength and interest of students 

A creative future is essential to the children and the community as well. In this case, creativity should be discovered and cultivated at tender age. The great future is attainable by allowing children to complete their assignments by the help of their creativity (Mullen, 2018). Teachers should take a responsibility of helping children to channel their creativity among other students. The practice will impact dormant children to expound their reasoning in different fields. Wild success in creativity relies on guiding children to use creativity as the foundation of the future. 


Creativity is a mixture of knowledge and wisdom directed to occurring challenges. Creativity differs from one individual to the other and can be used to build a strong foundation to the world. As free thinkers, creativity has helped the adults to develop opportunities from challenges. In most cases, creativity has created a long and reliable solutions to world problems 


Goyal, N. (2017).  Schools on trial: how freedom and creativity can fix our educational malpractice . Anchor 

Kaufman, J. C., Beghetto, R. A., & Dilley, A. (2016). Understanding creativity in the schools. In  Psychosocial Skills and School Systems in the 21st Century  (pp. 133-153). Springer, Cham. 

Mullen, C. A. (Ed.). (2018).  Creativity Under Duress in Education?: Resistive Theories, Practices, and Actions  (Vol. 3). Springer. 

Page, T., & Thorsteinsson, G. I. S. L. I. (2017). The impact of conventional school education on student’s creativity.  I-Manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology 13 (1), 12. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Encourage Creativity in Schools.


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