4 May 2022


How to Make Presentation Effective

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 336

Pages: 1

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During one of the last term evening, I attended a presentation which left me in shock as the person who was doing the presentation did it poorly something which left the audience unsatisfied. Some did not even listen to the presentation as several walked out while others were there just doing their things. The presenter happened to mix up the points, and he could give out points for a topic which were meant for another topic, and when he reached the other topic, he ended up stammering. It reached a point where the presenter who happened to be overconfident lost the flow of the presentation, and he had to excuse himself since he could present no more.

Many times are when presenters get embarrassed especially when it comes to presenting to a large crowd as some people do not even have the courage to stand in front of people and they end up stammering or even saying nothing. To avoid these frustrations, presenters should do the following; first, if you think yo may stumble when presenting it is good to be brief; ensure that you give fewer words and avoid overload of text as this may end up distracting you. To make a presentation work out, it is also recommendable to ensure that although brief you go straight to the point as this will assist in passing out the important message without leaving any point. The presenter should have gone through his notes as even with the notes with him he was not able to do the presentation smoothly as some points were mixed up; going through notes would have helped him make sure that the points are well noted and arranged, and this could have avoided the confusion. Overconfident is another thing which caused the presenter present poor; the presenter should have avoided being overconfident while at the same time being confident as this could have led to the excellent presentation. Lastly, the presenter needed to be humble, calm, and relaxed as this could have led to audience help him when he got lost; being calm could have helped him present well giving him the strength to go on. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Make Presentation Effective.


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