17 Jul 2022


How to Onboard New Hires for Success

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 280

Pages: 1

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HR managers can look for many places when recruiting customer service assistants and production line workers. A good starting place is to look at University or College Campuses. Each year, many fresh university and college students receive their degrees and look for work. These individuals have already acquired new perspectives and innovation skills, which they can bring to the firm. One reason why university or college is the most viable option for recruiting employees is that they still lack enough information about the job and are more interested in learning. 

Internal sources are another viable option to hire customer service assistants and production line workers. The current employees of the company provide as the main internal sources. Whenever there is a vacancy, it may be granted to individuals who are already on the company’s payroll. The most common internal sources are employee promotion and transfers. When the customer service and product line posts are given to existing deserving employees, it motivates other individuals to work hard. The company can use internal advertisements to inform employees of such opportunities. 

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Job boards may still play a perfect role for HR managers seeking to recruit customer service assistants and production line workers. The HR may post vacant positions job boards such as CarrerBuiler.Com, Dice.Com or Monster.Com. These sites invite job seekers to create profiles and upload application letters and resumes indicating their interest in a specified job. 

Social recruiting enables HR managers to easily source for customer service assistants and production line workers among other job candidates. The use of social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to hire potential employees continues to be dominant. 

HR managers can still use walk-in-applications to recruit customer service assistants and production line workers. Some jobs prefer the old-fashioned way of applying for a job in-person. For the company, this is the most economical recruitment method. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Onboard New Hires for Success.


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