6 Oct 2022


How to Plan Effective Questioning Lessons for Your Students

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 1118

Pages: 4

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Lesson title 

The title of this lesson is ‘find the pattern’. 


The relevant grade for this lesson plan is the kindergarten level. 


The standards for this lesson is for 70% of the total learners to be able should be able to create a pattern using the provided pieces of pattern packet. Another standard is for learners to be able to make the patterns without any help from the teacher. 

Lesson objectives 

In this lesson, the main objectives include each group of learners gaining the ability of creating various patterns using the pieces of pattern packet. It is the goal of lesson to ensure all students can use the same material to come up with different shapes of patterns without any help. Moreover, this lesson aims at ensuring learners are able to answer the related questions without any difficulty. There are also additional objectives such as learners gaining improved ability of communicating well amongst themselves and increased interpersonal skills for the learners. 

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Essential questions 

A number of effective and relevant questions will be used in order to guide this lesson and make the learning process participatory for the learners. Some of the questions that will be asked include the following: 

What kind of evidence did you find to prove that the same material of pattern pieces can be used to make different shapes? 

Which pattern is it? 

Which color will follow in the pattern? 

What makes you believe that you are capable of creating a pattern using the pieces of pattern packets? 

What is the secret you discovered about the easiest approach in creating perfect and good patters from the packet pieces? 

Which part of this exercise did you find quite difficult? 

Which part of the exercise did you find very easy to do? 

How do you plan to improve in areas where you realized difficulties doing? 

Lesson overview 

In this lesson, learners will be required to apply their skills as a follow up to the previous guidelines on patterns and extending patterns. The learners will be divided into small groups, where they will work together in creating a pattern using all the pieces provided in the allocated pattern envelope. Therefore, it is imperative for each group to come up with one pattern, but also try to make other different shapes as further exercise. The learners should then answer the given questions to gauge their level of understanding in this lesson. Through these small groups, the students will choose the leaders for each and the secretary who will present the done assignment on behalf of the members. Through the groups the learners are free to have constructive interaction and communication that may enhance the chances of good working relations on the given assignment. 

Instructional/learning activities 

Students will require specific materials for the lesson exercise, which include 6 pattern packets that contain the following: 

Four small bags that have eight squares, which are of assorted colors able to complete a pattern. It is important to note that the pattern may be designed to be more challenging and complex by adding assorted shapes. Normally, a packet should include three blue and red as well as two green colors. 

It is vital to note that each packet will contain will be able to make a distinct pattern. 


Before the start of the activity, the patterns will be introduced. Furthermore, there will extension of patterns then new shapes created with the learners. The first activity is for every learner to pick a stick that has the assorted colored dots from the container. The next activity will be for the students to form groups that are based on the colors picked. The students will then follow instructions by opening the contents of the envelope and using all the squares in creating a pattern within their respective groups. The next activity for the learners will be reception of the envelope and then they will be accorded 10 minutes to find the pattern. Each group will then be asked questions by the teacher. 


The lesson will be closed after the activity is complete. At closure of the lesson, the teacher will recapitulate some of the important concepts taught in order to reinforce them for the students. Students will also be informed about the topic that will be studied in the next class time. It is during this closure time that the teacher will also make some important announcements for the students, before announcing the end of the lesson. 


The assessment will be on the capability of each student to find the pattern created. The method of assessment will be similar exercise for each student within the classroom. The assessment will be done at individual level, without any discussion among the students in the course of the test. Each student should be able to find the correct pattern using the knowledge learned during the group exercise. The marking criteria will be grade A for the accurate pattern created. Grade B will be for patterns that have one color misplaced. Grade C will be for the pattern that has three colors wrongly done. Finally, grade D will be for the failed pattern creation. The student who scores grade A will be rated excellent while grade B will be poor performance. 


Through this cooperative learning lesson, I have established that effective questions give good guidance to the learning process and make it participatory. Through the use of effective questions, the teacher is able to implement active learning for the students (Walsh & Sattes, 2005). The questions asked bring significant cooperation in the process of learning. I was also able to find out that effective questions bring individual accountability in the process of learning. Each learner becomes responsible for being able to answer the questions that are asked. It was quite interesting to find out that effective questions and cooperative learning results into positive interdependence among the students. In each group, every member normally relies on the support of others (Moore, 2014). This support is offered through knowledge exchange. This exchange of knowledge improves the outcome from the process of learning as the learners are able to gain more skills. 

One thing that normally comes up in cooperative learning based on the use of effective questions is the face-to-face interaction among the students. I was able to establish that as students perform the assigned tasks in the groups, they get to interact and communicate well, a factor that boosts their interpersonal skills. I liked the fact that the use of quality questioning in the learning process normally changes the roles and responsibilities of students and teachers. It is vital to note that the view of a classroom as a community of learners usually challenges the traditional perceptions about teaching, learning and questioning. The modern filed of education treats the process of teaching as simply knowledge transmission, where the students are viewed as sponges that absorb information taught by the teacher (Orlich, Harder, Callahan, Trevisan & Brown, 2012). This notion is very different from the traditional one, where knowledge is quite static, inert and independent of the learners. The notion that learning is simply listening to the teacher and reading books is challenged through the use of quality questioning during lessons. 


Moore, K. D. (2014).  Effective instructional strategies: From theory to practice . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 

Orlich, D. C., Harder, R. J., Callahan, R. C., Trevisan, M. S., & Brown, A. H. (2012).  Teaching strategies: A guide to effective instruction . Boston: Cengage Learning. 

Walsh, J. A., & Sattes, B. D. (2005). How can quality questioning transform classrooms? questioning to advance thinking, learning, and achievement. Quality questioning: research-based practice to engage every learner. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage Publications . https://www.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-binaries/6605_walsh_ch_1.pdf

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Plan Effective Questioning Lessons for Your Students.


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