6 May 2022


How to Use Technology to Improve Writing Skills Among Elementary Students

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 3061

Pages: 10

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Education is an essential requirement that every nation needs to achieve all aspects of growth, including social and economic developments, among others. Contemporary society has been experiencing massive advancements that have, in turn, improved educational experiences. Unlike in the ancient days when learning was manually accomplished, technological advancements have digitalised learning in the modern world, thus making the experience not only more comfortable but also efficient and enjoyable. Most nations have tried to exploit these advancements by enforcing laws and policies to create excellent educative environments that allow learners to develop their skills and abilities. They rightfully believe that these efforts will help them prosper in the modern world, which requires high professionalism, more so in the labour force to efficiently compete for the coveted global market share. Education starts at the elementary level. Therefore, the only way of achieving the following objectives to the letter would be to incorporate these ideal operations in the elementary level, and the best way to start would be by using technology to improve writing skills of the elementary students.

Currently, the universe is transforming at a fast rate owing to high experimentation and scientific research, hence the innovations and technological improvements. Gadgets such as computers and mobile phones are gaining more grounds than before and engaging modifications to address the needs of society. The most significant part of such achievements is the availability of scholarly articles which researchers can refer to and identify gaps that need improving. However, the literature review still exists as the toughest part of research because of the considerable time that the scholars have to spend verifying the credible resources from the inappropriate. This situation means that the bulk of written reports that exist today do not meet the required standards, hence their increased disregard during research. As a result, although the rate of development is undeniable, the world has not yet neared reaching development peak. More work is needed to increase credible literature and teaching writing skills at elementary institutions is the best way to start. 

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The best part of this situation is that the education sector has also been improving and currently exhibits adaptive measures to the changing environment. Teaching techniques continue to change as new opportunities emerge, and the community has been witnessing transformations. Although the current levels are undeniably excellent, schools still need to be ready for change to capture the dynamic nature of the universe. The conventional means of education that currently characterise the education sector need to change and embrace the massive technological advancement in the modern world. This is the only way that learners will learn to tackle the different challenges evident in this new technological era.

As mentioned above, the structuring of the learning environment is representative of the dire need for excellence not only in curricular but also in extracurricular activities. While the relevance of learning writing skills evident in the curricular activities, most people seem not to understand why students who will be concentrating their careers on extracurricular activities like sports should learn these techniques. Unknown to them is that such students will still need to write application letters to their preferred teams or may advance in their professions to captains or managers, all of which require advanced writing and communication skills. This illustration means that everybody needs these skills because they will need them at one point in their lives sooner or later. The elementary schools again become the best platform to initiate these essential practices because they involve young individuals who are endearing excellence and ready and willing to learn. Since learning also begins at this level, it would only be appropriate to start the students off with the excellent writing skills and knowledge using technology.

On the other hand, this paper cannot turn a blind eye to the many adverse effects that have resulted from the technological advancements that the world witnesses today. Many platforms have emerged that wash away morals because of the explicit contents that they expose to the world regardless of the ages. However, concentrating of the adverse effects to write off the massive benefits discussed above would be ill-advised because these negative implications have efficient remedies that the teachers can implement to ensure that the students only concentrate on using technology to improve their writing skills. This paper, therefore, addresses how technology can help elementary school students to improve their writing skills by handling the definition of the problem, the use of knowledge to resolve the issue, and the action plan, to illuminate the specific issues 

Defining the Problem 

One of the most crucial concerns in the world today is whether or not technological innovations can impact elementary students positively by improving their writing skills. The necessary steps to achieving a more profound capability of learning trigger the use of senses. The hand develops the mechanism of jotting down that which runs through the brain into a material such as paper as writing occupying the space as an avenue for assessment. It is un-debatable that technology influences the daily lives of individuals as they improve the efficiency of performing specific operations. The capability of fine-tuning technological input to befit a particular goal makes the use of such technologies exciting. Education of elementary students requires an engaging process that requires collaborative efforts from different players in the education system. The fragility of the young ones makes it a challenging initiative. It renders the addressing of the issue of technological use for the benefit of the teachers and learners an essential area of substantial assessment.

Exploring Avenues to Influence or Provoke Change 

Children occupy a fragile space that demands adequate assistance from instructors. For instance, a blank page or screen can offer intimidating emotions for an individual. For a child, it creates an allure of uncertainty owing to the appearance of blankness. The teacher must spin into action and take charge through relaxing the mood. Handing a helping hand to an elementary school student is critical to setting a working environment (Chen et al., 2017). The pertinent issue is encouraging a young one to freely engage the thought process where starting is the difficult step. It is a stigmatising venture for elementary students to get down to business and note down something be-it on a paper or a screen. Technology would come in handy in asking a thought-provoking question that maps ideas into the brain of the user (Gibbins-Klein, 2017). It is the mentioned elements that relax the mind in an assisting venture that demystifies the ideology that a sentence must capture the perfection that scares children.

Writing demands the use of a robust system of sources that sharpen the skills of word construction and mastery of language (Holmes et al., 2018). It is keen to note that most good writers entail the element of vast reading with reason. Avid readers acquire a substantial set of vocabulary as they face new words that are endearing in their reading initiatives. The more one reads, the further he or she engages the mind to different aspects of essentials for learning a specific language such as sentence arrangement that sets a readable and relevant conveyance of a message. Erickson et al. (2017) opine that the habit of reading is a substantial tool for use as it introduces children not only to sentence structures but also a variety of them for consumption coupled with different ways of using words to create an exciting composition. Very many web pages offer the space to read and acquire knowledge with some involving graphical displays that may come in handy for elementary students. 

Students require collaborative efforts from the teachers, peers, and parents. Instructors offer parental guidance away from home, i.e. in the school setting while a child’s parents are the authoritative unit back at their residential. A successful learning process requires a continuous engagement that brings in the notion of a diverse rendition that is critical in offering different insights on a particular subject coupled with a creative-developing initiative. Writing dictates mastery as to establish oneself as a good writer demands a lot of practice and perseverance owing to high probabilities of making eras through the engagement. Teachers and parents must come together in a collaborative effort to analyse the progress of elementary students. They must frequently communicate to determine grey areas that require modification and set essential targets that work as building blocks for a successful teaching initiative. The emails or messaging are technological avenues for communication for the subjects to use during such engagements.

Digital writing tools are available for use for learners seeking a thoroughly engaging process for a successful plot. The golden age entails transformations in the education field, where it is undeniable that technology revolves around almost every aspect of our lives (Davtyan, 2018). The foreseeable future exhibits the capability of adopting increased levels of innovations subject to the research and experimentation that is an ongoing process. One substantial online platform is that of Google Docs that offers students the opportunity of posting their writings in specific folders where they can review later and in some cases, the accessibility is provided to compatriots (Shirvani&Vahdat-nejad, 2016). The initiative drives forward the agenda of collaborative efforts in learning where the instructor and the students can offer their opinions and suggestions. It can prove helpful for elementary students as it is an improvement of acquiring feedback. It is through such avenues that the element of copying is introducible, i.e. mastering poems or fellow student compositions that appear ideal. 

Action Plan 

The difficulty of learning is a grey area for elementary students that demands collaborative input from relevant authorities. Evidence from above suggests that children are a fragile lot that demand assistance as staring at a blank page is an aspect that sets them off to acquiring emotional anxiety. An intervention plan that can rectify the difficulty is the demystification of the stigma through offering a helping hand for the startup. It is the triggering of the nerve system to the thought that renders such students to acquire a relaxation mode that assists in setting them off to begin writing. I propose the use of thought-triggering questions to influence the situation by bringing to play the creative side of the subjects. Teachers can modify programs through gadgets such as computers to communicate with the young ones. They should only contain basic elements as technical terms may render the efforts useless. The collaborative engagement is essential in creating an engaging environment as it captures the human aspect coupled with the technological tool. The two would positively influence the situation. 

It is crucial to note that the student body involves individuals from different cultures in what captures diversity. Teaching such elementary students requires the use of a dynamic approach that is impartial and bears the mark of equity. Partiality or biases often result in an environment that is unbearable, and for young ones, it may even induce unwanted characteristics to the elementary students. Such occurrences should be avoided as the young ones are the leaders of tomorrow and have the tendency to influence their environmental engagements that may stick to a later stage of adulthood. The resolution to the threat of inequality demands the effort from teachers to monitor digital materials. They should avoid introducing materials to students, that may contaminate their thinking or those that showcase as sceptical regarding specific people or group. The enactment is bound to instil the distinctive culture of learning in an environment that exhibits inclusivity as treating everyone in equal measure is an ideal process of achieving collaboration that is essential in the education sector. 

Children are fragile in the real sense as they exhibit aspects of gradual growth and development. They have the characteristic of little growth and development as far as brain maturity, and motor skills are concerned. It is, therefore, ideal for them to receive substantial help as possible in their daily operations instead of letting them learn individually (Ion et al., 2017). I recommend the use of simple tools such as tablets that are designed for use by young ones that aren't too technical to adopt. Such gadgets would deliver on the mandate of facilitating the learning process through engaging the basics. The instructors need to show mastery of the use of the tools in a collaborative process that would achieve the much-needed results. Therefore, I propose the initiative of taking the teachers through the use of gadgets through workshops or training platforms. It is a project that demands input from ICT professionals who have mastery of the use of technical aspects. It is a viable operation as it would hand the instructors the necessary skills for conducting teaching operations via technological input.

The issue of learning from school transcending to the home environment is a challenging aspect owing to the difference in settings and the destructions. The depiction above suggests collaborative efforts by the parents and teachers, which demands continuous communication. The two groups can use programs set aside for interactions and social platforms such as email to follow up on the progress of the elementary students. It is crucial to keep the checkup as frequent as possible, given the necessary steps of learning demands sufficient input by the engaging fronts. I propose the enactment of a program that brings together the teachers, students, and parents. The players must interact and engage as the technological input demands a continuous learning process from different quarters. It is through the engagements that gaps are identifiable, creating building blocks in their address. The culture of issuing feedback would develop through the program setting the elementary students as capable of seeking assistance without fear. The interactions bolster the educative environment as it is a bonus to collaborative efforts.

The golden age involves substantial use of technology as it takes the root of most of our operations, posing a threat to normal activities. It is a concerning factor given social interactions bear the backdrop of the adversities. It is easy to spot a group of people hanging out yet taken adrift into their mobile phones or laptops as they exhibit poor social skills. The engagement of technological input in the elementary classes may issue a challenge of containing the process not to get overboard. I propose the balancing of the use of gadgets and normal teaching processes. Setting the two modules of issuing instructions may experience a challenge of how to do it right. The ideal program to use in this case is a timetable that directs the specific actions in the learning environment. The guide must put a balance of the two processes available for engagement subject to the goals. The balancing would initiate the necessary platform for issuing feedback through technological tools and social interactions. The latter offers the chance of learning the progress of an individual owing to the difference in communication and body movements.

The content of the reading materials poses a threat to ideal development subject to the R-rated information set that sometimes transcends to the graphics display or adverts that pop up when using the online platform. It is crucial to monitor the use of the technological avenues for learning to avoid the adversity of introducing the young ones to harmful depictions. I propose the use of ad blockers going forward as it would deter the popping up of R-rated content during the teaching process. It is critical to ensure that values and morals are upheld in the educative environment. An introduction of harm for the young ones may get glued into their thoughts and in extreme cases, harm proper growth and development. I propose the modification of the reading through the assessment to set aside the dangerous materials and uphold the ideal options. The information set should instil the ethical, moral standards that society demands.


The use of technological input to improve the writing capabilities of elementary students is possible through offering assistance, adopting collaborative efforts of the students and the teachers, suggesting copying activities, and encouraging the habit of reading. The opportunities for engagement entail various challenges such as the diversity issue, the content of the technological input, the difficulty of learning, and the fragility of the elementary students. The threats initiate the use of various programs to address the grey areas and facilitate the learning process for a viable and successful operation. Every initiative has relevance to achieving a fruitful educative process void of harmful elements and complications. The programs that are available for enactment include the use of timetables, modification of gadgets to capture necessary foundations, workshops for engaging the teachers to acquire skills for adoption in delivery of lessons, and meetings of the players in the school environment (the instructors, parents, and elementary students). 

The initiatives mentioned above all have their specific implications as the proposed modifications entail certain desirable outcomes subject to the goal of success in improving the writing skills of elementary students through technological input. The use of timetables would ensure the balancing of exposure to technology platforms that have taken a footnote of the world. It would provide the maintenance of social interactions that is crucial for acquiring feedback in the learning process. The adoption of the workshop program would hand the instructors the know-how of conducting the teaching initiatives with ease owing to excellent mastery of information set. The proposed plan of frequent meetings between the players in the school environment would address the diversity issue, creating a culture of collaborative efforts, void of inequality, which is vital in the engaging process. The modification of gadgets to befit the desirable aspirations would assist by offering a helping hand through the reading process, keeping the elementary students away from harmful content that may blemish their upbringing. 

The golden age involves the aspect of technological advancements and innovations that are embedded in systems. Every industry involves various use of technology as it makes work more comfortable and offers a substantially engaging process with the element of efficiency. The educations sector entails the adoption of technological use subject to the room for improvements. The drive is to meet the transformative agenda in the professional market as demands are changing as the foreseeable future entails a high probability of increasing change. It is undeniable that young ones are introduced to high-tech gadgets at a tender age, such as mobile phones and laptops. The tools offer an engaging platform that is adjustable for use according to the aspirations that make them crucial for consideration.

Teachers and parents require collaborative efforts to assist elementary students in their learning process. The technological aspect draws controversy subject to the feeling that it is taking over our lives as the labourers also feel that it would render them jobless. It is for the efficiency element and the collaborative effort that teaching with the use of technological input that stimulated interest in the field. The depictions above establish that technology is usable in assisting elementary students in improving their writing skills through the collaboration of the parents, teachers, and technological tools. The direction to focus on this aspect is drawn from the opportunity to deliver on the mandate of teaching through handling the diversity element and achieving success in the operations.


Chen, I. -., Wu, Y., & Wei, B. (2017). Effects of anxious emotions on the behavioral problems of chinese children with learning difficulties. Quality and Quantity, 51(3), 1147-1165.

Davtyan, V. (2018). New world energy order: The obstacles to the golden age of american energy dominance. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 8(4), 157-168.

Gibbins-Klein, M. (2017). Establishing yourself as a thought leader? seven simple ideas to improve the quality of your thinking. Development and Learning in Organizations, 31(2), 5-7.

Holmes, B., Waterbury, T., Baltrinic, E., & Davis, A. (2018). Angst about academic writing: Graduate students at the brink. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (Online), 11(2), 67-72.

Erickson, K., PhD., Geist, L., PhD., & Hatch, P., PhD. (2017). Impact of self-regulated strategy instruction integrated with SOLO® literacy suite. Assistive Technology Outcomes & Benefits, 11(1), 17-28.

Ion, M. A., Dragovic, N., Pera, M. S., & Fails, J. A. (2017). Online searching and learning: 0RW1S34RfeSDcfkexd09rT2YUM1RW1S34RfeSDcfkexd09rT2 and other search tools for children and teachers. Information Retrieval, 20(5), 524-545.

Shirvani, H., &Vahdat-nejad, H. (2016). Storing shared documents that are customized by users in cloud computing. Computing.Archives for Informatics and Numerical Computation, 98(11), 1137-1151.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Use Technology to Improve Writing Skills Among Elementary Students.


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