14 Nov 2022


How We Communicate About Climate Change

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Academic level: College

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Words: 315

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Communication has a significant part to play in arousing climate change response. It must make individuals have a feeling of involvement, motivate them to act, and raise awareness. Some of the proposed strategies to improve communication about the risk of climate change are the television media. Channels of effective communications in the television media have to be followed (Depoux et al., 2017). There is the use of experts in disseminating the information because it makes the data believable and readily accepted by the audience. The people disseminating the information should also be culturally considerate. Individuals are more receptive to information if they know there are no cultural biases.

Within the social networks, the information can be improved by having elite sources, which disseminate credible information. These sources can include government organizations that can be used to communicate risk-based messages. Other reliable organizations can also use this platform to share tweets about the risks of climate change. It is essential also to use other social networks such as Facebook to give regular updates about climate change. Through daily updates, individuals can always be sure where they can get information about the climate and other significant effects concerning it. These organizations can also increase the attention paid on social media because of its power in reducing the knowledge gap.

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It has been seen that there is a direct relationship between stakeholders and climate change. This is because of climate change influence business and company production levels. Stakeholders can help shape climate change policies by choosing to invest in companies that care for the environment (Jönsson et al., 2015). This can influence every other firm needing financial assistance to first comply with the policy in order to get financial aid (Trawöger, 2014). By doing this, stakeholders are making sure that the risks of climate change are reduced while at the same time getting value for their money.


Depoux, A., Hémono, M., Puig-Malet, S., Pédron, R., & Flahault, A. (2017). Communicating climate change and health in the media. Public Health Reviews, 38(1), 7.

Jönsson, A. M., Anderbrant, O., Holmér, J., Johansson, J., Schurgers, G., Svensson, G. P., & Smith, H. G. (2015). Enhanced science–stakeholder communication to improve ecosystem model performances for climate change impact assessments. Ambio, 44(3), 249-255.

Trawöger, L. (2014). Convinced, ambivalent, or annoyed: Tyrolean ski tourism stakeholders and their perceptions of climate change. Tourism Management, 40, 338-351.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How We Communicate About Climate Change.


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