27 May 2022


Human Resource Frame

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 301

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In any organization, human relations are a component that can lead to the success of failure in operation. Organizations need employees as much as the employees need the organization; it is a two-way mutual form of association between the two. The employees benefit from the organization in that they get jobs, have opportunities to grow and earn the salaries and wages while the organization gets the tasks done by the people by exploring their skills, talents and energy (Bolman & Deal, 1991). It is important that the management considers involving the employees in decision-making so that there is no dissatisfaction when an action is taken (Mabey, 2003). The University of Missouri case is an example of an ill-informed decision that may lead to loss of confidence by the employees and half-hearted implementation of the duties. In this case, the University of Missouri should have involved the employees in decision-making to reach an agreeable solution for both parties. 

Job security is an important aspect for the employees of any organization and it should be handled with care to avoid cases of withdrawal, rebellion and even resignation from some of the employees (Bolman & Deal, 1991). The closure of some programs and curtailing others without discussing the matter with the employees caused a rift that will take time to seal. The employees who worked in the programs may leave but is still leaves the rest with fear and loss of confidence in the management. There should have been a means of compensating those who were working therein and even relocating some to the most central programs. 

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If it was possible, the University management should have found a way to involve the employees in the decision so that all the parties would be satisfied with the decision once reached at. Decisions that affect the welfare of the employees should be discussed with them and should not be approached in a top down kind of system. 


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (1991). The Human Resource Frame. Reframing organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Print 

Mabey, C. (2003). Reframing human resource development. Human Resource Development Review , 2(4), 430-452 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Human Resource Frame.


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